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Everything posted by LornaDoone

  1. :D I just love solutions! Then blow them a kiss and be on your way!
  2. :D Ummmmmm interesting topic and well discussed. I like your comments Rascal.
  3. I remember alot of songs. I remember (but not all the words) Jesus Christ is the one who can turn you around, Put you on the right track, put your feet on the ground, It's all up to you now, your the one who can make up your miiiiiiiiiiind. dadada Also: Because God raised Jesus Christ from the Dead, God raised Jesus Christ from the Dead Might be the chorus This was Dave Hxxxxxxd, Tim Sxxxxx, Pete Mxxxxx, Jim Cxxxxx They were in NJ at the time Then one of the believers (a corps grad) Ron Hurxx did some very good songs like. Jesus Christ is our stronghold, Jesus Christ is our stronghold, and I forgot the words but alas great memories.
  4. Gee Hammer talking to yourself? Since we don't live with them we don't know their problems so who cares.
  5. Let's put this to rest and move on. RFR and DM are not lesbians. This is a fact and I personally know this to be true. They are as close as "sisters". That is the essence of their relationship and I would stake my life on it. If anyone of you would like to continue to slander their names, you are worse than you accuse them of being. I suggest you find another scapegoat whose reputation you would like to destroy. PS I am not a fan of either of these women, nor do I pretend to like either of them, just FYI.
  6. Honestly, I would hope it would be about respect for Mrs. W., not a slap in TWI's face. There are other avenues for that. George George don't put words in my mouth and read into this something that is not there.
  7. Sorry guys but this is a sad thread. To think that the greatest aspect of holy spirit given on the day of Pentecost is being ripped to shreds. Speaking in tongues is a commandment of the Lord. If you want to learn how to get over being nervous (and I have to eay everyone I knew was nervous in the beginning) teach a children's fellowship. You would be amazed how it will flow from you. You were trying to get approval from people. IMHO For those of you who no longer belive, that is more sad. What a wonderful way to give to The Body of Christ without even thinking about it.
  8. They probably just found out at Greasespot, how would they know they disassociated themselves from her a few years ago. Wouldn't it be nice if all who were involved in TWI over the years did go the her gravesite at TWI II. Boy they would really see what they have been missing all these years and finally see all of those that were not greasespots by midnight. What a witness to those left in. I really pray that there is a huge showing of believers that left and show them all what The Body of Christ is really about. My prayers for the family, she is dearly loved by so many.
  9. Yeah imagine, I rather doubt it. Under the scrutiny of "the fox"?
  10. Hey look at all the good people here Hammeroni and we came out of TWInsanity.
  11. Smurfette, I think you've answered your own question. If you tried out CFF, you don't have to "unload", you just enjoy the fellowship. If you came from TWI they already know what people have been through and they will be able to offer support without asking any questions. At least they would have empathy and love for your situation and they would be understanding to where you have been and be supportive of where you want to go. Aside from posts that answered your question, the rest is old horse .....
  12. Dear Bliss, I know this is a difficult time for you but consider keeping it very simple. You don't agree with their legalistic doctrine that is biased to certain people and not others. You don't like the favoritism and hurt that they have caused to other people. You and hubby really want Jesus Christ as Head of the Church again and Lord in your lives. Please keep us posted, you are in our prayers.
  13. How about taking a two week vacation to spend quiet time with hubby & God. Then believe God to work in him to will and to do of His good pleasure. Maybe you can get him to see he is a minister of Jesus Christ & has a ministry to people, not just thru TWI. Great blessings are ahead of you.
  14. Oh Krys I missed your birthday, :(-->. Well I pray for a whole month of great blessings and surprises. Let um eat chocolate. love you............
  15. I have a hard time with this. I never in the 20 some years of TWI ever had anyone tell me to beat (spank more than one time) to get their attention, then tell them what they did & why they were corrected. Then you loved them up. We had Way Corps that taught this and ran the Christian Family & Sex Class and no where did it ever say to beat a child. Exactly the opposite was taught and that came from hdqtrs. So am I missing something here that Corpse did one thing at hdqtrs and something else on the field. This is from the 70's to the 90's.
  16. "Hmmm, Lorna, could division also be caused by...differences of opinion?" Sorry we were on vacation. Sure division could be caused by differences of opinion? However; I know we can have differences of opinion without division. Sometimes we just have to let it go. I don't think we have to agree on everything, I belive every Christian has to walk his walk with God in a very personal way & when and where we can help each other we do. I don't believe we need titles or religious covers to function actively within The Body of Christ. I believe (and it's my opinion) that I have a responsibility to God to live each day to the fullest regardless of problems that come up and believe Him to bring victory in every situation which He does. I also believe it is my responsibility to help any other Christian believer who needs and wants it to the best of my ability. Division (I believe) comes within the renewed mind catagory. Our little kids screw up, we don't just cast them out and divide our family, so we need the same tolorance of each other. We really are in a screwed up world and it sucks.
  17. Bliss I have enjoyed reading about you. As for nothing out there. The church (you and your husband) would be out there, finally doing what God will work in your heart. As for work etc., you and your husband will be blessed beyond your wildest dreams. God has a plan for you, as members in particular. By the way I love Joel Osteen & his wife Victoria, they just seem to love life & his new book Your Best Life Now is available for 14.99, it's this years best seller. Not that I would advocate following them but at least hubby would see that others do share & live the Word. He is a trinitarian but maybe God will get him beyond that one day. Since leaving I have found so many hungry people on the internet who have received deliverance from learning the things we have been taught, ie Jesus Christ is Not God (I knew this from the Jehovah's Witnesses before coming to the Way), The Dead are Dead. So there is a ministry there for you, it's your ministry. I too have an innie there & would love to have you e-mail me as I have some questions. I am very concerned because I thought they were headed for an Exodus but now I'm not sure. Thank you for sharing, now I know that more people are waking up to the boredom of the teachings. You will have a great chance to do those teachings you have held in your hearts when you leave. As far as leaving, you could just tell them you want to go WOW or whatever they call it now & just go. When you get there don't give them any phone numbers or communicate. As far as your friends, you could prepare a short & sweet note informing them of your decision & why. (sort of pulling them out of the fire) then they make up their own minds. Sure glad you are here.
  18. The answer is simple: Division is caused by "evil" Debbil Birrets To quote a scripture: 1 Timothy 6:10 Â For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
  19. Belle, Sounds like Craiggers was an authority on what he had been doing. LOL However; why in the world would you want to put any of that stuff in your mind again. YUCH!
  20. Belle I know you are right about losing people and it can't happen quick enough for me.
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