I am VERY pleased. Krys is right- it takes many years to build the illnesses, it takes time to repair and rebuild. And the biggest battle is between the ears.
Back to the colon, and for that matter the kidneys. The body's creator made several avenues of elimination- the bowels, the liver, the kidneys, the skin and even the bloodstream. The first lesson I learned in the School of Natural Healing was opening the avenues of elimination. I thought, oh gee, here it comes- just like Bernard Jensen who actually photographs "poop". But when you look at plumbing, there are many similarities. If the plumbing is stopped up, there is no outflow of toxins or wastes and it coats the pipes and begins to stink!
The best herbal formula I have found to feed and rebuild the bowels is put out by one of the school's premier student graduates- Richard Schultze. I have used this formula and recommended it to people who felt that perhaps their bowels weren't functioning every day. The results have been amazing. It is a formula of herbs that encourage the perastalsis of the bowels. I had one student last year who took up to 4 capsules until her bowel responded. She was so thrilled that she wanted to try the follow up formula for removing toxins and the dried, hardened junk on the walls. I told her "whoa" let's get your bowels functioning first, then we will move forward. Now, this formula works without the major diet changes- imagine the results WITH the diet changes. You see, some of our food choices actually paste against the walls of the bowel, and less room for nutrients to be absorbed can equal weight gain for example, as the body is STILL looking for nutrients. Also, as the walls get coated, diverticuli develop. SO WITHOUT CHANGING YOUR DIET ONE BIT, DR. SCHULZE'S INTESTINAL CORRECTIVE FORMULA #1 IS A GREAT STEP FORWARD.
Now, you know that I don't want to see a lack of diet change, but here is a formula that will produce great results.
Regarding the Agent Orange: our livers are the garbage collector and neutralizer. If the liver is not functioning correctly, the everyday pollution, toxins, our hormones, foods (especially fats) and even drugs will not be broken down and eliminated from the body without an adverse reaction. This is why cancer of the liver is so serious. This organ was designed, by the Creator to handle just about anything and protect the body. When it cannot, the balance of the organs will be burdened to attempt to do something they were not designed for. Our sugar-rich diet and lack of bitters is what contributes to liver failure.
Kidney failure or diseases of the kidneys is very serious. These are very delicate tissues and the filtration system is very sensitive. But is removal of a kidney truely the "cure"? My Bible states in I Corinthians 12 that though the body be one, it has many members. And just because the eye is not the ear is it not of the body? and if one member suffers........ You get the point. As spiritual as I was for many years, I read that chapter and thought of the Body of Christ and fellowship AND COMPLETELY MISSED THE PHYSICAL ANALOGY. Until I became an herbalist years post twi. Yikes, was I dense!!!!
Now, I am not saying that there is any condemnation to those that choose surgery. If that is the decision that you make regarding your body, than my prayers are for the best outcome for you. What I am saying is that there are alternatives available to ponder. Again, I think Richard Schulze developed some real result-producing recipes and formulas. (If anyone wants to get his free catalog and newsletters, you may call 1-800-HERB-DOC (437-2362). This is not a sales pitch as I do not sell anything; he just has the most concise information and best quality formulas I have worked with and results are the rule not the exception.
Drinking water is #1 for kidneys, but if you have a person who just won't drink enough, look to water rich foods such as watermelon, grapes, cucumbers, apples, peaches, etc which DO supply the body with good distilled water. Try teas such as marshmallow tea which actually helps to clean and sooth the delicate tissues.
People ask me if it is ok to put sugar in the tea because they can't drink it otherwise. Look, when we are trying to make a positive, healthy, change, there will be bumps in the road. If you do not have a life threatening illness, THEN GO AHEAD AND PUT SOME SUGAR IN YOUR TEA- JUST GET THE TEA IN YOU!!!!!!!! For those who have life-threatening illnesses, refined white sugar is poison and you will have to do WITHOUT. If you must have a sweetener, go with locally produced honey or genuine maple syrup.
Regarding changes we can make---- let me put something together on a seperate thread so those that want that info specifically can go to it. I promise that it will give you plenty of good ideas that whether you want to go vegan or not, your body will respond and you will see a difference. Like I told Krys, it's like being on a training program, do a little, each day, faithfully and you will see the results. And you will be inspired to do more.
My thanks to our Heavenly Father in allowing me to share with you all my studies in this field of over 20 years. Please feel free to ask me, and if not at the grease spot, at wolfgang1vh@yahoo.com.