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Everything posted by griffp
V.P. Wierwille wrote a few religious books and founded a small sect where he led (ruled?) several thousand people. As the leader, he appointed a successor who then ran it into the ground harming many in his path. Dude (Goey) right on no doubt and I'm not Cat lick either
'm new here so here is my offering to the site for today. An ebook of E.W. Bullinger's Book the Two Natures in the Child of God. I read this at least once or twice a year and it always brings me back to reality. The Two Natures Just download the exe and don't worry it is virus free. Save it to any folder and open it like any program. You will need to send for a Registration Key once you open the program but it is automated so you will get it in minutes. God Bless you Paul
I'm new here so here is my offering to the site for today. An ebook of E.W. Bullinger's Book the Two Natures in the Child of God. I read this at least once or twice a year and it always brings me back to reality. The Two Natures Just download the exe and don't worry it is virus free. Save it to any folder and open it like any program. You will need to send for a Registration Key once you open the program but it is automated so you will get it in minutes. God Bless you Paul
Recommend ESword get tool for Bible study. Just want to look up a verse on-line check out. Bible Search Paul
Best Firefox feature: Close Firefox completely and Go to your start menu and click on Run. Paste in this command. firefox.exe -ProfileManager This will give you the ability to have different people use Firefox in their own way. Different profiles, bookmarks, extensions, tabs, folder bars, history, etc. Make sure the "Do not show this again" box is UNchecked though so when you start Firefox you can choose your profile. This is terrific for homes that have multiple people using Firefox as a browser. For more advanced users type about:config into your address bar and customize Firefox right on the screen. Just double click an option line and a dialouge box will appear to make changes. You will see lots of options so don't go nuts changing things right away do a little research first. There is lots more you can do with Firefox that leaves IE in the dust but if you are adventerous go ahead and download Thunderbird email client which compliments Firefox and is the best. If you use Outlook Express you should absolutely change but DO NOT uninstall or delete Outlook Express from Windows (thanks to Bill Gates for his BS software). If you use Firefox you will notice a big reduction in Spyware, almost none. Make sure you change your file extensions so IE stays closed when you click on some file types. To Kit Sober get the Realplayer virus crap off your computer immediately and everything will run a lot smoother and after you do Defrag your drive and download Itunes or somthing else. Love ya.
Go Tigers Please beat the A's for us Mariner Fans.
Ah yes it is all coming back to like an e-coli spinach salad. Man you guys are good I remember the scenario but not the details. Is that just Ole Timers or is is just Jim Beam? Was there not a greek word and an Estangelo Aramaic word involved in the conflict? I would love to remember what it was, bad memory leads me to Workmen. Somehow got construed to athlete in Aramaic. I even talked to that old Aramaic scholar guy's girl friend about the word. What was his name?
I think that was the WHOLE point we didn't care and consequently could confront the peeps who were spewing bs that was the best part of it. I remember when I was in Spokane WA and my little WOW branch filled this auditorium full of people for a JN concert. Afterward with all the regional corps in a meeting they were nuking me for not living up to their expections, there were tons of people there that didn't know me. So after listening to this tripe for 5 or so minutes I stood up and said, "Where in the Bible exactly does it say that I need to meet the expectations of some band", or something close. So then it was "We need to talk after the meeting". Needless to say I didn't lose any sleep by attending that one. Later Bro
Well I was reading through GSC and came upon a major rail of Atheletes of the Spirit. Evan we are finally vindicated from LCM's greatest alliteration of his shabby career. No Perception Paul and Pablum Pyle. There I was: (again) I believe it was a Corpse meeting at ROA our graduting year. I was assigned to go to WA State Evan and I we sitting together as usual and LCM just got off doing one of his tyraids about AOTS and after months of research we couldn't stand it any longer and I went to the microphone. The result of the challenge I think coined the famous Felix phrase "The one who screams the loudest wins the argument". Well seconds later Evan went to the mic and what happened? Same result screaming at us like no tomorrow. Thus in his wrap up came the "No Perception Paul and Pablum Pyle". Gotta love a guy who can come up with .... like that off the top. Ha Ha I have thought of that many times as I read Eph chap 6 and you know what their ain't no Estrangelo Aramaic word for Athlete. I think I even asked Oscar Baker about it later and he looked at me and said "Athletes of the What"?
1. Have dinner ready: Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal — on time. This is a way of letting him know that you have been thinking about him, and are concerned about his needs. Most men are hungry when they come home and the prospects of a good meal are part of the warm welcome needed. Literal Translation According to Usage. 1. Stop for take out on your way home from work. she will be too tired to cook and you don't want to clean the kitchen anyway. 2. Prepare yourself: Take 15 minutes to rest so you will be refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your makeup, put a ribbon in your hair and be fresh looking. He has just been with a lot of work-weary people. Be a little gay and a little more interesting. His boring day may need a lift. Literal Translation According to Usage. If you are lucky enough to get home before your husband and your probably not because you most likely have an office job in accounting or some other profession and he works construction like a dog, make sure there is at least a few beers in the fridge and if there isn't call his cell and let him know so he can stop on the way home. 3. Clear away the clutter. Make one last trip through the main part of the house just before your husband arrives, gathering up school books, toys, paper, etc. Then run a dust cloth over the tables. Your husband will feel he has reached a haven of rest and order, and it will give you a lift, too. Literal Translation According to Usage. Clear away the morning fallout from getting everyone out of the house on time. Oh and make sure the cats or dogs are not hiding any suprises. 4. Prepare the children: Take a few minutes to wash the children's hands and faces if they are small, comb their hair, and if necessary, change their clothes. They are little treasures and he would like to see them playing the part. Literal Translation According to Usage. Prepare the children for what? Daddy!! They are probably on a computer or PS2 and don't even care that the old man is home unless of course there is money that needs to be doled out like a freakin ATM. 5. Minimize the noise: At the time of his arrival, eliminate all noise of washer, dryer, dishwasher or vacuum. Try to encourage the children to be quiet. Be happy to see him. Greet him with a warm smile and be glad to see him. Literal Translation According to Usage. Ha When you get home hubby get the washer going, vacuum the floor and fold the clothes in the dryer. Oh yeah and now we have dishwashers that need to be emptied too. 6. Some Don'ts: Don't greet him with problems or complaints. Don't complain if he's late for dinner. Count this as minor compared with what he might have gone through that day. Literal Translation According to Usage. Hit him or her (remember whoever gets home first has the right of way) with all the BS possible because when he/she first gets home they are usually sober. 7. Make him comfortable: Have him lean back in a comfortable chair or suggest he lie down in the bedroom. Have a cool or warm drink ready for him. Arrange his pillow and offer to take off his shoes. Speak in a low, soft, soothing and pleasant voice. Allow him to relax and unwind. Literal Translation According to Usage. Well since I am a male you know where my brain goes with this one. 8. Listen to him: You may have a dozen things to tell him, but the moment of his arrival is not the time. Let him talk first. Literal Translation According to Usage. See # 6 and guess what, whoever asks "whats for dinner" first doesn't have to make that freakin awful decision. 9. Make the evening his: Never complain if he does not take you out to dinner or to other places of entertainment; instead, try to understand his world of strain and pressure, his need to be home and relax. Literal Translation According to Usage. Why can't we all just get along. #9 is easy there is only one remote and whoever has it owns the evening. 10. The goal: Try to make your home a place of peace and order where your husband can relax. Literal Translation According to Usage. The goal is to party as long as you can because when you are old like me all that is left is Law and Order reruns on the USA network. Love ya.
Thanks for your help Pegger. But since you are from Sno ho county and was in the 8th Corpse you are always welcome to this thread. BTW Are they ever going to finish the road construction up there on I5
"THERE I WAS" Just arrived home from an awful days work hanging drywall my back was killing me (ended up being a ruptured disk) I was climbing out of a little red Toyota pickup truck. My wife was holding the baby and Felix was standing there when all of a sudden the baby turned blue and my wife freaked, she screamed and I couldn't even walk let alone get up a driveway to help. Quick thinking Felix grabbed the baby from my wife and held her upside down from the ankles and with one blow in the middle of her back she coughed up something and spit it out. Her color came back and she breathed easy again. A great save by the Felix and we are forever thankful that God inspired you act. My baby is now 25 and has a BS in Microbiology, is in a Masters program for Education and will be a High School science teacher in a few months. God is good. Roseann is a joy check her out. Click Here
Alfakat Remember when this saved this girls life. She is a bit older now
Yeah that's it remember LB and me used to argue with you till we had to be a the 5:30 am class and we went like caffine fiends back to Emp. Man wish I had that stamina today.
AlphaKat Sweats on, run to downtown Emporia, buy an 8 pack of Little Kings, drink 4 for me and 4 for you run back to campus and be in class, JIT I loved the physical training met so many of my other needs. What the heck was the name of that coffee shop we stayed up all night at?
Cool Tim is a great guy give him my best. BTW how the heck is Henry?
Ha Ha were you there during the infamous "mooning" incident?
Ok I finally found GS and have to post here cause I too was a grad of Sickth Corp. I even still have my name tag with the little rose stuck on it. Don't remember what that was for. Hope just sent me a picture and I almost went into cardiac arrest. Grad day and me and two others plotting against the other sickth corp. Yeah there were two (little known fact). So this site is pretty strange indeed many memories were stirred, I even teared up reading some of the posts. I think I am over the whole thing but I don't know what warped me more being in the Way or being in the Way in the Sixth Corp. Ha Ha So now we are old and I am cranky but I am afraid that if I tell too much then I will get kicked out of here just like I got kicked out of TWI. I need a drink now to settle me down, Jim B on the rocks. Alfakat knows him as well as I do. Come on Fel we pushed that car more than we rode in it. Now Evan's BMW that was fun. How could there have been two Tii Beamers the exact same color at the WCofE at the same time I will never know. Ha Ha poor bas***d he never knew what happened. Later