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Everything posted by griffp
I did the cleanse twice the first time to re experience the drugs that everyone promised me would all of a sudden come back to life. The second time because you got an easier work detail if you did it. Boy am I stupid and lazy.
Ha Ha Giles Fischer, man he was my room mate for a while at the big E and he was really great. I loved that guy not a bad bone in his body. If anyone gets in touch with him it would be cool to know what he is doing. Man did I get lambasted on a thread a week or two ago. Hope tried to come to my defense but to no avail. Thanks Hope I luv ya. We here in the confines of the Sick Corps you can say about anything even if you don't think it through. Ha Ha I love it here. To the guy with the wooden badge, I liked those better than the green ones. At least you were making some dough, we had some poor believers out in nowhere sponsering our a$$es in residence and that was ridiculous. How much exactly did you staffers make?
Dear Pink You have made this thread about you and not the kids, I really don't care about what you think that is if I am making claims that "don't ring true". My concern is the kids!! You and I make choices as adults every day as to where our lives take us. You don't know me and what is in my heart. I believe there is a Bible verse about that. We are responsible for our choices. Your life took the path that you made it take, you may have been tricked or fooled into making certain bad decisions like staying too long in a situation etc. but you however made the choice. Kids as you know do not make their own choices and I was very distraught when I read your post to start this thread. My heart sank. I wanted to go to where ever this abuse was taking place a remove the kids and leave a lasting impression on the whacko who was causing the abuse if you know what I mean. I have four children that I love dearly and I get upset even when little things go wrong for them. I am sure if we knew each other in real life we would be fast friends. You are grieving and this GS is helping you overcome some big issues, please don't let my BS post challenging you hurt you. I really am sorry for it. I would quit this board rather than hurt you. There is a lot of evil out there to fight and little time to fight it. We must continue steadfast in the Word and let that sword wield the power. I am praying every day for you and the others who have been hurt by such abuse. God Bless you and thank you for posting.
Thanks Hope, Ok I have apologized to Pink for what I wrote. If you just want to pile it on that is ok cause if ya gotta go ahead. Now one observation, I have read quite a few of the posts on quite a few of the recent topics I being a recent member here. I have noticed that there is a "click" if you will and that if one of them posts something no matter how outrageous with claims and someone else like myself takes issue with the post, the rest of the "click' rides to the defense. Now my original post which caused all this stir resulted in quite a few (at least 15) emails that thanked me for the post and the challenge to what did seem a little let's say not all that well written or documented (no offense please). Oh well no need to respond to this, carry on with the original thread. God bless. I really enjoy GS.
I just gotta jump in. I grew up in the sixties in New York City We had gangs, they didn't have clever names but they were called things like Italians, Irish, Puerto Rican, Colored (because that is what the nice name was), Cubans, etc. We had run ins but we mostly new where not to go and what not to do. Called street smarts. The thing back then was that even the toughest gangster had a mother and a father who when called home for dinner would run because if they lolly gaged they would get a arse whoppin. It was the family back then that even though there were gangs the over riding force in an individuals life was his or her's family. Today the gang is the family, what do we expect "It takes a neighborhood gang to raise a child" Oh well times they are a changin'.
I am not even going to answer all the unlearned questions in griffp's post. Unless you have walked in someone else's shoes you really can't judge what you would do given the very same circumstances. Mabe if more way corps had woken up sooner they could have saved their own marriages as well. I commend of of you that have changed. I have no agenda except to love God and try to find a place to worship Him with people who love Him too. I know He will take care of me and the boys and my mom. I forgive you for saying mean and uncaring things that you know nothing about. I have already been dealing with this ego. I am simply sharing my story like so many other victims here do for healing to myself and mabe just mabe it can help someone else who may be going through the same thing. Thank you Pink Lady for setting me straight I am sorry, please carry on in your plight and continue to struggle for what you need. If I can help you, as I have said before, please ask.
Ahh Mr Strange after watching what the Saints did to the Eagles I would agree. If or when the HAWKS beat the Bears I think we can score on their defense but keeping their offense off the field is the trick Philly failed to do that. As far as what is a Seahawk. A Seattle Hawk of course. They have been known to roost in buildings in downtown quite a bit. That is why we call them the Hawks. I just can't get on this Saints are the darling team of America cause of Katrina etc. At least not until the Hawks lose.
It seems that there are a lot of Mid west types on this forum so just so you know. Big Hawks fan here. Seattle 28 Chicago 23 Ha Ha go Hawks.
Ha Ha what cracks me up is she really believes in Tom.
Anecdotal evidence, I am a graduate of the Sixth Corp (Yeah big deal I know) I have seen it, all of it and I even had some of this stuff happen to me. My point is that common sense and decency prevails over the bs leadership crap that people swallow. So after some thought, I may have been a tough on the lady, she is a victim, just being associated with the Way is victimization. My Bible says that Believers are overcomers and that's where I stand. My heart goes out to her if she is honest about what she is saying and not just playing to a sympathetic audience. So if your honest and we will not know I apologize for my harsh words. If you are not you will live with it. I am not assuming she is a con artist I am simply saying that she might have an agenda and that she has made a lot of accusations that are not supported by evidence nor have been handled well when they happened. Oh well I knew I would get lambasted so ok I did.
I am going to get slaughtered by the "believe the women at all costs" group but this post is a classic women in distress, "I am convincing myself" and that this is the right rhetoric way to manipulate people. In 14 paragraphs you did not mention that you are going through a divorce but in a later post "The investigation is closed and I was thinking of going over his head. I don't know what to do because I am dealing with a divorce now and trying to put the pieces back togeather of my life not to mention the 2 kids I have left. I have been a stay at home mom for 25 years and now I need to get a job!!" You are the poor I gotta go back to work ex wife. Oh my God the real world is going to chew you up lady. "I think alot of children are still being abused and parents are still being taught by leadership to cause harm both physically and mentally and sexually." That's an outrageous accusation if you have no evidence. The alleged porn film is now missing so you say. "a leader here who I believe abused my son" How and why are the police not involved, just a social agency and a private detective. "I saw horrible things being done to my kids as well as other children." What the heck is wrong with you why did you not get the cops right there and then. "I asked myself and the leader why he did not call me to come bring him clean clothes or pick him up!" You told us the question but not the answer. "During that time I was kicked out of the fellowship for questioning leadership and my husband went along with it. My husband would, when the leader called for my son to come over, make my son go. But after I picked him up nude I refused to let him go back. That caused alot of fights but I did not care. I was trying to save my marriage and get all 4 of my kids out. I stayed in for a year after being let back in after 2 months only to be watched by his asssistant." This is amazing no way I'm letting my kid or my spouse do this. Cops Cops Cops, Lady get a grip. Or is this the blame for the divorce lawyer. "My son finally told me that he was beaten with a wooden spoon many times by this leader. He was put in a chair and left there for over a hour, and the leader saying, I know everything. You must obey me." Your son who was 5 and now is 12, seven years ago over half his life time hmmm maybe a little mommy influence here. Could this be about custody remember you did it too by your own admittance but you are sorry. "The kids were yelled at and harassed. One twig leader was bragging about how one of my sons had taken many verbal attacks and said, he took it like a man. They broke his spirit. I do not see 2 of my kids because they are still under this evil man's control." Your kids as I read it are minors get the cops go in there and get them. "The leader said the parents were welcomed any time but I was never allowed. I was confronting him that is why. I was telling him he was wrong to treat them that way. His face got red and he kicked me out later. I had 3 kids in his camp!!!!!!!" Again where was your head at and where are the cops. "Verbal abuse is promoted as well as physical and even sexual abuse of children is allowed by these so called leaders. I am trying right now to stop this man. I think more of us should do all we can to protect the children from any future abuse. God forbid that he should do this to another child. I am very concerned for my daughter who lives on his property." Third time you mentioned sexual abuse, and you have no evidence except a missing tape. This is weak. "The reason he is able to continue is because no one but one little woman is trying to stop him." And here is the plea, the plight of the victim, you have made so many wrong choices and decisions I am amazed you are still walking around. If truly you are a victim and your children are victims of child abuse I stand corrected by all. I will help you in any way I can, but you better do better than this because I have lot's of doubts. Your most likely seeing these things as you have written them and you are getting even more validation from other posters here I can imagine what the people you actually talk to think. Pray to God that you are wrong for your children's sake and get the cops involved and get your minor kids out. Disclaimer: I have no idea who this person is or who the allegations are about so if I am wrong or way off base someone let me know and I will apologize.
Hey Fel Happy B day bro. 54 holy sh_t, I just hit 39. You are going to have to switch driving to Edsels not Alpha's dude. You most likely still look younger than me but at least I don't have one of those noses like Pyle. Ha Ha Love ya.
Ha ha my error and apologies but since it was 1976 and I was in residence at the time my memory was a blur.
I have to get in on this one. I hate Mayo. Like spreading puss on a sandwich that sticks to the roof of your mouth. Anyone who eats bologna and mayo is a commie. :)
Sorry but that would have been hard since he was appointed by Nixon when Agnew quit and then became President when Nixon quit. Interesting guy though, the only thing I have against him is he play for Michigan.
CES is in a Mess...
griffp replied to Captain Crunch's topic in Spirit and Truth Fellowship International
I love when you talk like that Mommy :) -
Letter from John Lynn
griffp replied to Jeff USAF RET's topic in Spirit and Truth Fellowship International
Would someone please post a link to where I can find out about personal prophesy. I was in the sixth corp and JAL was really after my time. I don't know the guy or CES since I was Marked and Avoided before that was a cool thing to be. (Aside)If anyone is interested I was Marked and Avoided in 1982 because I bought a house and refused a Corp assignment to go WOW for the 5th time. So not having any experience with Lynn or the CES I would like to know about the "Personal Prophesy" thing. Can I do it? Should I do it? Does God want me to do it? Here let me try: "Yea, verily I say today JAL is going down and will bale before the end". Is that the way it works. :) -
Letter from John Lynn
griffp replied to Jeff USAF RET's topic in Spirit and Truth Fellowship International
I need a nap after that read. My first is impression is ok very nicely put John, God bless you and your family, as for the others good Lord people why can't we just get along. -
Here's a song for you man, take this advice, She's not there for you. Click here to listen. As far as the three daughters are concerned boy would I be in a heap of trouble if they knew I posted that one. And after you listen to that one go for this one and Go your own way. Click here to listen God Bless and to all the posters who tried to help this guy here's one for you guys. Click here to listen
dmiller wrote, "Moryan -- find a new girlfriend. If she won't change, life will never be peaceful between the two of you. I know it's hard to trust words on a screen, but please listen." Couldn't have said it better myself but here goes. DUMP HER. BTW I have three daughters
I just read all 5 pages of this thread consecutively. WOW what a cluster. VP ripped off C Welsh who ripped off EW who ripped off Lightfoot. Billy Bright ripped off B Graham. VP was a despicable human being I didn't know the others. Someone posted "The most important Biblical work going on in Great Britain in the second half of the 19th century was the revision of the King James Version...They consulted with a committee in the United States, as well......." What a crock!!!! If these modern day preachers are quoting each other so what who cares. It they plagiarize each other let them sue each other, again who cares. One reason they may not reference anyone else is that when they do quotes like this one are written in reviews. "Essek William Kenyon, whose life and ministry were enormously impacted by such cults as Science of Mind, the Unity School of Christianity, Christian Science, and New Thought metaphysics,23 is the true father of the modern-day Faith movement. Many of the phrases popularized by present-day prosperity preachers, such as "What I confess, I possess..." My life and ministry was enormously impacted by Fred Flintstone and I have said Yaba daba do many times. Another quote from one of these posts in this thread ""George M. Lamsa, who has close theological ties with psychic and gnostic groups, taught Syriac (Estrangelo Aramaic) at the 1962 summer school." So let me write a quote so that people who have never met or extensive read someone's work can know about them. "John who has been seen many times in the company of girls under the age of 7 was dismissed by the school he was a janitor at for improper behavior." Now the truth about John: He is the father of 4 girls under 7 years old and because the school district didn't replace a faulty valve on a boiler he was fired because it blew and scared a lot of kids and their parents complained. But what does one think when they read about John, yes go ahead say it he is a pervert. You see words are very powerful and some not all of the indictments made in this thread are well harsh. One says stole another said copies and then they argue about not saying stole. Jeez what is that. Our Lord was not accepted by the main stream religious head honchos so why do some post that that is a big deal. As if only if your accepted by the academia of today are you worthy to preach the Word of God. To the person who said maybe we worshiped the Bible, does it not contain the Word of God? Have you unlearned everything even the truth? So to the original poster of this thread who wrote,"im too young to recall names, but didn't vpw go to some strange people for information, or study.. didn't he invite a "seed" people to visit with the corpse? im just curious. do any of you know of any strange or unusual people that vpw went to for learning purposes?" Yes he did and every time you log on to GS you go to strange and unusual people (myself included) to learn and to fellowship.
GreasyTech From what you said the defense that Richards would need to use is (if in fact the allegations are solely about the N word) do the plaintiffs own material, watched, listened to or have ever been at a performance of another entertainer who used the N word toward the audience and did not sue. That would change the course of the trial and bring it back to reality which is can blacks say the N word without impunity and not whites. Not that I would want to use the word ever just that I could without fear.
Sudo as LG wrote "the first amendment has nothing to do with holding someone accountable in civil court for damages his speech causes another person." Criminal vs Civil This is the classic example of this argument. I'm no lawyer but I believe that a Civil case to have merit has to show that there were actual damages to an individual. I.E. Ron Goldman, his family sued in Civil court and won the damage done was Ron's life was taken. Here no damage was done unless being uncomfortable or embarrassed is damage. So your point is well taken. If I were to call the President a Murderer because of policy my words would have no effect on the policy. If I were to call my child an dumb$ss over and over it would be verbal and emotional abuse. If it was proved that my words caused that child to become so dysfunctional that he or she caused harm to someone else he or she might not be convicted of the crime but I could certainly be held liable in civil court, and on and on Ad Nauseam. Now I have brought in the issue of Tort Law and Freedom of Speech. This is an excellent discussion. One we have to face in this country. You have raised another issue, "Is it discrimination if blacks can use a word that whites cannot". Basically extending their freedom of speech beyond the scope of whites". This is a good one. Let me ask this, can a black be a racist or a bigot? I contend that the answer is yes, does this forum discriminate, it will block the N word whether typed by black or white. It is up to the people both black and white to hold someone to equal standards not the Gov. I will not buy or participate in entertainment that promotes the N word from black or white. To allow blacks to indiscriminately use the word will whites cannot even utter the word without fear of civil liability or committing a hate crime is a travesty of freedom. Good discussion. PS Today is Black Friday hmmmm 3
Sudo Even though we have freedom of speech it is illegal to "Incite" the classic example of this is yelling fire in a crowded theater. If a fight had erupted in the venue and someone got injured or killed even Jack McCoy would have prosecuted Richards for Depraved Indifference. I have watched HBO Comedy specials where black people use the "N" word every other word. It is perfectly acceptable and denigrates no one or at least that is the impression. We on the other hand have no right to use the word. Even literature like Huck Finn is being banned because it contains the word. Gloria A is a opportunistic media absorbed attorney and should be discounted as such but the underlying point here is that if you are white and a public figure or entertainer there are certain areas which are taboo. Rightly so because decorum dictates it. I don't recall any Concentration Camp Comedy. I recall a routine that Chris Rock does about being afraid to enter an elevator with six white high school kids. Obviously a reference to Columbine but that is considered funny not offensive. Well I am offended and so what who cares. Same here, Richards go off (and not without provocation as I read the story) and all of sudden everyone is offended and money must be paid. Half the post of GS offend me but it is my choice to log in isn't it. What was the phrase "Grotesque Fascination" Does anyone remember Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor, Don Rickles etc.
Ha Ha Fel lcm had no game I stomped his butt many a night and once in particular I beat him with a corner shot in his face. No wonder he tried to kick me out of the sicketh corp so many times.