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Everything posted by greg123
Gooey let's say I know nothing and my mentor knows nothing. Then explain the meaning right now and maybe we can learn something today. Since you are so knowledgeable tell us oh wise one the meaning of charity. What is the true definition. You come up with something better than the original post and I will say you are right. You say we don't understand anything about "real" charity what is "real" charity. Let us in on the secret, show me some scripture to back your opinions. Greg
The problem here isn't that you replied, the real problem is that you can't understand the message being sent. There is no way for us to tell if your post was some what altered to the statements already written. We can just hope that you had a clear mind when you were witting your comments. In the whole example, the non believers must be able to see the love we have within, the manifestation is a example of our believing. There is in no way that when I manifest that I look down at non believers. The only thing I hope to gain is for someone to see the glory of perfect prayer.
When I first put this on here my mentor made sure I took the credit for the quote because he knew that if the people of GS knew who really wrote it they would just refuse it. The statement if to master the object of charity, I never said I mastered it. So I am truly sorry for the deceit so far. So from now on when a quote comes to me from my mentor I will just leave the signature blank. Once again I am sorry and I hope you guys can forgive me. Greg
Exactly my thoughts, you were very interestingly late, you decided to write your opinion after I told you the message came from another source. Therefore your opinion is blurred at best. This message was a combination of verses put together to make more sense out of the Love of god. Therefore it is not wrong nor hazy. The quote or message is a directly from the bible. The whole point of putting non-believers in there is so we focus more on them to get them saved. The non believers will chose between being saved and going to hell. That is called free will, you seem to not be able to grasp the big picture of the message. So I am sorry you can't get it .
This thread at GS has been great I really appreciate how the people here are so honest with there opinions on the definition of Charity. Now I must be honest with you I did not create the quote. My mentor on the Myspace site told me to put it in here to see what everyone thought. He is someone you know well but at this time wants to remain private. Thank you so much for your help and I hope the discussion goes on. Greg
Well it seems as though the people can't understand the epistles. So let me explain each chapter Romans- Doctrine I COR Reproof before a problem II Cor Reproof after hand Gal Correction Eph Doctrine Phil Reproof Col Correction I Thess Doctrine of the hope of Christ II Thess a continuing of doctrine in I Thess I Tim Instruction for Timothy to save the Church before the fall II Tim to save the church after all he!! breaks loose Therefore if we are to look at each II for example IITim, IICor, and IIThess these epistles show the failure of the first one. So IITim is to fix ITim, and so on. Greg
You are splitting hairs, there are really 14 Epistles written by Paul including I&II Timothy, Titus, Philemon, and Hebrews. So there are 5 more epistles than you previously stated. We will never know how much the churches took out when they made the Bible but we have 14 Epistles in the bible. So while there might be 20 epistles does that really matter. Romans 15:4 All scripture written aforetime is written for our learning II Tim 3:16 All scripture is given by Implantation of God. II Tim 2:15 Study to show ourselves approved. The part we must know is the scripture is given by inspiration of God. We must learn it to the best of our ability. Greg
Say What?? Could you repeat that in English please there is to much roundabout in this message. Greg
Well I was working on the subject of defining Charity- Now everyone knows that Dr would say The love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation. Well I came up with a definition of that We should reflect the love we have with one another, putting off the old man, putting on the mind of Christ. Sharing manifestations for the profit of the believers and non- believers. That really captured my attention when I wrote that out, I believe this is the true meaning of Charity. Greg
Well today a man came to my door asking for money for Katrina relief and he added this is what God would like us to do. In my thoughts I had questions for him, the first was will do you think that God destroys life and his answer was yes, then I asked So if God wanted New Orleans destroyed he let the question go by unanswered. So lets say for a moment that God was mad at New Orleans and he had to allow the things to happen. Then would God want us to show Mercy towards them if he hasn't?? So while talking to this man at the door I really think he was going to pocket the money so I just said I just can't see myself going against the will of God. After I closed the door it struck me that is almost exactly what would happen if God allowed it in the first place. Would God want us to help even though he had to let it happen in the first place?? Maybe I am thinking to hard here but I thought I would put this here and see what everyone thinks?? Greg P.S. I just copied this over from the In Memoriam section I wrote it out, but I believe I put it in the wrong place.
Well today a man came to my door asking for money for Katrina relief and he added this is what God would like us to do. In my thoughts I had questions for him, the first was will do you think that God destroys life and his answer was yes, then I asked So if God wanted New Orleans destroyed he let the question go by unanswered. So lets say for a moment that God was mad at New Orleans and he had to allow the things to happen. Then would God want us to show Mercy towards them if he hasn't?? So while talking to this man at the door I really think he was going to pocket the money so I just said I just can't see myself going against the will of God. After I closed the door it struck me that is almost exactly what would happen if God allowed it in the first place. Would God want us to help even though he had to let it happen in the first place?? Maybe I am thinking to hard here but I thought I would put this here and see what everyone thinks?? Greg
No the memo didn't get sent out, but I went to a Burton fellowship and they were mentioning that every once in a while. So they are all watching Geer's class and Cummins did the research for it. Greg
Well I am sure that everyone will be pleased to know that Walter Cummins and Earl Burton have joined Chris Geer making it the Cummins, Burton, and Geer Fellowship. Talk about trying to get larger, well I can't say I would blame them it has been almost 20 years since the ministry fell apart. Well I thought I would stir this in with the conversation. Greg
The thing we must remember a child is not a living creature until it takes his/her first breath. While Abortion may be morally wrong let us look into the facts. We are in the Age of Grace, not the Age of the Law. The Law times were very strict to laws and customs of the time. While in the Age of Grace we can take the Lord's name in vain, we can curse, etc. The only thing that will stop this is the Return of Christ when he will be King and Lord. Then there will be no more death. Death goes into the lake of fire, but I am getting of subject here. Abortion is not killing unless the child is alive first. For example you are pregnant and you have your baby and you don't want you child and you throw the child in a dumpster. This is murder or at the least Child Endangerment(if the child lives). Now let us flip the coin the child is a cell in the mother, and the doctor kills it. This would be the same as if you found anthrax and decided to destroy it all. Some could make the argument that the cell was alive. This of course is my opinion, so in my final statement today I will say I think abortion is morally wrong but it should come down to what the woman wants. The court should have nothing to do with it, they are just interfering in private matters. Greg
Well with me I have 3 parents and I only depend on one of them. There is my earthly family and my heavenly father, you can guess which one I depend on. When I was young I decided to take the PFAL Class because I wanted to. No one forced my hand, burned with a hot flame, or twisted my wrist. In order for us to blame others we just point one finger out and three fingers are pointing right back at you. Our parents may be to blame, but we finally made the decision to do it. No matter what happens God is still there for us. Greg
Raf Said Wierwille writes that there is no word “lama” in the Aramaic.<BR>In truth, there IS such a word in Palestinian Aramaic, the language Jesus spoke. It means “why?”<BR><BR>Number 3<BR>In PFAL, Wierwille writes that the word “lama” should probably be replaced with “lmna,” “for this purpose,” which is never used in a question.<BR>In truth, “lmna” can be used in a question Raf said there is a word in Aramaic named "lama" and it means why. Then why do you think the Lamsa Bible was written to pull the wool over our eyes. My question is did Lamsa write his bible in vain. In Lamsa he says in the verse "For this purpose I was spared". Should we assume that he is wrong?? Then if he is wrong, how precise is the KJV. Thank you and I feel so welcome here. Greg