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GreaseSpot Cafe


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GT last won the day on September 11 2020

GT had the most liked content!

About GT

  • Birthday 02/18/1967

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  • Interests
    Being a pain in the ass to TWI (I believe it to be a mutual interest).
    Other than that, an overall desire to get into trouble.

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  1. Glad to be of service to an anti-vaxxer.
  2. There is zero support for covid and/or vaccine conspiracy theories here. This site will not be promoting them or give them voice. Can be stupid somewhere else.
  3. Amish people were just as stupid and unsurprisingly suffered more deaths than the general population. https://wvutoday.wvu.edu/stories/2021/06/22/death-and-religion-excess-deaths-sweep-through-amish-and-mennonite-communities-during-covid-19-pandemic Science doesn't care about your religion.
  4. Looks like clearing out cookies can clear this up or using a different browser. Software vendor isn't clear what the issue is. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/462663-firefox-problems/
  5. Just trying to keep up with the vendor releases. Failure to do so is what caused the gallery to disappear for awhile.
  6. Found the pictures in the back room under some crates of coffee beans. Took a bit to figure out how to bring them back. Still working on cleaning them up. If you find (like most are still) images showing all black and complain about a template error when you open them, just means I haven't got to it yet. I will though. If they're your own pictures you should be able to open them, then click the configure icon in the upper right corner and select "Edit details" then save that without changing anything. Should fix it. Do the same for the album info. T-Bone's should be good now. Something about a squeaky wheel.....
  7. Meh. No one there impresses me. They're all still sucking off a tit that should have been condemned 50 years ago.
  8. GT

    Recently Left

    Thank you Volchic for sharing your story. Sorry late to the thread. I'm normally only on here lately to fix the site when it breaks or, as tonight, to apply a security upgrade to keep it from breaking. Happened to see this thread. Hit a bit close to home. Started with The Way about the same time and age. Left when Craig got caught with his d*ck out but didn't handle it well and marriage didn't survive. Nice to see you were able to do better than I. It is much better being in control of your own life. The Way only took. Took our time, our money, our energy, our family relationships, our self-control. They gave nothing in return. I see they splintered again. Not surprising. I recognized and know most of the names you mentioned. Only thing splinters are good for is giving people an excuse to leave. Glad you took it. Welcome.
  9. GT

    Thank you!

    Would have had it done sooner if I read my email.
  10. GT

    The Way T.V.

    It's as true as everything else they say.
  11. They're still using "prevailing word"? Craig started that crap way back when. Can no one think something up original? And that dove looks like it died mid-flight and is nose diving.
  12. "Speaking in tongues can't hurt you." and "you temporarily relinquish a portion of your ability to think and question critically" seem to be mutually exclusive. In other words, don't do this while driving
  13. Most people don't realize that speaking in tongues was borrowed from the ancient Greeks. Originally done by the Pythoness of the Oracle at Delphi as far back as the 4th century BCE. Google that: https://www.google.com/search?q=speaking+in+tongues+delphi Or directly: http://ecstaticspeech.blogspot.com/2007/07/non-christians-speak-in-tongues-too.html The crap belief that it came on pentecost and is proof that you're born again is just more snake oil. Christianity has nothing original.
  14. Click the "Delete my Cookies" link at the bottom of the page and clear your browser cache. Should clear things up for you.
  15. I heard it was the weekend before easter.... i.e. last weekend. Must have been one hell of an event. Not a peep from anyone about it.
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