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Everything posted by Imagine
Go. One who knows.
Do you think this syndrome applies to people in the way or those who haven gotten out of the way? Do people speak favorably toward those that keep them in bondage to a spiritually perverse system?
CP3 Physical training making your body the vehicle of God's Word as vital as possible. My interpretation: I try to eat healthy. I faithfully exercise. I want my body to be full of vitality so I can serve God as best as I can. Any problems so far? CP 1 Acquire an in-depth spiritual perception and awareness. My understanding: Try to be God's eyes and see people's needs and serve them as God shows you the need. Be aware when there are hurting people around you and take care of their hearts. Any problems with this lifestyle? CP 2 Receive training in the whole word so as to be able to teach others also. My thoughts: The Whole Bible should be believed, not just chose the part I want to adhere to. The purpose of my study is not to be selfish but to be for the reason that it would help me share with others scripture that may help them at certain times in their life. CP 2 Receive training in the whole word so as to be able to teach others also. My thoughts: The Whole Bible should be believed, not just chose the part I want to adhere to. The purpose of my study is not to be selfish but to be for the reason that it would help me share with others scripture that may help them at certain times in their life. CP 4 Practice believing to bring abundance to yourself and the ministry. Right thinking, George. How perspective you are. My take on this one. I want to trust God and believe that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. When God gives me a gift which could be an ability or money or possessions, I want to have the attitude to share them with others. I will seek out ministries that are doing good, doing justice and share my resources with them. CP 5 Last One Go forth in areas of concern, interest and need. I must be willing to not just live for myself, but go forth as God directs. God will direct me to areas when He is already working and ask me to join him. God will show me who He wants me to be concerned about and where the need is. I will have a choice then to obey or walk away. Any comments?
It's not by works, Maggie Muggins.
I still try to live by the five Corps Principles. Anyone else?
On my continued quest to discover what was wrong with The Way spiritually, I would like to propose Idolatry. The God of The Way was one they wanted to worship. He was made in the image of what they thought God should be like. He was pretty one-sided. He was like a Sugar Daddy. God was like a good buddy. There usually were not any consequences for wrong actions. No condemnation...remember? What about the God of the Bible that says...What you sow, you reap? and God cannot be mocked. I don't think The Way had a healthy respect for the awesomeness of God, the Holiness of God and one to worship with reverence. Again, personalizing this, I discovered an attitude in myself that needed to change. The God of the Bible was not someone I could manipulate for my own personal gain, but rather someone I am learning to accept Him on His own terms.
Is anyone leaving currently? Or are people now at The Way content to stay?
Coming back to read the replies and thank you for all your interesting comments... My point was not the WHEN of what went wrong, but more the WHAT of what went wrong. I think the devil/adversary/god of this world has been against Christians and Christian-like groups forever. He will do anything to make the Christianity look wrong or foolish. Many well meaning and not so well meaning groups have been deceived by pride, both cult and organized churches alike. What I found fascinating is how I personally had been influenced by the prideful "spirit" in The Way. As God showed me my pride, I can confess it and ask for deliverance.
Dear Cafe Dwellers, A while ago, I asked the question...What went wrong with The Way SPIRITUALLY? We talk about the corruptness, but why did it happen? My thought is PRIDE. I think when some leadership became prideful, they fell into devilish deceptions, dank doctrines and dark deeds. Remember, the Bible says...Pride goes before the fall. I came to this conclusion because I looked into the mirror of God's Word and saw the PRIDE in my own life. Where was I prideful? I wouldn't fellowship with anyone who did not believe the Bible like I did. I wouldn't go to church with people who preached wrong doctrines. I wouldn't attend a Bible study with people who couldn't understand the Word of God like I did. Content became more important than caring. Remember this scripture...Knowledge puffeth up but charity edifieth. Did anyone else notice this bad influence of pride in their life? Imagine That
We had to pay a quarter if we got caught saying IT.
During this Christmas season, I wanted to ask you... Who was the one who was the incarnate God for you? Who showed you what God was like? Who portrayed God indwelling in mankind for you? My turn: The person who showed me God's heart by his life was Jim Plunkett.
After they kicked me really hard, I cried. Then, I was told I had a sullen (sad) spirit. It's true I was sad about the way I was treated.
Well, I committed some x s and some X s in Texas, but many sins were committed in other states. Big X s and Little x s Remember those from PFAL? They taught each sin that we commit is the same in God's eyes according to The Way. But are all sins the same? Let's take adultery for example... If I sin by lusting after a married person or if I act on that lust, would that be the same? Many Way people had that attitude and therefore never stopped at temptation. For certain sins, people died immediately. Such as Ananias and Sapphira. In the Bible, it appears that there is a greater penalty for one sin than another. What do you think? Has this doctrine caused difficulty in your life and understanding?
T-bone Thank you for your thought provoking answer. Thank you for taking the time to write back. I also like how organized your post was. (Librarian speaking here) And the pretty colors with red and blue. I agree that the adultery issue was major and I didn't even know it was going on although I should have but choose to think well of folks. The issue you brought up about how sin was not emphasized is good. Many committed sin readily because forgiveness was so available that the attitude was "why not?" I think the spirit of PRIDE was alive and well in the leadership because they expected honor but were not willing to subject themselves to the example of Christ.
I know the facts about what happened with LCM's demise, but I would like to hear a teaching or read an explanation of what happened spiritually. I still believe in angels and fallen angels and that these demons cause problems in the lives of ministries and believers today. Does anyone have any idea what devil spirits were operating in The Way? (I know this will not be a popular topic for many.) :)
I admire What the Hey and the third Trunk Coordinator both very much! Both those fellas have great hearts and vocabularies.
I don't regret the wonderful hymns I learned. I don't regret the supernatural power of God I experienced in miraculous events on the WOW field and at other times.
I remember hearing about the 80/20 rule at The Way. It went like this... If you can agree with 80 % of what is taught, don't be concerned about the other 20% that you don't agree with. I remember that this statement was attributed to Mrs. Wierwille, but I don't know for sure. I can tell you that statement keep me there for a long time because I never agreed with the initial class 100% or 100 % with the teachings I heard for the next 25 years. I always questioned what was taught, but I didn't think the error was bad enough to quit. Until I got kicked out, that is. Then I learned what I should have known all along.
I have regrets about... Hearing Craig's voice when ever scripture was read which made me not enjoy the Bible for about 10 years I have requests about Being taught the private interpretation of one man's egotistic opinions I have requests about Feeling like God would never speak to me again because I was a spiritual reject I have regrets about Not being allowed to question what was taught I have regrets about Spending many years in depression from all the confusion that The Way caused I have regrets about Trying to squeeze God into a formulaic box of principles instead getting to know Him in His manifold variety I have many, many regrets about what and how I was taught the Bible in The Way BUT I do not regret the scripture I learned and the time I spent searching for God. Thank you Ex for sharing my joy. It's taken a loooong time to experience anything like joy again!
The quest is worth the cost. I have looked for God in the harshness of catechism and church doctrines and have seen glimpses of Him. I have looked for God in the greasy grace of the prosperity gospel and have seen glimpses of Him. I have searched for God in many places and at many times. When I have learned to drink from the crystal refreshing water flowing from the Rock, instead of the muddy pools of man's opinion, I am satisfied. When I experience intimacy with the King, instead of fellowshipping with religious paupers, I find fulfillment. When I hear the true clear voice of The Lover, I know I am His child. I don't need to belong elsewhere. I have experienced pain at such levels that I didn't even know if I could endure. All I am saying is that all the effort and time and energy invested in the search for God has been worth the cost for me.
I have NO REGRETS regarding the time spent in learning about and knowing God. Every hour you spent reading the Bible was not wasted. You gained every time you studied the topics of scripture. Every word study you did will have long term profit for you. All the time and effort and investment into God's Word are the precious treasures you will have FOREVER!
Now that I am out of the way,,, If I would greet someone at church with a holy kiss as in the past, they would think it was inappropriate. If I greet a new person, I would offer my hand to shake. If an old friend, perhaps a hug. There are two artists in town, one male and one female, I would feel comfortable greeting with a kiss. I guess I miss the physical touch from the believers.
So now that you are out of the way.... How do you greet people? A kiss on the mouth A kiss on each cheek An air kiss A hug A handshake A smile A nod None of the above
Just a few questions for those who know about The University of Life... What kind of campus does the University of Life have? What kind of sports do they play? Football, basketball, hockey? What are their school colors? Is it mostly a commuter school or are there dorms? Coed? What is their theater department like? The music department? What are the size of their classes? Do students get individual attention? Do professors and students get to spend time together? Has anyone meet the President of this University? Are there scholarships for those in financial need? Are the scholarships for the academically gifted? Can one enter if there grades are not good on a probational status?