railroader II
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Everything posted by railroader II
Thanks B..... Think about this. Why are they avoiding memorial Day like a OT plague. Pentacost actually falls on the 27th, yet TWIt's are celebrating it on the 20th and allowing all staf, HQ and field, the holiday weekend off. Are they afraid or ashamed of something??? Also, think about this one; Veteran's Day, they always do an Armed Forces song tribute to our veterans, but no one has ever questioned why the Coast Guard has never been included in this. They have served as much as anyone else in war time. WW II, a lot of the US convoy escort duty was handled by treasury class cutters from USCG. USCG manned landing craft during WW II and Korea. They did port security duty at most west coast ports and Danang during Vietnam. They also provided all port security during the 1st Persian Gulf War. If I was USCG and saw this happening year after year at HQ, I would be history & tell R.... & co to kiss my grits!!
Okay, all GSC Emeritus. One of you please refresh my memory. TWI always talks about our freedoms in the USA and they always address our servicemen on Veteran's Day, yet they do not recognize the ultimate sacrifices made by many to ensure that very freedom and no longer do you hear at STS anything in prayers about our military or our national leadership. Why the H... not? Maybe this is part of how things have gotten so screwed up... All comments, feelings and even sarcasm are welcome as Memorial Day is fast approaching and we are in a war, whether some want to call it that or not.
Okay guys, Here is what I am hearing. WC is going to HQ starting with new corps. They are planning on running four camps at Gunnison over the next year, including 1 DTA and 2 Living God's Word as a Family. Also, they are making it available for vacations with no??? ste requirements. Should be interesting, as I, for one have not been there. Maybe I'll go just for the chance to actually see the place one time.
The class or seminar you hated the most
railroader II replied to GrouchoMarxJr's topic in About The Way
Any class on the local level that was run in the winter time; because they either did not have brains enough, or were too scared of getting reamed royally, to have common sense enough to cancel the thing. Instead, WE would get chewed for 30 minutes that our believing wasn't big enough to protect us. I actually made the comment one night about what the Words says about being not ignorant of the adversary's devices. Oh Boy......BIG Mistake. Banned from the last 2 sessions and a lecture from big brother BC for a half hour. -
OK OK OK OK What did you like least about the ROA?
railroader II replied to FullCircle's topic in About The Way
In comparison to some I only had 1 or 2 major complaints about ROA>. One, it always seemed to rain; so if we were so into doing things Godly and in order, how come this happened. { Maybe not enough believing or someone out of fellowship? }2. There seemed to always be one or two who got pretty banged up, requiring a trip to St. Mary's Hospital. If we were God's best, and all these believing believers running around, why this??? I guess my biggest dislike the last couple ROA's was having LCM scream & lecture us for a week. If he was the MOG how come it took so long to confront the homos and why didn't he know about the teen thing right under his nose? Maybe because of his own playing around. -
OK OK OK OK What did you like the MOST about ROA?
railroader II replied to Jim's topic in About The Way
ROA was special to me. It meant reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. As I spent a lot of time working east parking lot, I had many opportunities as people arrived. Even though there was a lot of teen "activity" going on at this point, there were still a lot of teens who came over, real polite and courteous, and we would have some great conversations. It made a lot of time go by during the day and late at night. I even enjoyed the meal tent, so what if the line was long.....Yes, some days were horrendous but it all depended on your own attitude and what YOU made of the week. Our area, at least, you were reminded that ROA was a time for your growth, but we were never arm-twisted or confronted. LOcal BC's basically indicated that it was our decision and our loss if we chose not to go -
<_< I'm not sure but since all the row they had a few years back with IRS, it appears they have gone real underground on politics. You don't even hear much at local level any more. Not only that, you hardly hear any of them, at STS or otherwise, even pray for our country or leadership anymore. Oh well!!! I guess things have REALLY changed of late.
The whole thing sounds like something written by their PR people. I wonder if this is another "Terry Bradshaw" type promo where our ABS actually paid for getting that in the magazine? Can someone pry & find out.....Maybe they actually had to upgrade, since they are now putting STS out on DVD. Would be nice if they told the innies what they were doing. Ha! Ha!
The word compound in most instances would fit HQ, the way they ran things, EXCEPT they could never truly sealy it off like Waco, Jonestown or some of the other places. Not when you had two important county roads that ran right through the place. As much as they would have loved to, the state and county would not let them shut down wierwille road or the one that ran between the OSC and West Woods. I had a friend who worked for Shelby County SD and he hated getting calls up that way, because it usually entailed dealing with TWI "safety patrol" people. He said that was usually a nightmare. I wonder why?????
Yeah, control your thinking, like good little automatons. Now, I stop, look and reread everything after lcm and rr & company force fed us the party line. I try never to take anything at face value. For all his faults, ole docvic did give us one good piece of advice, and I think Belle and some of the other older GSC members remember this "don't ever take my word for what you are taught. Go back and research it yourself and make it your own." That was when we had a Research department that actually did what it was supposed to. Not this canned stuff that you see us getting today. Some of the teachings that I've heard in the past few years have actually made some sense, in spite of the control freaks. No matter what gets said, it makes you think. I had a BC who " God forbid" did encourage us to think and use the different research material that we had.
Yeah, PB; Been there, done that more times than I want to remember. Very strange coincidence with this. It would always come up during some of the worst weather of the winter. The Way class had just been released and was running on the field. In the middle of the class, we had a bad storm and everyone was advised by our BC "you will be at tonight's session or be dropped from the class." Against my better judgment, my spouse & I made the drive to class. a 35 minute drive was over an hour each way and we got chewed out for not being there 15 minutes before start. I bluntly told them they should consider it fortunate we were there at all, icy roads, heavy fog and at least 4 cars in ditches. When they said we weren't trusting God enough, I had enough. I reminded them rather bluntly that God will protect us when we did our best but not when we are being stupid and driving when we shouldn't. They shut up but, next chance they had, we got chewed some more. I said hey! What's more important " the class or our lives, we don't do God any good in the morgue." Dumb, stupid leadership sometimes.....
True friends were the ones who sttod by you when the going was at its worst. The ones who would take you aside and gently explain what you did that was wrong according to the Word. True friends were the ones who would run at 2:00 A.M. if you had a crisis or even a minor problem and not get upset for you interrupting their sleep. True friends are the ones that sat with you and cried with you at the loss of a family member and showed you how to deal with the grief that came with it. Unfortunately, after about '86 those friends became very few and far between because evryone was either leaving due to the crack-downs or they were so afraid the gestapo might "M&A" them for caring about someone's feelings instead of spouting the party line. After one loss a BC actually had nerve enough to tell me that my believing must not have been big enough and that was why I suffered the loss of a relative. By the 2000's it was so bad, that you could lose a parent and you would not even get a sympathy card from HFC's. Instead, you get told " when you get where you are going, make sure you check in with local LC and let them know where you are & phone # and report evry day what your plans are. I basically laughed in their face & hung the phone up on them. Once the s**t started, friends disappeared quickly. Today, I know an LC who actually is halfway human and treats people with a little real respect. Do NOT ask me how that happened!!!
generously supporting the University of Toledo
railroader II replied to potato's topic in About The Way
Potato, thank you... Now I have a question for you and Belle or one of the others that understands accounting better than I do. How can that be used as a tax write-off when TWI is " supposed " to be a tax exempt organization according to IRS code and I wonder what IRS would really have to say about this one??? Thanks people....... -
Until enough people stand up to be counted in a court room, TWIts and company will continue to ride roughshod over anyone and everyone who has the audacity to attempt to stand up to them. Their Gestapo {attorneys - barf!!!} will continue to trash, manipulate and harass the legal system until they cave in just as what happened in NC with the abuse case cited in another thread. This is what comes about when you get too many bleeding-heart liberals sitting on the bench. Why do you think there are so many crooks & pervs running loose now. You pull this c**p in a place like China and you have 2 options, left ear or right ear and then your family gets the bill for the bullet. May be a bit extreme, but at least justice is served.
generously supporting the University of Toledo
railroader II replied to potato's topic in About The Way
Sorry excathedra: University of NLife is not around any more. BOT scrapped it because it wasn't "present truth"..... Notta & Potato: The older members can vouch for this one. Years ago when Don & Howard went on BOT, vpw told them flat out "get control of the finances" Howard always talked about how, if someone wanted to, they could always take a look at the books and see what was going on with money. Maybe??? that's why lcm & friends managed to get them off BOT. To stop free access because they did not want EVERYBODY and their brother to see what was really happening. I know Howard had the task of telling the MOG that putting WC full time, even though that was supposed to have come from God, was bleeding monumental amounts of red ink. In this case they didn't shoot the messenger like Stalin did, they gave him Emeritus status to get him out of the way. Any other suggestions people........ -
I wonder about some of this too. We have HFC's here in nice big houses that they are making payments to parents on, LCs who are now residing in large homes, driving practically new vehicles and we are still slaving away, getting chewed by the sharks because we are not ABSing out the rear and living the good life at the same time. Hmmm! Must be lour butt-kissing isn't big enough to suit some of them. Yuch!!!
generously supporting the University of Toledo
railroader II replied to potato's topic in About The Way
Okay guys & gals, I'm going to really upset some. I talked to a friend who sits on the foundation board for a western college and I was informed that even though it may say cumulative, that applies to THAT year. If the information is in one or more reports, it is because that much was donated EACH YEAR!!!!! So, it looks like someone's kids are having a good old time with our $$$. Belle, you or potato may be able to dig a bit deeper on this. I don't have the contacts I used to. I think they have been scared away from talking to me due to what I've been into because of them..... -
generously supporting the University of Toledo
railroader II replied to potato's topic in About The Way
Okay, For anyone who wants to verify it for themselves here's the link: http://utfoundation.com/index.asp?id=95 Once you get there click on 2004 or 2005 Annual report. The file is slow to load as it's a .PDF file but around page 14 you will find the donors list. Look on the $100,000 - $499,000 list & you will find TWI listed both years. -
generously supporting the University of Toledo
railroader II replied to potato's topic in About The Way
Well, I am not sure about right now, but I know at one point we had about 15 - 20 of the staff kids enrolled up there. This included a lot of the WC kids. We also had a bunch, including lcm's, going to Bowling Green. It would be interesting to see if BG has them on their donor's list also. If I remember, the W**tw**t*'s ran the student fellowship at one of them. Maybe one of the older outies can help on this one. How about it ppl????? -
To our doubting Thomas: aka griffp, before you start condemning this woman, I would suggest that you read some of the other posts that have appeared regarding this subject, This has been a prevalent occurence over the years. The reason that not much has been done is because TWI goon squad/ attorneys have managed to suppress a lot of the information, or they have humiliated the people complaining to the point that the charges end up being dismissed because they are severely harassed into not pursueing things ant further. Please note: this woman did go to Child Protective Services, who then sent her to a detective. Yet nothing was done. Why??? Typical TWI interference behind the scenes. They mot likely did exactly what you are doing by painting a picture of her as the villian instead of the victim. You MIGHT want to rethink your statement and apologize to the lady.
Pink Lady my heart goes out to you and the children. Even though I am not a parent, I have seen this go on in certain areas before this. Here are a couple suggestions: 1. Document everything that you know or suspect has happened. Get it ALL down on paper as concisely as you can. 2. Once that is done, make multiple copies and PLEASE make sure at least one copy is stored in a safe deposit box. This is your back-up in case they suddenly start disappearing. believe me, if you are not absolutely careful, things WILL suddenly start vanishing. "been there, done that. 3. Get with your local police and social services department, give them the information that you have and be totally honest when they talk to you. 4. Take another copy of your documentation to the local district attorney's office, discuss this with them and make them investigate. 5. If you seem to be hitting a brick wall, hand deliver the information and anything else you can get a hold of pertinent to this to your state attorney general's office and hand it to the head of the criminal investigation unit. 6. Find out who your U.S. Attorney is and where his office is located. Make another copy of EVERYTHING you have and send it to him Registered Mail with a signature required. This may seem like a lot of leg work. I'va already been on this road for about 14 months dealing with my own headache. Believe me, it is well worth every bit of the effort you will have to put into it, if you really want your kids back where they belong. I know you do. One more requirement & I will stop babbling. You mentioned that your husband has been involved and has left. Get a reputable locksmith in and change every lock on the house, and then get your attorney to request a court restraining order to keep him away from you and the kids. As you walk, trust God always. He will guide you on the path you need to take. God Bless You Always........
Thanks Belle, Eagle & Skyrider. As a Leopard never changes its spots, or as vpw said" don't put new wine in an old wine skin" you can't put anything new into something that's old and worn out. The whole idea is manipulation by the few, ever so subtly so you do not realize what is truly going on. To newbies, they are so sweet and kind, like the old days when it was honest, yet to the ones who have been there a long time, it's turn the screws for every cent you can get. This "new" class is not even on video. It's back to the old days of an audio class. Those who were not in Dallas fork over $50.00 while the "grads" get to hear it again for free " if there is enough room ." Hmmm, that sounds familiar. In the mean time, if you have to do something while this is going on, you are looked down on like you committed some mortal sin. Heaven forbid!!! New technique, same old BS; no wonder they are bleeding red ink all over Ohio.
They guy was so defeatist from the beginning saying that I would say sorry no chemistry and end things. I don't believe you can find that out in one night, and the negative comments kept coming from him. I was starting to wonder if I had made a mistake in agreeing to meet him. Well I did meet him and we went to a hole in the wall bar at 11 pm to play pool. The guy was all over me, and in public. When I told him that I thought PDA was rude. He felt it was not rude, and that if it made people uncomfortable then they were just jealous. The bar was filled with couples and other than him pawing on Freeatlast: It sounds like this guy was a moron. As Belle said, there were red flags all over TWI but a LOT of us tried to ignore them because we did, for a long time believe what was being said. You can have the same online. A person can be so nice and charming online and yet in real life turn out to be the creature from the black lagoon. My spouse & I actually met through TWI and we've been married more years than I can count. When we started going out, we took things 1 step at a time and we set some very specific ground rules for conduct right from day 1. Even when things were at their worst we adhered to them and we do to this day. My point is this: If you find a person you are interested in, be up front with them and learn to trust your instincts. If yiu have a bad feeling, it is most likely God trying to protect you from a mistake that literally could be fatal. If you are willing to listen, God will protect you. It does not matter if you are a TWIt or not. He does not want harm to come to His kids. Remember this: "It behooves one to be wary when among strangers and not to trust too much." Also: "Living a life is much like climbing mountains - the summits are always further off than you think, but when a man has a goal, he always feels he is working toward something." Whether a relationship, a new career or getting over "TWI" we are all working toward something, including helping the innies that read these forums. Listen to Belle and some of the others. I probably haven't met a lot of them but most of them I would tend to trust 110%
To Belle and everyone else, I wish I could be the bearer of good news but I think NOT!!! Our own little war continues while we solidify our case. The wheels of justice do move slowly at times, yet I trust advice of counsel more than I trust what is spewing from hq right now. From our view, they continue to love you with one hand while the other is either picking your pocket or trying to rip your heart out and make you feel like s**t in the process. Some LC's are actually nice, yet HFC's are very devious to you. God help the innies because r*s** & company are sure not going to.
() Seth R: check under www.theway.org BUT, as far as I know, the only contact allowed is via snail mail. I think they do not want to accept email because they are AFRAID that: 1. Someone will overload them with spam. God Forbid!! or 2. Someone mean { not us } might actually send them a computer virus and contaminate things. Let us know if you find anything different.