railroader II
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Televangelists under fire by the Senate
railroader II replied to shazdancer's topic in About The Way
We have enough problems without the Senate sticking their noses in this particular can of worms. If there is a problem, let IRS check it out first. As far as I know, questionable spending is still their bailiwick. I would not waste time giving them TWI's name. It would just mean more ABS going into that bottomless pit called the attorneys' pockets. -
Well, I don't know about other areas but, I can say I have seen another bit of change in our local area { somewhere in the West} Yesterday marked Veteran's Day. It has always been observed at HQ and all local branches. Ha! Ha! Not here any more. I guess the new, kinder & gentler Way no longer sees the need to recognize those who have and are currently serving. Nothing was done. Not even recognition on the HF's level... :( . Oh, they did mention in passing that there was a parade, if you are interested. I guess these things no longer are important to the mucky mucks at HQ. What an insult to our men & women currently in uniform.....
Okay, let's go back a bit to a couple of WTH's other observations. He mentioned weapons of mass destruction and fleets of bombers: yes, we did have bombers in England and other areas which were aimed at Germany. However, if you look at the RECORDS of the 8th Air Force, most US bombing targets were German industrial areas. The largest share of the cities destroyed were bombed by the British IN RESPONSE to Germany's attacks on British cities, including the blitz attacks on London. Let's also look at a couple other uses of massive bomber fleets. How about those operating with Franco's forces in the Spanish Civil War. { oh I forgot. Those were actualyy being flown by GERMAN flight crews. Or, the German bombers that hit Warsaw, Krakow, Rotterdam, Amsterdam and other major allied cities in the early days of WW II. How about what Japanese bombers & troops did to the major cities of Chine { Shanghai, Nanking and others there} Do NOT criticize the US. We answered in kind for massive, brutal barbarianism by the axis powers..... Oh, let's not forget the U-boats and raiders that Germany employed in both wars. Without timely US lend-lease Germany could probably forced Britain out of the war without having to invade. Germany was the one who introduced the use of chemical weapons on the Western Front during WW I. This included the use of Mustard & Chlorine gas among other things. Also, the last 3 major conflicts on the Continent were initiated by GERMANY! Remember this also, there was a non-agression pact between Germany & Russia. Part of that agreement was that after the invasion, Poland was to be divided between Germany & Russia. Hitler needed the oil and raw materials that Stalin could supply. Do not stasnd there and criticize the US for our actions in the bombing of some of the cities. For many, many years, the US policy has been and continues to be retaliation in kind for attacks. The use of nuclear weapons on Japan, which was TWICE, was to try and bring a speedy end to the war. The military had warned FDR & Truman that an invasion of the home islands of Japan would produce 1,000,000+ casualties. It was a calculated risk that had to be taken. Now, on Israel, Palestine was to be set as a Jewish homeland, according to the terms of the Balfour Declaration, at the END of WW I. That never came to pass, just as Arab independence never came to pass. WHY??? Because the people involved were lied to by the British & French, who wanted control of the oil resources. The US got involved in that fiasco because we had the technology to develop those resaources. Read "Churchill's Folly" or read 7 Pillars of Wisdom written by T.E. Lawrence. The Arab countries have a long history of lying & distrust to build on for their dislike. Also, remember, Hussein had chemical weapons, even if there were none when we invaded. He used them on Iran during their war & he also used them on his own people. { Kurds } Every combatant in history has used the premise that they will use whatever method necessary to obtain their goals at that particular time & place. :blink: :blink: :blink:
Guys, all I can say is, don't waste your breath any longer on these people. It is obvious that they, just as a lot of others during the war can't accept the truth, even if it were to bite them on the butt. If you read some of my earlier posts on this particular subject, you know some of the history. The first camp { Dachau } was opened in 1933 by Hitler. It was not intended as a "death camp" but was originally designed to house political prisoners. Those people who were a threat to Hitler & his war plans. It was a couple years later, on "crystal night" when the first real concerted attacks were made on the Jews. Himmler, with Hitler's blessing was one of the chief architects of the final solution forthe jews and anyone else who was considered a threat to the dominance of the Nazi Party. In regard to the news footage, those cameramen that were referred to actually belonged to the German Army and answered directly to Dr. Joseph Goebbels, the propaganda minister. If you are at all familiar with WW II history, you would know that the Gertmans and Japanese both had one habit that helped convict a lot of them in the end. They were fanatical about documenting EVERYTHING they did. They, unfortunately for them, failed to destroy the records when they knew they were losing. Read the history of Nurenburg. Better yet, do something I suggested a long time ago. Talk to some of the veterans who are still alive that served in Europe. There was bot a British or American Army group that was not involved in liberating one or another of the camps. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22the+holocaust%22 Check out the link above or just go to your public library. Oh, I forgot. According to you all the evidence is one giant fabrication. I guess next, they are going to try and say that Sept. 11 never really happened either. This is the reason so much history is being lost. People can't or won't accept the way things actually took place.
Thank you Sunesis & Zshot. It is truly easier, as history proves many times over, to accept the lie than to admit the truth. Like you, I grew up around men who had the horrible honor of liberating some of those camps. To their dying day, they could not get rid of the nightmares of those days. When they came home, thye tried sharing what they found, but people would or could not accept the truth. As I mentioned on anotherb thread it is a case of self-denial on a grand scale,,,,,
In regards to the title of this thread. Yes, a mind IS a terrible thig to waste when you were in TWI after the loyalty letter went out. That stopped people from using their common sense that GOD gave them. It stopped them from freely associating with others outside of Zion for fear of the dreaded "M&A" label. It was what stopped a lot of us from seeing what was REALLY going on in the household until it was too late. A mind is a terrible thing to waste when you were condemned for questioning some of the BS drivil that was promulgated by the great & noble BoD from corn country who didn't know a jot & tittle from their collective a**e*.
I'm not sure how it is in areas now, but previously I know we were "urged" to go witnessing to people about the Word. As soon as someone showed interest "however", we were Suggested" to discuss with them taking the class, whichever was coming up at the time. I still wonder about all "the good" we supposedly did for others when we could not even keep major illnesses out of the "household." Were we missing something along the road that we, as believers, should have been confronting and correcting??? Were we good little robots and hypocrites at the same time???
Reading through this topic, I would like to add an observation and a few feelings of my own as this reaches home. Everyone talks about docvic being proud of his German heritage. As my background is also German, I wonder if there is a distict possibility, because of that, that he could not face up to the reality of his country doing something so horrible? I know, from discussions in our own house, that my relatives had an extremely hard time handling the truth of the Holocaust. When the first reports started tricking out of Germany in '41 & '42, no one would believe it. They felt no civilized country could be so guilty. What they did not realize was the fact that old Uncle Joe Stalin was doing the same, if not worse, for years prior to the start of WW II. Look at the purges of the Russian Officer Corps during the 30's. That left the army so decimated that they Russians were totally unprepared when Hitler turned on them. Growing up, I talked to my great-grandfather & grandfather about things and they were so ashamed of what happened that they would not admit for many years that they actually were German. It was a major case of self-denial. I grew up around veterans of Patton's 3rd Army who could never get rid of the nightmares of what they saw when they entered some of the camps in Germany. In regards to present day Israel, read your history. When the Arab Revolt occured during WW I, the Middle EasT WAS SUPPOSED to be turned over to the Arabs. Instead the British & French divided it among themselves for the oil. As part of the Balfour Declaration, drawn up by Churchill & others, Palistine was designated as a new homeland for the Jews. Instead, that was carved up also, and part became present day Jordan. I xcould go on about the UN but that ios a totally different topic which I could fill a book about.
Gee Twinky, that must have been in the days when they still had loads of $$$ coming in. Today, I don't think they could afford to. Belle, you mean staff actually got paid enough to warrant direct deposit. I guess that was before lcm put staff on a need basis payroll. It just sounds kind of funny, knowing the way the bod handled a lot of things at HQ.
After reading some of the posts, I think now is a good time to add another 2 cents worth. I finally realized it was time when I saw the lies & double-dealing going on locally. It's hard to stand by an organization that continually rewards falsehoods, deceit and down-right lies, while the leadership down the tree does nothing except harass and intimidate those that jopined for the Word.
TWI Headquarters - a maintenance nightmare?
railroader II replied to igotout's topic in About The Way
Thanks Belle, I can understand that. I know we've seen all kinds of notes coming out of "Beautiful Ohio" looking for ppl to fill open staff positions. I can't understand why someone wouldn't JUMP at the opportunity to work in Paradise for peanuts, 50+ hours a week and get to hangh around Foxie & co. Ummm..... you suppose the innies are actually smarter than the BOD admits they are??? -
TWI Headquarters - a maintenance nightmare?
railroader II replied to igotout's topic in About The Way
Food for thought: If they do have so much money socked away, why do they continue to forego routine maintenance on facilities at HQ. Correct me if wrong, but my understanding is that a lot of buildings there are NOT being cared for like they should { Auditorium & Founders Hall } for starters. Also, I believe that counsel has advised them { RR & co } they would have to maintain corporate office in Ohio as that was the way corporate charter is written when ole DocVic and Uncle Harry signed the property over to TWI . If they moved to Colorado, they would have to redraft corporate charter and also would have to reapply to IRS re: tax exempt status for the elite. They do not want to spend any more money than thet have to. They want that nest egg intact for their later years. -
I do not think it's a case of a "diss" attitude, but more a case of seeing various things from different perspectives and areas. We've all been witness to a lot of the BS that went down over the years, but from varying angles and this gives us a chance to sound off and compare notes. Also, to share a tear or two together. By the way, welcome back Belle. It has been weird not hearing from you on some of these items.
Shortfuse, I agree with you 100%. Just as we learned in the 70's with oil, if you turn off the faucet, you WILL definitely get someone's attention. In this case, RR and everyone else who has their eyes in the ABS as their retirement nest egg. The thought of them { God forbid} hAving to do real work after TWI could give them a major coronary. :blink:
I can sympathize with those that went '85-'86. Ours started good, ended as a near-disaster and actually worked out decent by ROA '86. Did our time out West and I think, in spite of certain occurences, we actually grew that year. Went back to the area for the next year. What a difference. Our BC actually applauded us for standing fast to the Word and commitment despite what had happened. Made me feel pretty good to hear that, as we had had a few "discussions" during the WOW year.