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Everything posted by VeganXTC

  1. VeganXTC

    Organ Donation

    You don't have to answer if its too personal, Zshot, but what does being in Germany have to do with donating blood?
  2. VeganXTC

    Google Ads

    Wow! I didn't know there was a GreaseSpot Store! I'd like some stuff for my car, like a magnet, or those flags, or a GreaseSpot Bumper Sticker. And I'm with Belle. I could use an apron, with pockets. What does the new logo look like? Is there a color scheme?
  3. VeganXTC

    Google Ads

    I said that. Like on this topic, the ads are for Google Adsense, and other ad services. Now that I'm posting, the ads have the word "portal" in them. I'm guessing because of the IPB Portal on top. But urine off? LOL! I don't know about that one.
  4. VeganXTC

    Health tips

    Love you too! We'll just agree to disagree.
  5. VeganXTC

    Health tips

    RonG said: Proven medically by a bunch of quacks. Boston Children's Hospital, The Mayo Clinic, The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, all say a plant based vegetarian diet is healthy. From: http://www.cok.net/feat/ada.php Vegetarian Diets Healthy for All, Says American Dietetic Association In June 2003, leading nutrition organization, the American Dietetic Association (ADA), released its new position statement on vegetarian diets. “It is the position of the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada that appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.” The report goes on to discuss a variety of vegetarian health issues and further states: “Vegetarians have been reported to have lower body mass indices than nonvegetarians, as well as lower rates of death from ischemic heart disease; vegetarians also show lower blood cholesterol levels; lower blood pressure; and lower rates of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and prostate and colon cancer.” “Vegetarian diets offer a number of advantages, including lower levels of saturated fat, cholesterol, and animal protein and higher levels of carbohydrates, fiber, magnesium, boron, folate, antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, carotenoids, and phytochemicals.” I don't mean to negate your other advice, Ron. Exercise and portion control are great. But people who live the longest eat a plant based diet.
  6. VeganXTC

    Google Ads

    On another board, there is an option of becoming a contributing member. It costs $20 a year, or $2.50 a month. With that you get really cool benefits, like your user name in color!!! Along with a contributing member designation. I sure would send money to Greasespot if I could get my name in color here! OK, I would probably send money to Greasespot anyway, but I have no idea where, or how. Is there a thread on that somewhere? BTW, the ads are pretty fun! I like how they advertise whatever topic I'm reading about.
  7. I'm glad young men's pants aren't as baggy as they used to be. I was amazed my son was able to walk! His pants are still loose and sit low, but at least I don't worry they're going to fall off of him. He was never into hats, unless it was 30 below. He had some pretty strange hair styles at times though.
  8. Ah! Whisky and Mountain Dew! No better way to celebrate. I'm showing my age here, but does anyone remember the commercials for Mountain Dew when it first came out? Two hillbillies were sitting around, and one would yell. "YAHOO! IT'S MOUNTAIN DEW!" Did you shoot your gun at midight on New Year's Eve, Ron?
  9. VeganXTC

    Organ Donation

    Mark, What a horrible experience you had to go through. I'm so sorry. Rocky, Funeral homes selling body parts? Eww! I have a friend who is a mortician. I'm going to ask her if she 's heard any stories of illegal activities. I have an organ donor sticker on my driver's license, but I think whether or not its honored is up to my next of kin. The hospitals can't do anything without their permission. I just don't like the idea of my body laying in the ground when someone can use it for something useful, even if its just to let a student learn how to make incisions.
  10. Many times I was asked to baby-sit, and when I got there, was asked to clean the house, not just tidy up after the child and myself, but scrub floors, clean ovens, iron shirts, you name it. Lots of times the twig or twig area was asked to come to Limb or Indiana Campus and clean inside and out. Once I was reproved for wearing clothes that were too nice. I was wearing jeans and a flannel shirt. It makes me wonder what I should have been wearing, and what kind of work they wanted me to do. The thing about all the work too, was they would ask and you were expected to drop everything and serve. "Would you be blessed to watch little Sarah? I need you here in 5 minutes." It didn't matter what you had planned. It only mattered that you obeyed.
  11. VeganXTC


    That's wonderful! If this the first time you spent with them? Have you met some of your birth family before?
  12. VeganXTC

    Health tips

    If you're having medical tests done, find out when the results will be in, and call them. Keep calling every day, until you get your results. With all the different people handling your test, the data could get lost or delayed. When you call, this will alert your doctor's office that something is amiss. Dried fruit, like bananas, peaches, and apricots can lower blood pressure. And, well, Go Vegan!
  13. Aww, what a sweetie! Even with his skin condition, he's so cute. Thanks for posting them!
  14. http://childparenting.about.com/od/childdevelopment/ This site is pretty simple, but has some interesting info. I found lots of sites for brain development of babies, but nothing for school age children, so I can't help with search terms. Sorry! Anyway, good luck with your search! And hugs for the boys!
  15. Welcome, punkelf. I'm so happy your mom had enough sense to treat you with love and respect. TWI was not the place to go to learn parenting skills. I'd love if you started a new thread about being raised from an early age in TWI. I may not have a lot to contribute to it, because I didn't get involved until I was 18. But it would be healing, like you said. And it might show people who are still in TWI, or involved in offshoots, that are lurking, that being raised in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, is NOT what is going on.
  16. That is great news! Hurray for Mugsy! (What a cute name.) I'd love to see him. If you could post his picture, or a link to it, that would be nice.
  17. Forget all the other advice! Your friend Tom should have some plastic surgery. Because here is what women really want in a mate: a softer jawline and plumper lips. http://reference.aol.com/article/_a/how-wo...103111809990001
  18. Our daughter worked for the Humane Society Wildlife Division last summer and there were plenty of bird brought in that would have died if they weren't fed. Michigan reports that mute swans and wild turkeys die because of starvation every winter when their food supply is at its lowest. In harsh winters, Canadian Geese starve when ice and snow cover the land and they cannot get at their food.
  19. I'm sure you're right, Psalm. I tend to let my imagination go into overdrive. That's great he's getting better at the shelter. Do you know when he goes up for adoption? Or is he available already?
  20. Ok, so, I'll add what I found. Ellison, a criminal defense attorney who converted to Islam as a college student, denounced Farrakhan, and he won the endorsement of a Minneapolis Jewish newspaper. A statement released by Steve Hunegs, executive director-designate of the Jewish Community Relations Council, expressed optimism about the election results. "The election of Keith Ellison as the first Muslim in Congress is a ground-breaking event in American politics. It also presents a significant opportunity for Minnesota's Jewish community," said Hunegs. "Our community has an historic tradition of working with other faith, ethnic and racial groups to achieve goals important to all Minnesotans: religious pluralism, protection of civil rights, eradication of hate crimes and social justice advocacy." Hunegs added the JCRC looks forward to working with Ellison to work toward finding peace in the Middle East. http://wcco.com/topstories/local_story_310080755.html Belle, to say that people of Islam hate white people because of the Nation of Islam, is like saying Christians hate black people because of the Church of Jesus Christ-Christian. Like Abigail said, they're both small parts of a larger whole.
  21. Do men outnumber women at Star Trek conventions? If they do, that might be Tom's problem. Way too much competition. Why stay committed to Tom, when she can date Joe and Bob, too. Has he tried an online dating service? The people on those sites let you know if they are looking for commitment, or just someone to date. I would tell Tom to be himself. If he tried to change to attract someone, the woman he would attract wouldn't be the one he wanted.
  22. Welcome Biblebrain! You said: The last paragraph of JAL's letter seemed very judgemental towards the brothers-in-Christ here at Greasespot. I don't get why you think they're believing in the one body. It looks to me like CES ministers, JAL at least, are trying to cause more division.
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