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Everything posted by VeganXTC

  1. DMiller, You're an Indiana boy, and you went out of your way to help Drty Dnz's mother-in-law, who is my mother. In my eyes you can do no wrong. While I do appreciate that you do not want to say anything that will hurt or offend anyone, please don't feel like you need to repress your voice. Especially if it leads to a greater truth. Roy, homosexuality is not for me either. But one of my best friends is a gay man. You should see all that he has to go through just because he loves a man instead of a woman. And the people who treat him the worst are the people who claim to love Christ the most. It makes me ashamed. But that leads me to another "doctrine" of TWI. That any two believers (as long as they're male and female, lol!) can make a marriage work. If you were married to me, when you got home from work, I might say, "Sorry honey! I'm too busy singing Kum Ba Ya with my friends the PETA activists, and the Gay Rights squad to fix dinner. But there's a tofu bowl in the fridge!" Now, Drty Dzn would be happy there was a party happening, and would fix food for everyone. But I would guess 75% of the guys that post here would not be happy! And that's ok. Since when was it sinful to be yourself?
  2. I want to hear everything! How did everyone like your costume?
  3. TWI always taught that homosexuality was wrong. In fact TWI says if you are gay, you are possesed with the worse devil spirit of them all! Horrors! When I look at passages that TWI used to defend their position, it either talked about strange flesh which I feel is about sleeping with angels, or about idolitry. I never saw where it was wrong for two adult men or two adult women to form a loving and committed relationship.
  4. Kit, Zaba search is good. http://www.zabasearch.com/ You can try NetTrace. It has multiple search engines listed in one place. http://www.nettrace.com.au/resource/search/people.html About.com has an article on how to look for people for free. http://websearch.about.com/od/peoplesearch/ I hope you find what you need!
  5. Bringing it back to the top, cause its just too good to miss!
  6. Yeah, but yours is way better Garth, cause its all about the video!
  7. This is the best video ever! I must have played it 500,000 times. Did you know you can buy his white and nerdy sweatshirt? So, cool! Thanks Garth!
  8. When Drty Dzn and I left the Way Corps, I was brought before JAL. He said that I had to leave, but he said I wasn't kicked out, I chose to leave. Drty Dzn was brought before LCM and was asked if he wanted to go LOA for a year. Drty said no, he was going to drop from corps. LCM said "You can tell people you're kicked out then."
  9. He's amazing. Love and good things to you both.
  10. VeganXTC

    End of the Road

    Are you sure this is just a thread lamenting singleness? When I see things like it takes too much effort to breathe, or no one would notice if I was dead, well, no one should feel this way.
  11. VeganXTC

    End of the Road

    Sometimes, most of the time, when I feel like this, its not enough to talk with friends. Its these dark times when its best to talk with someone professionally trained to help us when we feel this down. I don't know what going on in your lives that's hurting you right now. Its none of my business. But I do know that there are many, many people here at Greasespot that care about you both. Please call someone.
  12. CAUTION: spoiler alert! Clicking on the link below will allow you to see a re-enactment of RHPS by bunnies. http://www.angryalien.com/0705/rhpsbuns.asp
  13. Dot, I am so, so, very sorry! OMG! What an absolutely horrible experience for you to go through.
  14. VeganXTC

    Eddie and me

    I don't even try to keep up with Stephan Hawking. But he's revered in our house. I live with three science majors (my husband and two children). When we're all together, the topic quickly turns to what's being learned in class, what the newest scientific dicovery is, and the latest research that is happening. They become quite animated. My contribution to these conversations are usually limited to "Hmm," or "Wow!" I might do a little better with 5th grade probabilities than with theoretical physics, but not much better! Eddie sure is lucky that its you that is there for him.
  15. Thanks for answering my question about healing. I'm glad it was easy for you! Everything is hard for me, lol! I'll think about what you said. Its good to get another person's perpsective on things, at least for me. Sometimes the answers are right there, but my thinking becomes tunneled, and I can't see them. But if someone tries to help, even if they can't show me the correct answer, at least they get me to change the direction of my thinking. Like your eyes of your understanding being opened. Did that make any sense? LOL! Anyway, thanks!
  16. Roy, I have a quick question. You know how the Bible says, "by his stripes we were healed"? Well, if we were healed once, because of all that Christ went through for us, then why do we need all these different ways to be healed? Why would we need gifts of healing? Why would we need communion? Why would we need anyone to lay holy hands on us? Why would we need someone to pray for us?
  17. DD, yeah, I agree. By the way, did you know Weird Al is selling white&nerdy sweatshirts on his Myspace page? For $49. I wonder if someone has a birthday next month? Or maybe celebrates Christmas the month after that?
  18. I like how the cartoon wows were sent to Offshoot, Idaho. Maybe it was revelation! I'm going to try one of the wowisms with my son. Me: Son, try some tofu. Son: Ugh! No way! I'm off to McDonalds. Me: Just renew your tastebuds to this good physical food. Yeah, I think it'll work.
  19. I don't want to take sides. I'm sure both of you are wonderful people and I would be proud to be friends with either of you. But Allan, why do you care what Templelady believes? I could see if you had a vested interest in her, i.e. she was your sister, daughter, or other relative. I just don't know what's in your heart. I know you don't agree with vegetarian philosophy, but you're cool with me. What's different between you and Templelady? Templelady, I dated a boy in highschool who went to a LDS church. He was very nice, and his family (all mormon) treated me (non-mormon) well. We would go on dates to his church, where I learned to polka! LOL! God must have been working, because I married Drty Dzn, and moved to Milwaukee where people polka before they can walk! Anyway, this boy and I would go to the movies, and sit in the back row and kiss. Well, we grew up and he went on a mission? Like out WOW? He sent me a letter asking for forgivness for taking advantage of me. I thought, huh? All he did was kiss me. I wasn't too smart back then. The point I'm trying to make is, maybe there are some faults and wrong doctrine to the LDS church, I don't know. But they raise up some fine people. And I think your church is the most fun!
  20. This is how to tell if a man is a geek.
  21. I found this: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/The-Way/ but I'm like you, Sudo. I've never heard of Jim until this thread
  22. VeganXTC


    Someone sent me a link to an artist who carves very realistic pumpkins. http://www.villafanestudios.com/pumpkins.htm He teaches how he does it too.
  23. When I was a little girl, I would go to the grocery store with my mother. The employees seemed to happy. If we went down an aisle were a man was stocking, he would smile, excuse himself, and make room so we could pass. The butcher would come right away if my mother rang the little bell, and cut her meat the way she wanted. The cashier would make small talk with my mom, and give me a lollipop. :) Now, I'm made to feel like I'm in the way when I'm shopping. Store employees are inconvenienced if I need any help. Cashiers barely look at me, unless I ask, "How are you?" Then they look like I'm a serial killer. I do have a friend who had the produce mangager ask if she needed any help when she was wandering around his department. She was looking for sprouts, which the supermarket didn't carry, so he special ordered some for her. She's 23, drop dead gorgeous, and has legs up to her chin. But I don't think that had anything to do with the help she got. My mom felt very bad one night. It turned out it was only indigestion, but she thought she was having a heart attack. We called our family doctor at his house in the middle of the night. Forget calling the doctor now. In an emergency, I would call 911. But I can't ever call my doctor. I have to call my insurance provider, and they tell me what to do. It takes a half an hour with all the button I have to press, to finally get to the person who can answer my question. So, yeah, I noticed customer service is gone. BowTwi, I drive a Saturn! I love it, and their service department.
  24. Roy, I've never heard of Yahoo Jim. He sounds goofy to me. If you write the same things on that board that you write here, you sure don't come across as holier than thou. You come across as a guy who cares about people and is excited to share what he has learned, or is thinking about. And as far as healing, wow! Roy, your posts are healing to read. You offer kind words with a loving heart. Plus, I remember that video you shared about the car wash. LOL! Doesn't God say a merry heart maketh good like medicine? That's what you have Roy, a merry heart, and you cause me, and many others to have one too.
  25. Has anyone read God Delusion? Or The Blind Watchmaker? I haven't read either one, but people who have said they're excellent. My curiosity wasn't aroused about the books until I saw Richard Dawkins mentioned here. I thought God was different than religion, or non-religion, kind of like Christ is different than what I have seen in Christian churches. So, why bother. But maybe there's something to what he has to say?
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