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Everything posted by VeganXTC

  1. VeganXTC


    Pond, I am really, really happy you are not an alcoholic, or alcohol addict, or alcohol abuser, whatever you want to call it. With the all people in your life that drink, you sure don't need me to tell you what a horrible way of life it is for everyone involved. But your response reminds me of that story in the Bible about the prodigal son. The good son was angry because the bad son was getting a party. And the father said: he who was dead is alive again; he who was lost is found. I don't see anywhere where Cman asks to be made a hero. But I do think we should throw him a party. Woo-Hoo! Cman! You Rock!
  2. I'm sorry, but I'm really stupid. I know a worm is a bad thing, but that's about it. Can you or someone else tell me what this particular worm can do, and what should be done about it, using very easy to understand terms? I don't have a myspace account, but both of my kids do. I'd really hate to see their computers messed up by something preventable. Thanks!
  3. Thanks Dot, for starting this thread. Sometimes, I think people may feel that the sexual abuse that took place was always a violent rape. I have no doubt that this took place. But there were times when women were "courted." Invited to have lunch, come over and watch some TV. Fun, alone times where nothing sexual happened, just one on one time with the current leadership. And during those one on one times, the leadership would ask about your life, and teach you things, and make you feel special. Make you feel like they loved you with the love of God. You trusted him. It happened so slowly. Like that analogy of a frog in a frying pan. So, by the time the sexual abuse did happen, you thought something was wrong, but it was just "wrong thinking" on your part, because how could this leader who loves God and cares about you do something so selfish? Yes, I believe some men in leadership positions knew exactly what they were doing, and how to get what they wanted. An evil game. And kindness was part of the con.
  4. Seventh Generation http://www.seventhgeneration.com/our_produ...dry_powder.html and Method http://www.methodhome.com/products/detail....e=he64oz_fclear both label their products very clearly. Of course, neither one of these companies test on animals. Do you think this is just coincidence?
  5. :) Seriously, I don't care who celebrates what, when. As long as I'm not forced to bow down and worship that moronic animal abuser, Santa Claus. I mean, what's up with this guy? He keeps these reindeer confined at the North Pole without much food (why do you think the poem says eight TINY reindeer?) then expects them to haul his fat self and a huge load of toys all over the world in one night! Then, if that isn't bad enough, he goes into people's homes and eats cookies with EGGS and washes it down with MILK! OMG! Its all been documented, by a non-PETA source for all you skeptics. From now on, its Santa Banana for me!
  6. VeganXTC


    I prefer vegan gumbo. What a surprise, hey? But yeah, to me, gumbo isn't gumbo unless there's okra. A touch of sweet to balance the spicy heat.
  7. Welcome Mother of 2! I never understood how a triune god could exsist, before I was with TWI, during my time with them, and now. But I don't think the idea of "Jesus Christ is not God" originated with VPW. For me at least, my belief that Christ is not God has nothing to do with how I feel about VPW. I too have family that were in TWI, and have left and "joined" spinter groups, and are loyal to VPW. Some don't know all that happened, some don't believe all that happened, and some know and believe, but feel that what VPW taught is truth, and nothing else matters. I'm glad you're here, and I hope you get answers to your questions.
  8. VeganXTC

    10 or more

    Yeah, we usually get tons of snow. It starts with a dusting in October, and I've seen snow here in May. But I stay here for a Dzn reasons, all of them Drty. But in his defense, before we got married, he did ask me where I wanted to live. I told him where ever he wanted. The things we do for love, hey? We sure got snow last night, and its still coming. Bowtwi, they closed ALL the schools in Milwaukee county, and I'm sure you remember, they never do that. Kenosha and Racine are suppose to get over a foot. We won't get that much, and its suppose to stop by noon. I'm scheduled off from work on Fridays, so I don't have to go out in this. DMiller, maybe if I was in the country, in a 4 wheeler, I'd love the snow. But trying to navigate these narrow Milwaukee streets with snow packed on the sides to make them even narrower, in my little Saturn, and add to that people on their way to the malls, trying to finish their holiday shopping, not paying attention, well, its no fun for me. The dog is loving the snow though. He thinks its manna from heaven, and runs around the yard eating it up. Maybe I should teach him to eat the snow on our sidewalk. No more shoveling.
  9. VeganXTC

    10 or more

    I'm in Milwaukee, and we haven't gotten anything either. We were listening to the weather channel all day at work, and they kept calling for more snow as the day wore on. Ugh! I can't stand snow. I hate shoveling, I hate driving in it, but most of all, I hate when people come over, and track snow all over my carpet! Grrr! I do like the cold though, and all the things that come with cold weather, like hot chocolate, and warm sweaters.
  10. Ok, I read it here: http://faculty.washington.edu/agg/pdf/Gwal...SP_1998.OCR.pdf http://faculty.washington.edu/agg/IATmater...GB2005.PSPB.pdf Basically, they say it measures how well a person switches tasks, rather than bias.
  11. I thought I read somewhere that IAT's were flawed because if you would switch the order the test was given (black=good, white=bad; then black=bad, white =good) the results would be the exact opposite.
  12. LOL! At least you found it! Thanks Potato. I asked them to carry it too.
  13. Potato, how did you ask Netflix to carry it? Is there a form somewhere or an e-mail address? I'll ask them too, cause I'd love to see the movie, and its not on my PBS station. (I already wrote PBS)
  14. That's so sad, Potato. I stopped going to fellowship shortly before Drty Dzn did. He told me some things that were happening, and once he said, "I'm suppose to make you come to fellowship, as head of the house." He rolled his eyes, and we chuckled, and the subject was dropped. I wonder if he was told to beat me into submission, or if it was implied, or what. I'll ask him this evening. My daughter once said she felt degraded to be hit with the wooden spoon. She said since spoons were used for cooking, she felt like nothing more than a bowl of oatmeal. When my son was around four, he was playing with another older boy, around 8 years old, from fellowship, while his mother and I talked. I don't remember what happened, but my son made the other boy angry, so the boy hit my son with a small elastic cord. Just once. My son came screaming to me, and when I asked what happened, the older boy told me. I said to the boy, "If he ever makes you angry again, tell me instead of hitting him." That should have been the end of it. But the boy's mother took the cord, and whipped her son with it several times, and demanded he apologise. He did, but you should have seen the look of rage on his face. It was horrible. The saddest thing is the boy's mother wasn't some monster. She was a good woman who was just trying to do the right thing.
  15. And Jonny, why are you so opposed to neutering and birth control of wild animals?
  16. For Bluzeman: http://www.bowhunting.net/artman/publish/TRMichels002.shtmlhttp://www.huntfairchase.com/docs/f293cc30.doc I wasn't able to open this completely, so I can't quote from it, but you'll be able to see the magazine and issue it came from if you want to run down to the library and look. For Jonny: Jonny, people have beliefs about African Americans, and women, and homosexuals, and Jews, and any other minority you can think of, that are horribly prejudiced. Am I wrong because I fight for their (our) best interests even though it may not line up with someone else's beliefs? Is it wrong for me to believe the same life that is given to all mankind and all animals is sacred and worth protecting and fighting for, even if you don't? And Isaiah 66:3 says killing an ox is like killing a man. But people who do that are choosing their own ways and are happy doing wrong.
  17. No, the above message wasn't from me, because I would have addressed certain things. Like how its illogical to think that just because we are part of "nature" we should use animals as role models. And how its not a "right" to hunt. And how the simplest method is not always the best. And how those in need don't want your meat. Oops, already talked about that point. You know Jonny, people talk about vegetarians and how we are always trying to shove our way of thinking down someones throat. My first post on this thread said the government was keeping the deer herds high so that they could get money from hunting. It was anti-government, not anti-hunting. But people hear what they want. Say what you want. I'm tired. I'm done.
  18. Apology accepted and bounced right back at you from my side. I don't think nature kills to maintain a balance, its more of a consequence to when population gets out of balance. It will correct itself eventually (as what may happen to the human species), but man is in a unique position to oversee that the balance is kept under control. A lot of times his efforts backfire or produce other problems. We got rid of the natural predetors and now must do their job.We decide what the size of the population that we want to maintain. It can be done through killing, the quick way, or by neutering, which would require a lot more work and planning. Its probably unrealistic to think that the quick fix wont be employed for many generations to come. But most activists have some pretty lofty goals. The problem of deer getting in the way of cars is a symptom of the bigger conflict that areas that man inhabits come into conflict with Mother Natures design. That is how we are separate from nature. Jerry
  19. Neutering and birth control for wildlife does work. It works in New York: http://fairharbor.com/fhca/ca2206deerimmuno.htm and it works in Maryland: http://www.nist.gov/public_affairs/factsheet/deer.htm Hunting just leaves room for the surviving deer to breed and fill in the gaps. I think sometimes its hard for people to think outside their comfort zone, and to look at alternatives that they haven't tried before.
  20. Thanks for posting this Roy. Whether or not I believe certain holy books, or even passages from holy books, I still find it interesting to see how people explained things. And how religions that appear to be very different in their doctrine can be very similar in their stories. I enjoyed this passage. I could see Adam acting scared the first time he saw the sun. And wondering what to do to save his beloved Eve. Cool stuff!
  21. Greasy Tech, I scored the same as you. I'm sending this to my daughter. She plays in the orchestra at her university, and she's her roommate is also her stand partner. She's also dating a Liberace Scholar. I'm interested to see if they score better than we do. Thanks for this!
  22. Where I live, like Drty Dzn said, we don't have a deer problem. We do however, have a problem with Canadian Geese. The solution to their overpopulation was to round them up and kill them, and distribute their carcasses to food banks to feed the poor. The geese that were deemed inedible were to be given to companion animal food companies, to become Fluffy or Spot's dinner. Lots of problems occurred with this. One was, the food banks didn't want the wild geese. How can anyone test to see if they are fit for human consumption? There is no testing facility in place and wild geese are different than domestic geese, so you cannot use the same methods to test both. The food banks didn't want the liability if someone died from eating a Canadian Goose. I don't see where I advocated letting animals starve, or bringing in predators to control deer population. I just said this is how nature does it, and does it effectively. I did advocate TNR which has worked for feral cats. Here's a site that can answer any questions about wildlife birth control: http://www.pzpinfo.org/faq.html Its not as goofy an idea as some would suggest. Good night, if hunting was such a good way to control the population, why is this thread even here? Obviously hunting does not control deer population.
  23. Nature takes care of the size of the herd. Natural predators, like wolves and bears, go after the weak and the young. Starvation and disease also kill the weakest. But human hunters kill any game animal that crosses their path, including the large, healthy 10 point bucks that are needed to maintain the survival of the herd. If you look at Wisconsin on the link RumRunner provided, you'll see Lyme disease has skyrocketed. Hunting has never been outlawed here. Hunting is not the answer to smaller, stronger herds of deer. I doubt if people would like to live with bears or packs of wolves in their area either. The only alternative that I can think of is TNR. (trap, nueter, return)
  24. VeganXTC

    TWI II trustees

    From the album: Our Life in TWI

    Bibles and guns!
  25. VeganXTC

    The Gu@rini's

    From the album: Our Life in TWI

    Good people
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