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    Vegan Recipes, Activism: pro-peace, pro-compassion, pro-love

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  1. A huge thank you for sending out e-mail notifying me (and others, I'm sure) that this interview is here. I just finished listening, and I'm excited to hear the next installment. After this post, I'm heading over to Amazon to check out Kristen Skedgell's book. Lots of information discussed and I'll need to listen to it again to process everything. I chuckled at Pawtucket's first impression of VPW. Maybe that old teaching about first thought is correct after all. Thanks again. This interview, and the book, are very important, and need to be heard.
  2. And my favorite sloppy joe recipe is here: http://www.veganchef.com/ Click on sandwiches, then scroll to pinto bean sloppy joes. She has a lot of other recipes that are great, too.
  3. I doubled this recipe, and used it for Christmas one year. I used red and green bell peppers, and thought I was very festive! Looking back, it was pretty hokey. But the recipe is good! Stuffed Peppers 2T olive oil 1 onion, finely chopped (about 1 cup) 3 cloves garlic 2 cups finely chopped mushrooms 1T chile powder 1t salt 1(15-oz) can tomato sauce 1/4 cup water 1/2 cup quinoa 4 bell peppers 1 (15 oz) can black beans, drained and rinsed 1t maple syrup Cilantro for garnish In saucepan over medium heat, sauté onions in oil for 3-5 minutes, until translucent. Add garlic and mushrooms, sauté about 5 minutes. Stir in seasonings, quinoa, 1 cup tomato sauce, and water. Lower heat and cover. Simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 350 and prepare the peppers: Boil a large pot of water. Cut tops off peppers and remove seeds. Boil for 5 minutes, and drain. Combine beans and maple syrup with cooked quinoa mixture. Stuff peppers with filling and stand upright in a baking dish. Pour remaining tomato sauce over peppers and bake 15 minutes. Remove from oven, garnish with cilantro, serve.
  4. I have lots of vegetarian recipes. Do you need fast and easy recipes to get a meal on the table quick, or do you want something more elaborate? Here's a fast one: Southwestern Red Beans and Rice 2 1/4 cups brown rice 3T olive oil 3 onions, finely chopped 1 green bell pepper, seeded, deribbed, and sliced 1 1/2T chili powder 1t cumin 1t garlic powder 3 (15 oz.) cans kidney beans, rinsed and drained 1 1/2 cups salsa 1/2 cup water Tofutti Sour Supreme (optional) Cook rice. Set aside and keep warm. In a large skillet, heat oil over medium high heat. Add onions and bell pepper and sauté until tender, about three minutes. Add spices and cook for another minute, stirring constantly. Add beans, salsa, and water, cook about 5 more minutes. Serve over rice with a dollop of Sour Supreme. Serves 6.
  5. VeganXTC

    New Museum

    I looked on the site, and I couldn't find anything about the scientists. Does anyone know their names, or is there a link that tells me who they are?
  6. VeganXTC


    And a happy Father's Day to the step-fathers, the men who step-up when the birth father won't. I'm happy I have a wonderful Step-Father.
  7. That's wonderful, Dooj! I'm so happy for you! I looked at all your paintings that you have posted; they're all so beautiful. Have you decided whether you'll send more of your work to Italy? Will they be any of the ones you have posted here?
  8. I don't know if you would call it strange, but I did a lot of searching after I left TWI. I raised holy hands in a fundamentalist faith healing group. I sat naked in a salt circle in a wiccan ritual. I was audited by scientologists. But here is where I have you beat, Imagine. I went back to TWI! Thankfully, I didn't stay long.
  9. VeganXTC


    Wow Mo! You're an amazing person! It sounds like you're doing great so far. I wish I had your blood pressure. I think your surgery will go well. Love and peace and health to you.
  10. I babysat starting at 13 for 50 cents an hour, no matter how many children there were, but the parents usually gave me a little more. Then I graduated from high school, took PFAL, and babysat for free.
  11. JAL, the Theisens, Jeff and Dan are being sued by MG from what I understand.
  12. VeganXTC

    Another Accent Test

    The people on the southside of Indianapolis speak with more of a southern accent than the northside. I heard its because the people who settled there came from Kentucky, but who knows what the real reason is.
  13. I'm surprised this style is still around. My son dressed like that when he was in middle school, 6 years ago. I voted people should dress how they want to. I agree it looks silly, but the way I dressed when I was a teen makes my children laugh. Think day-glo polyester. I also remember my mother telling me to change my clothes before I left the house more than once. You want to know what really bugs me? Trying to find jeans for myself that come up high enough. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong stores, but it seems like all the jeans for women are either mom jeans or super low rise.
  14. Well, Billy, you're right, but I'm sorry you are. I guess I wanted the leadership to be stand-up guys, ya know? The kind of men who would say, "Look, here's what's happened, and here's where we are now. I made mistakes and I'm willing to be man enough to take whatever I have coming to me." The kind of men who hold themselves to a higher standard than a court of law, the Word of God. You're also right about most of what you said regarding JAL. He said only the anonymous were without love or courage, so since I don't use my real name to post, I took it personally. I wonder about your last sentence, though. If JAL doesn't intend to hurt people, why does he do it so often, and so well?
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