Gentle Servant
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Everything posted by Gentle Servant
CES is in a Mess...
Gentle Servant replied to Captain Crunch's topic in Spirit and Truth Fellowship International
Some questions: Just curious why you would support a market niche organization? You said you were involved with CES? Did you also need a refill? How are you filling the void nowadays? Do Tom and Jerry have a research ministry? I prefer Ben & Jerry's. I looked up that site you gave me, Jewwatch.com. So are you really a racist and an anti-semetic? Or is that just your sense of humor? -
CES is in a Mess...
Gentle Servant replied to Captain Crunch's topic in Spirit and Truth Fellowship International
Quote: (from the letter to Mark) In that vein, the reason I remain totally committed to Spirit and Truth Fellowship International is because I can find no one else with the “package” we have to offer. —John Lynn benefits? perks? fringe? PLEASE choose to be among us. —John Lynn hmmm? -
CES is in a Mess...
Gentle Servant replied to Captain Crunch's topic in Spirit and Truth Fellowship International
Well, guess I have all those Sower magazines around somewhere, I could scan you a copy of the teens sitting in a large classroom with uncomfortable chairs and the fake wood siding and the leader of the PFAL class or whatever they called it then. I think it might have been their corps program for youth. Sorry for the obscure reference, I forget everyone doesn't have the same hard drive as me sometimes. I wish they sold upgrades. lol Happy Birthdays. GS -
CES is in a Mess...
Gentle Servant replied to Captain Crunch's topic in Spirit and Truth Fellowship International
Thanks WaterBuffalo, Sushi, therebutforgrace, Mark et al. I don't post very often, but you gave a nice coming out party. Those prophecies sure sounded a lot like the devil spirit paranoia that was used to excommunicate people in the attack years. If you didn't agree with the agenda you must be possessed. Of course. I used to get The Sower and read the articles, but they stopped after awhile. It was all too familiar for me. And of course, I didn't send money. Been there too. The photos I saw of some classrooms at CES looked very uncomfortable. I wonder if you could go to the bathroom? :) -
CES is in a Mess...
Gentle Servant replied to Captain Crunch's topic in Spirit and Truth Fellowship International
It seems to me that personal prophecies often have an agenda behind them that is more carnal than spiritual. It amazes me, though not really, that often the sons and daughters of higher ups in the organization somehow seem to get these amazing personal prophecies of great things God is ordaining them for. Oh, and also the wealthier contributors do well. Meahwhile, there is that person who heals up the broken hearted and hurting of society, undoes the heavy burdens by their kind words and insight and continues to set captives free from the words of cruel people, and they also help the poor and rejected ones of society. There is rarely, in my experience, a word of prophecy given to them, unless of course they need some toilets cleaned at headquarters, then they are told they have the gift of being a help, or a servant. It is fairly easy to spot the elitism there. Well, too bad, I really thought this would be the organization who would complete the WoW task. Fer sure. (sarcasm) The prophetess lashing out at the event planner was very reminiscent of someone who tore you a new ahole if you didn't make the coffee right. Oh, can't you just feel the love. Personal prophecies sound like a new spin on mark and avoid oh, and control. We learned about those tactics pretty well. The prophecies to John's wife were straight from hell. Isn't it funny how these prophets all came up with different versions. Isn't there a wise man among them? As bad as I am, I have never had God speak to me like that. Breaking up a marriage why? Jealousy maybe? Politics? I personally find the comparisons between twi and ces/whatever to be pretty convincing and numerous. Enjoyed the cup of cool water on this one. Funny how those missionaries and doctors who help the sick and hurting around the world most often never had to have a word of prophecy from someone to do it. They heard it directly ^ and they responded. A teaching ministry is for producing a bunch of people who actually do very little for God and a whole lot for maintaining an organization. Keep reading, keep buying tapes… maybe after the next class you will get to some new level, but probably not. Now volunteer at a nursing home. Donate to a homeless shelter, visit the sick and imprisoned. Help the opressed. Maybe then we are closer to what Christ has in mind. Building a teaching and research ministry you are bound to eventually have to do something besides see giant snakes or find the correlation between the Pedangta version of the aramaic and..... Dream those dreams, just keep on dreaming and having visions and prophecies. But it doesn't really take a rocket scientist to see people in need nowadays. Prophecy to CES: My dear little children, wake up...reality is calling. Agreeing with if it quacks like a duck etc.... Sure you probably didn't need my take on this, but after reading the required material and all the subsequent posts thought I would let some steam off. Thanks. GS :wub: -
Quote: What does trouble me is seeing people needlessly hurt. What also troubles me is seeing a place that claims to be there to help those who are exiting TWI hurt the very people who could benefit from it the most. Seeing people turned away because they are different, or still struggling. Seeing people turned away because they do not write well. Abigail, I would have to agree with you that it is not good to hurt people. It is not good to post private emails either. If someone sent me a private email saying they didn't like me I would be hurt, but I wouldn't throw it out there to gain sympathy from others. I have never seen someone who was exiting TWI get maligned, even in past posts there. I think most people that go there do know how to write, but it is definitely not a requirement. We like to laugh and have a good time as do the folks here. Roy is welcome to post over there, but some do not enjoy his little idiosyncrasies like preaching, teaching, prophesying, and blowing holy kisses. It is also against the rules to come across as an elitist. You know like I am all spiritual and you are not. That kind of thing. If he must continue with all that and he knows people don't like it over there, then why go there? As for you being called a Troll, that was way cruel and uncalled for. I would have protested had I been there at that time. You are a good person and I hope you can forgive those who did that to you and not hold it against the rest of us. I am also sorry that Roy got hurt there. GB GS
Quote: You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do. Abigail, You are way too sweet to be troubled by bitterness and unforgiveness. Hope you can put away your ax. Jim is not perfect. Neither is Roy. Neither am I. And Walker, well let's just say he has a lot of work to do. I hope you can come and visit more often because you are such a sweet heart. It has been a pleasure to get to know a few of you better. There are, as David mentioned, good points about each list and I am glad to have access to them both. Bottom line is that it is not profitable to create division among the body of believers. That would be what Rosalie would want. All of us to come off looking like bitter, angry, backbiting people. Full of divisiveness, factiousness, and gossip. What would that look like to someone wanting to leave the brainwashing factory. They'd probably say there isn't much of an alternative out there. Not a good idea to slander and malign our brothers and sisters on either list. Let's knock that off. Truth is God loves us all in spite of all our imperfections. And the good news is we are all free of the legalism, control and paranoia of TWI. We should be celebrating together! Now let's get back to having fun together and loving one another. "Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness." So, thanks to those who make peace. GS
Quote: If folks find support there, fine. If it helps folks see the errors of twi -- fine. If it gives folks a spot in cyberspace to vent about twi injustices -- great. If it gives them a spot to *fellowship* -- wonderful. If their *fellowship* doesn't include doctrine, or preaching -- so be it. David, Great job at cutting through the bull. I think you really succinctly put this all in perspective. Enjoyed the beatles link too. And you are too damn funny!! Roy you are unique and wonderful. Wish the war in Iraq could end this quickly and well…!!!! GBYA GS
Abigail, I am really sorry to hear about your bad experience on the list. It seems they can sometimes be a bit caustic sometimes. I am sure this incident was prior to my involvement since I have only been posting there a few months. I did notice that you also were welcomed by someone and encouraged to post more. It does really suck when someone is made to feel unwanted and I hate that kind of thing. Again, I am sorry you were treated badly and it is nice to meet you. You do see how odd it looks to have you rarely post there and then to welcome Roy to the list? Take care sister. Who knows I probably won't be popular for posting over here today. It is not about popularity though. You have a right to your opinions and I have a right to mine, but underlying should be a love that transcends all this bickering. So, I will say I love you and God Bless to all on both these weird lists and welcome over any time to chat. I am sure Roy is welcome by some, not all, there too. I however, think Jim was really open minded and forgiving and compassionate to let Roy's post go through. He tried to cut him some slack, but it backfired on him and I think that is wrong too. love, GS
Roy, You did fail to mention that there were some people that welcomed you back over at the other list with open arms. You have made no mention of that. So it would seem that you were just trying to stir up some trouble over there perhaps because you had hurt feelings from back in 2004 when you stopped posting over there. Also Jim never said that you were posting 8 years ago. Correctly it was stated that in the 8 years of his moderating the list he has only had to ban 2 people from posting over there of which you were one. He also allowed your post to go through which told pretty much the whole story of your life. Even though this post was way over the allowed number of words allowed in a post, he kindly let it go through in order that we at the other list might have some insight into why "Roy is the way he is," which I thought was pretty decent of him to do. He was trying to get us all on board with accepting and welcoming you even with your sometimes rather eccentric point of view and proclivity towards preaching to others. I can assure you that I have experienced a feeling of not being welcome over here. It seems that both lists can sometimes get a bit clickish (sp.) and not very tolerant of other opinions. Since I have been posting over there only a few months I have found the people to be pretty tolerant of people's opinions and ideas. I have friends on both lists and would have to say that we are all still in the body of Christ. It would seem to me that since you chose to go with the negative and pay little attention to those who welcomed you and were glad to see you over there, that perhaps all you were doing over there is trying to stir up trouble. As far as you posting a private email to the folks over here as an attempt to get people here to discredit the other list and slander Jim and his contribution to maintaining a healing forum for many ex-twis, I think you know where that would stand biblically. About the same place as gossip and back biting. You know you never find people coming over here from the other list to impose their opinions on this site. Sometimes we come over to visit but not with the intent of causing division. Most often the people who do come here from the other list do so in order to check on friends, ask for prayer, or pray for people on this list. Also to converse about things we have in common like belonging to a corrupt organization together once. As Jim mentioned, he still hasn't prevented you from posting over there. If I was the moderator I really can't say I would have been that patient because it really seems you just came over there to stir up trouble and break the rules. There are alot of good people on both lists and it seems quite counter productive to bad mouth all the people over there and Jim. Rather we should continue to pray for our brothers and sisters and friends on both lists. You yourself responded to a few of us and thanked us for welcoming you. I really think you were asked simply not to preach which is within the rules of that group. You did not chose to respond very much to the people who welcomed you. Why is that? Once again it seems your mission was to cause tension between these two groups and to get people over here to rail on Jim as they quickly proceeded to do. We have people that stop in and say hi quite often from gs. Also people that like to lurk over there just to get a few laughs and see what their bros and sisters are up to over there. I can assure you that there are people at GS who do hold their brother Jim in high regard for his labor of love with the list. I will also admit there are some people over there who find you boring and obnoxious. I think you know who I am referring to. They have their opinions and it seems quite a few people love you over here so you are in good company. It seems there are a few people at the other list that also love you and welcomed you back but sadly you didn't respond to them. Which again points to the fact that your subliminal goal was to discredit Jim and the other list. Hoping we can all get along and love one another and welcome one another to either list. I am sure our common adversary would prefer us to be divided and factious and not praying for one another. As far as Abigail following you over to the other list and welcoming you there. What was that all about? You talk about hypocrisy Ab? You rarely post over there but then you come out and welcome Roy to our list over there. Weird. You do like to read the posts over there though. Now you want to malign Jim and others over there. Sounds a little hypocritical to me. Just stirring up a little strife are we? IMHO, GB, GS.
I am glad a rapist who thought he could break the law (much more extreme lawbreaker) is behind bars for his crimes. Maybe the U.S. should work a little harder to get Mexico to be more cooperative in capturing criminals who are hiding out there. As for what this says about Dog's Christianity, I do not see what they did as wrong. Wouldn't you break the law if God told you to. What about David and the shewbread. Or Christ healing on the Sabbath. I think God's will transcends man's laws especially corrupt ones in Mexico. I hope Mexico has as much trouble extraditing Dog team as the U.S. has had extraditing people out of Mexico historically. Wow, aren't we lucky we haven't been convicted on all our crimes. Jaywalking included. Speeding. Cheating on our taxes. Oh, and aren't you glad you are not convicted in court for the thoughts you've had. Jesus said to look at a woman with lust is the same as adultery. I think we all better keep a little grace and mercy around and remember that love is the fulfilling of the law.
[quote ='tonto' " Good point, Gentle Servant. Welcome to the cafe...let me buy you a cuppa." ie: "needs and wants parallel" Thanks T, I'd love a cup. Also it would definitely serve the purpose of explaining away why your financial needs weren't being met when in reality your finances were being siphoned off by headquarters. Then they could turn around and say your faith was too small or that you just need to get your needs and wants parallel which really means if you think you need something nice-think again. And send us your money so we can have the nicer things. love yall, GZ