andy Bear
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Everything posted by andy Bear
Way Disciple Weekly Report Form in 2000
andy Bear replied to I Love Bagpipes's topic in About The Way
['Sep 29 2006, Pretty sure the weekly report persists. There was something similar for WOW's back in the 90's. You wouldn't do less in the Prevailing Word would you? Seriously though, I'm almost positive they still do it. "Quote" The Reports on us kids go back to the 80 s I was W.O.W in Auburn Wash in 1981-1982 Core C had to write reports at least 1 a month maybe more times . -
Well said ! doing something is better than setting under a Rock with the iinformation we have .
The Challenging Counterfeit
andy Bear replied to Lifted Up's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
I read the book about 27 years ago. I think it was part stuff we were suppose read for AV 1979 ! This book was sale in our local store just 95c . The point I got was devil was not going to let him go. You can get in to occult, but getting out was not going be so easy. The Devil new he was going to Christ , and lose him . so he must be killed The author believed in the Trinity,that blood of Jesus would save him What got by attention this guy was also brought up Jewish , and looking for a higher power. The churches said now we don't want you but the spirtualist welcome him to their group . All you had to do was believe in their "power" In this regard TWI did this jewish Bear a favor saying yes we take your money. SIt vis playing with occult something to thankfull for I saw the SIt with mannies in 1978 and wanted in -
A poll of how many years you were in TWI: 0 - 20years
andy Bear replied to Royal Gorge's topic in My Story
1978-1987 9 years class and ROC in 1978 summer " best 3 months of my life " AV live 1979 WOW 1981-1982 offshoots 1987-2004 -
Thanks Pond something may look into in the future .
Mrs W had Alzheimer's: what have seen happed to my mom Duck this would limit her choices . in very little time The brain is destroyed and ability to make your own choices ends after only 2 years or less. I could be a lot less because most people not told the have it until the disease until has already done one- two years of damage. There was a time when Mrs W was QUeen Bee not a Pawn like rest of us in way1. And 2 As the Queen she could get lot more help from outside sources. There are people she could , have called that would have helped. WHY ! Haveing love to have the top person leave, that played such a big part in holding TWI together : MRs W would well taken care . It would have been like a top Russian spy that came to USA, provides information nobody else has .. Here situation has to be ten times better than TWI slaves and cannot get out . Those caught on wrong side of marriage , WOWS left with no place to live or money after a " great year " et. In my earlier statements : I was doing my best to believe that did Mrs W did not known the worst , Drugged and raped. I missed the most important point, she was lot better off than lot of members of way1 and 2 ,who wanted to get out , and she knew what going on . MRS W could still make a phone call to right person got help, lot easier than the Way slaves that still live in grade F housing , with no private phone or money . The time period she could act would be limited by the onset of ALZ , and the lost of memory. Not necessary by her advance age . How may lives would have saved if Mrs P written a book in 1987, and the cult was shut down , just dreaming what couild have happen good !
Summer 1978 I took PFAL , enjoyed the best 3 months of my life . I never had open bible before TWI , so I believe everything they taught . We college kids , take the class then A bear would dance the night away. ROC 1978 , blue or red wrist band, still ask if was at the wrong place. . The sad part two people I new were deprogrammed , one was grabbed at the ROC 1978-hope . My understanding Peter S call his family said he was, WOW, and Janet D family could never understand how she happy working at copier place with college degree. This happens in central NY area 1978-1979 . I think that she went to see her family that when Janet was grabbed , very sad . It still remembers " Father Nept", old man at 25 , saying after taken the class I was still Jewish very strange!. I got back a letter from TWI saying we notice yours scores for AV 79 class not as high we like then to be .you allow to go to the class: cost about $ 550- &525 for the two weeks The university saying we only charge about $250-275 We don't know what TWI does with rest of the money. PFAL 1978 included the IM class 1-15 were taught two seeds, So now I knew my teacher that did not agree with TWI teaching was a seed boy, born of the devil . I was also told that V Pee may introduce MR seed Boy on stage at AV 1979, this had happened in the past . I would ready these things when it happen. The fellowships were sweet In Ithaca NY 1978-1979 , I happy I took the class then. and move in with the other student grads. I was very scared Bear when the " the seed of serpent part of class was taught. . It was no help we were told we could not be "born again of the wrong seed ". Being a newbee in 1978 this was scary stuff . .
I found this site looking for a church that teaches JC is not God . I happy with people go to church with even do not believe everything they teach. I learned a lot . and happy not to hearing cult teaching tapes anymore .I known there is time I going to have explain what I believe . Thank GOD it's not the TWI brand of truth anymore.
Hard to say goodbye explain this not right for you anymore . I don't ever want to hear one of those tapes again. I could say more but the blank store I got back at supermarket when said don.t believe what you teach anymore say it all. This was offshoot group teaching the same lies , life based on fear. The Bear has left and found the Absent Christ missing for so long. My Heart is at last healed , from the hurt of being alone for so long .and all the time GOD and his son Christ were ready to take me back into the true household and away from all the lies we all be taught for so long
'SafariVista' date='Aug 27 2006, 04:13 PM' post='262995'] I never knew any of this... disgusting! How could a man treat his wife like this, then turn around and teach the Bible? Sounds like the LAW still applied to their lives in the areas that benefited Mr Wierwille :nono: And I question how any one knows for sure that Mrs W knew what her husband was really doing with other women?… maybe he just kept on LYING!…. One lie after another…. Maybe some things never came to her attention fully. Well said ! Mrs W did not known the worst that V Pee did and was also living a life on the dark side of the moon . To nice a person to just stand by if she new all. I Think We all agree there was line in sand mrs W would not let V Pee go , if she had known
Stupid Bear ! newbee talk It was just 10 days ago I thought V pee good man everything went wrong after 1985. DId Mrs W known the worst Rape and drugs ,V Pee should have gotten life plus for . I thanks I thank Excath and others , telling what happen to them by this very sick man. Mrs W should gotten off easy maybee only 2 years in the can . How many people died because of what happen . What its worth for those poeple who think just bought company line , what happen , as neebee . that your problem ! see my other post
The Bear left sometime in 1987 , Happy Trails ? all that that changed is where the ABS was sent. The fellowship stuff was same do mannies, pass the horn act blessed .
I ran this 2 of friends that are voth 83 now and still work about 20 hours week. at a food store. The clock says there both dead time up sorry I never did ask then if also part of TWI at one time , that why now need work "newbee talk" to buy food
'Twinky' date 12:48 PM' How interesting! So PFAL colored glasses must be pink or red, because they certainly made the Red Thread disappear! So that what I been missing for the last 2o years . I just changed glasses Thanks 1 3 Paws up for Bear that not easy to do .
What can Bear say , 1981-1992 I was Wow in Auburn Wa. I had very hard time finding work that Ok , with being a WOW . Thius was not easy time, one car for 4 people needed jobs and little boy 3 years old. . What never forget allmost killed hitching back from " Living Victoriously 40th anniversary June 1982 ". There two people shot a the car was in , just givein me ride . The driver was killed. this happen around Granite Montana . When Sherriff had me write up what happen : , I said persons did shooting had devil spirit of " fill in the blank" Yes this went into the offical report , check out all my stuff the bilbel all... Why was out three in the first place , sold car , no job return to just to hear V Pee for one week , this is sick .As newbee here I come believe V Pee sick sex acts , are just real the shooting in Montana June 1983. The story second part while hitching back got ride by nice nice person- female was offer a place to say the night and clean up . No Nothing happen , never even thought trying , look what our leaders do : why did follow for so long We did run classes , for the most part left alone . I understand reports were made of us by intern core that ran the Wow family . MY whole year in Auburn I never herad the word Cult , now that what I call the Way.
Yes its bad for us BO Sox fans just saw the end today game at about 1 am nothing works with grade B pictching . This one lost in the 10 with Pitcher never heard of before - was it <_< from the little league team !
HI Paw I was doing Internet search for "churches" that do not believe JC is God . NO QA for now found everthing Thanks .I was member of the way cult from 1978- to about 1989. What not known by many how many us were left behind : still living wayland playing old tapes , :Pfal class: I glad now known the real truth about V Pee,The tree was rotten from the ground up., from day 1 I so sad I never did get to meet Mr Seed at AV 79 I glad to here that there may now be less active members"paying Mafia fee", - 10-15% payoff : then the group went Wow with in 1981-1982 "3100?"
Hello newbee looking for so long lost friends . also if anyone heard of kodells and their family- auburn Wa Note My spelling my be off little . with the names. I was other Guy living in our small two bedroom house.1982-1983. If have this correct their more us sent out Wow, that year then our prisoners still in the way . "3100"
Newbee Questions I agree the Way is not alone with SIt problem, millions others try doi it . one large church about 2 million members are force to SIt , to become active members of the church. If you cannot do it the tougues man well yell at you. Whats wrong I still find it a great thing to do : just me and God . In a group setting the question is how much of it is real ! Has anyone ever heard some one answer the question . "Woukd you be blessed to SIt " Say NO sorry not today In 14 years 1978-1992. never say it happen. . .You known your in cult when the right to say NO ! , is not allowed
Thanks I newbie it's great to have place to ask questions 3 Paws up ! that saying a lot from Bear :)