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Well, I wouldn't bother buying anything he sang on. It's personal taste but I just don't like his style. Dilana would have been a good, and different choice. The Iceland guy was good, but Lukas? Nope, just don't like him at all. SFSailor
Well, I'm watching the finally right now. I have this feeling it's gonna be Lukas, and I would see him if he was fronting my favorite band. Let alone this group of dropouts... Let the suspense continue... 15 minutes more or so... SFSailor
I, on the other hand, think that with only 3 fatalities involving Sting Rays during the entire history of Austrailia, it has little to do with his involvment with snakes or any sort of bravado involving Black Mambas. What happened here was a very unfortunate set of circumstances that do not come about often. Speaking for myself, I will miss Mr. Irvin. He was a very entertaining fellow who actually managed to teach something valuable while being entertaining. SFSailor
The good news is that I pulled the rip-cord and haven't spoken to them in a few months. No shed tears or emails asking what happened to me, or if I was alive or dead. In that end, that was truely what demonstrated how fscked up TWI is. SFSailor
It was really. That's why I put the smile on it. I also said my best friend is from Ohio. Man he goes on and on about Ohio. He's a brilliant computer programmer, but if you saw him walking down the street you would think it was a large farmboy. If you saw him with his asian wife you would probably think he's a one of the guys this law is after. She's 25 but looks about 16. I really think laws like this are a terrible idea. I've been out with my friend and his wife and he gets dirty looks from "decent white folk" all the time. His wife actually had people approach her to see if she needed "rescuing" in a restarant when he went to the head. This kinda law scares me. (on topic) As for insults, my friends and I always rag on other's home states and most anything else. I'm sorry everyone is so offended. I didn't mean it to be personal. SFSailor
Rum, Yeah, that might work. Allthough it's almost frightening what internet and cell phones have done to some of my favorite spots around the world. Fly halfway around the world and run into... Us. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! SFSailor
I'm sorry to hear that. I just brough my baby back from the yards and, well it didn't go too good. :) Another problem cropped up and I'm busy throwing more money in the hole. Where do you keep your boat? SFSailor
Bluzeman (Rick), Read back. I generally called people from Ohio dumb hicks. Much like the dumb hicks from Texas. A lot like the dumb hicks from Oklahoma. Different, but similar to the freakish fruits & nuts in California, and about the same as the stupid hicks from the California central valley. In general, these things are true. If they don't apply to you, your family, and all your friends, I woudn't take it so personal. Afterall it's just a general statement about the stupidity of any large group that starts passing terrible laws. Read back. You are the one who then made a very non-general targeted personal attack. Followed closely by Sudo's even meaner spirited very personal attacks. Imagine if you will, all of us sitting in a bar talking about this new law, and I said "Ohio hicks, dumb et cetera", while smiling and laughing. What would happen? It's jockularity. (Big enough word for you Sudo?) I'm smiling, and if you're from Ohio then you will no doubt have a rejoinder. 99% of the time, it would be a fun, friendly, teasing response. Your responses here, very personal ones, would probably start a fight. I've spent a lot of years staying in touch and making friends on the internet. I'm actually pretty shocked by the thin skin and general venom I've encountered in this thread. "Yo mamma" or some similar response, would have made me smile, and made you a friend (such as they are in cyber-space). But hey, enjoy your negative anger and hatred towards a stranger who never intended for you to take it so fscking personal. SFSailor
Nolonger, Works of art aye. She is really good. How's sailing? I got soooo many boat problems. :P SFSailor
Venomous Sudo. Are you from Ohio too? I'm asking so I won't be so ignorant when navigating the "It's ok to bash Ohio about TWI, but Not anything else" river's headwaters where I've apparently lost my paddle. SFSailor
Aw man, somebody got offended. I guess it's only OK to bash Ohio if it's TWI related. Do not speak to me of ignorance. I know something about Ohio hickishness. I read the above article about putting people on a criminal watchlist based on a simple preponderance of evidence, vs beyond reasonable doubt. Ohio wishes to enact a Soviet style "Informer" system. The whole thing is worse than dumb. It's another tiny step in the wrong direction. (Ordering a guy to change his T-Shirt which had Arabic script on it before he was allowed on a plane in New York is another example) You on the other hand know nothing about me other than my smiling (read slightly humorous - not too serious) response above. Sounds a lot like ignorance to me. However I'd like to help you. I'm from Texas. Now you are less ignorant about a man you chose to attact directly. Texans have done a lot of stupid things, but thankfully they haven't started with the "All suspects are guilty. Period. Otherwise they wouldn't be suspects would they?" approach your state government is considering. Have a wonderful day. SFSailor
The Ohio hicks are amazing. They open their mouths and dumb comes out. My best friend is from Ohio and he talks much worse about them then I do. :) SFSailor
Dilana is dayam good. Her Mother Mother was a home run. I mean, come on. A girl with a flying V that can sing? The bolts in her face are a minus but kids love that sh1t. Tattoos? Look at the drummer again and talk to me about tattoos. :) The guy from Iceland is very good too. SFSailor
Rum, I suspect you know what I mean. The internet reaches a wider audience than books. Having visited several communist countries, I think I can say I know something about how it spreads. Commies tend to shove their material at you whether you want it or not. I doubt TWI ever had jackbooted thugs kicking in doors and making people "believe". Have a nice day. SFSailor
There is a difference. The internet, while not free, can expose you to ideas, news, opinions, truth, and bu11sh1t faster than any library on Earth. I think organizations (Such as Communist China) fear that very much. Search-able, indexable, and at your fingertips in most homes. That's much more than a room full of books. SFSailor