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Everything posted by richnchrispy
CES is in a Mess...
richnchrispy replied to Captain Crunch's topic in Spirit and Truth Fellowship International
Now this is just Chrispy talking... Jonny Lingo- I am very pleased with most of the teaching from CES. They do elevate Jesus Christ in word, how they respond to this mess will tell me if they still elevate Jesus Christ in deed. I think, our walk always fluctuates. We constantly are in need of repentance. I find it a very good indication of my walk with the Lord to pay attention to the things I say to Him. When I pray, which is just converstion with Him, I say everything which is on my heart. I aim to be transparent. Occasionally I even cuss. But if I examine that conversation and see it is all about me, then I need to repent. Sometimes I even do it quickly :-) Remember a group, such as CES, cannot have a walk with the Lord. Only individuals can have that. But a group has a reputation. I did not like how I, my husband, and my friends were treated at times by certain CES powerbrokers, but I got over that. But to see the depth to which some would go to control others, that gets me mad! That is witchcraft. More later, Chrispy -
CES is in a Mess...
richnchrispy replied to Captain Crunch's topic in Spirit and Truth Fellowship International
Hi, this is Chrispy! dmiller- Don't let people get to you. As my dear husband always said: "If a crazy person calls you a tree, would it upset you?" People that have not experienced a conversation with the Lord where he has answered cannot comprehend it. All- I heard about John Lynn's divorce from Elizabeth and confronted him, but he said that it was allowed because she (Elizabeth) had hardened her heart. I was shocked that he would so blatantly twist the word like that. That was when I decided that he was bewitched. Maybe all of this on this thread will help wake him from his spiritual slumber and be a man again. JAL- I hope you read this John. I really care about you and love the good you have done ever since first meeting you in ~'88. But Karen Anne has your ----- on her mantle. Sorry to be crude. No other way to say it. But there is hope. Regards, Chrispy -
CES is in a Mess...
richnchrispy replied to Captain Crunch's topic in Spirit and Truth Fellowship International
I would really like to see healing and restoration in this situation but there is so much water over the dam - sometimes when a million people can see someone is messed up that one person can still refuse to listen. History tells us that our TWI leadership had to be pulled away from their practical errors and ways of hurting people with chains and tanks and some never did repent. I wish some of those involved in this would look in the mirror and say "my God what have I done to people I profess to love?" A simple "I am sorry for my part" would be a good start. But as far as holding my breath.....My wife wrote Craig in 1986-87 several times the kindest heartfelt letters looking for his repentance. Looks like based on his actions in the 90's that it didn't take. I told her she was wasting her time. In the next few months people will have the opportunity to show if they are a good fountain or a bad fountain, or perhaps - a chance at being a bad fountain asking Jesus for help to become a good fountain. Richard -
CES is in a Mess...
richnchrispy replied to Captain Crunch's topic in Spirit and Truth Fellowship International
Tom Strange The exitance of a Prophetic Council was announced - people knew it existed. But as far as its inner workings and any publication of its prophecies I must say that only a few at the top ever were privy to those, unless of course you were an unlucky one who was on the receiving end of its insights. It has seemed like a very bad idea in practice for a long time. Time to shut it down. Richard -
CES is in a Mess...
richnchrispy replied to Captain Crunch's topic in Spirit and Truth Fellowship International
Chrispy & I have received several "encouragements" to post. I feel almost as bad as I did when I first read The Passing of a Patriarch written by another clown who I knew in the early 70's had some major personal issues. Then they made him a leader???? Go figure. I've known a lot of these people for a long time, some better than others. Some I still like and admire, some have never seemed qualified to serve. I attended and played some of my songs at CES conferences off and on from the early 90's until a couple of years ago. I've participated in bringing CES leaders into my area and my home. I have encouraged them for a long time to expand from just being a teaching and publishing unit to being much more open to participation and allowing people to share their gifts. We have had our differences on the level of structure and leadership needed, with me falling on the side of small/local/as little as possible. CES was not comfortable with the Open Church concept, and had their share of experiences with people wanting to do more and also wrest as much control as possible from CES and hold it themselves. But I attribute this to our American and TWI model of "the aggressive one wins." Too many people seem to admire the strong aggressive @$$-H*le type of leader - just like Israel wanted a King. I was disappointed in a number of discussions with some CES leadership over a period of time - there was an awful lot of ignoring my points, claiming to have never said something, brushing me aside when I was asking about feeling like there was something going on underneath that the "public" did not know about. So several years ago - can't remember the exact date - for those who know, it coincided with the Carlson's being asked to go on a leave of absence or some such that turned out to be permanent. I knew nothing of this at the time but just sensed something was "up" and kept being rebuffed. So I asked God - what is going on? He showed me a picture of me - an 8 year old - holding open the door to a daycare room. In it were about 20 12-18 month old toddlers, all wearing nothing but Pampers. Their heads were the heads of the various CES leaders. They were reaching back into their diapers and pulling out poop and smearing it on each other. The two at the center were the Graesers. God said to me - you are not an adult, you are an 8 year old but you are not a toddler either. Can you reason with a toddler? I said no. He said if you go in that room to try to clean up those toddlers you will get poop smeared on you. Close the door and go away and wait. I am glad that I obeyed God. 9 months later I learned about the Carlsons and the Stones and John & Elizabeth Lynn's divorce and the Prophetic Team poop smearing; as well as other people and other hurts. Each person has to decide if they have obeyed God and done their best these past years. Some I know have much to repent for. I hope the Board does the right thing. I have been amazed at the large load of cr@P that passes as legitimate personal prophecy in this ministry. Also I know I have weird dreams when I eat spicey foods. So I ignore those. Richard -
Man that is one rock I do not care to ever turn over again. I heard his own mother - who is supposedly a mental health care pro, thinks the bus driver is certifiable. I came to that conclusion in the early 70's. I thought they made him the bus driver because he was not qualified for anything else. Little did I know at the time..... No more knuckleheads. No more crazy whackos. It is like trying to reason with a room full of toddlers in a daycare, only much more dangerous.
This is Chrispy! I love chocolate so this is not a fair contest. But if I eliminate the chocolate cheesecake, I like the Cherry topped one the best. :-)
Hi! I am a midwife in Texas. There are many herbs that affect the female organs and if taken in great enough quantity might delay ovulation. [Might make you throw up, too. :-)] But it is not something you can count on. But God did design women with a natural child-spacing system. If you breastfeed your baby 100% [no pacifiers, supplemental bottles or missed feedings], your periods should not begin again until months after the time you begin giving the child other food. With each of my children I nursed them, exclusively, for about 1 year. My periods returned when they were between 14 and 16 months-old. Caution: This doesn't work for everyone. But it does for most. Also, you will ovulate before your first period so you should use the temperature method of natural family planning to know when you ovulate if you want to space your children farther apart. But it seems God's plan was about 2 years apart. IMO, VPW was pro-abortion and pro-contraception because he didn't want any little VPWs running around whose DNA could prove what he was doing. :-) Regards, Chrispy
This is way off topic! I haven't visited GS for years. I still see some old friends, like Linda Z, Pawtucket, and Radar. Hi, All! We're still in Houston. I am unable to start a thread and could not find the right one for this. [Please move it, moderator, if you know where it should go.] My husband, Rich, started a book auction house. Our next auction is tomorrow. It includes an "Athletes of the Spirit" program. I thought there might be a collector or two here. Here is the link: http://www.gulfcoastbookauctions.com/ Athletes is Lot 182. Regards, Chrispy