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  1. A couple of questions: Why do Wayfers feel they have to lie rather than tell the truth? And why does the Way not believe in the Holy Trinity and that Christ is God?
  2. citygirl99


    Does the Way generally support Trump, and all his lies and his continued filling the swamp, even now?
  3. So is the Way an accredited institution of learning giving out legitimate Bachelor of Arts degrees? Saw this on LinkedIn in Chandler Greene's account: The Way International Bachelor of Arts, Theology/Theological Studies 2010 – 2012
  4. The obsession with sex still goes on in New Knoxville.
  5. Yup, you're right. According to a recent 990-T tax return (on the web), they had about $65,000,000 (that's million) in assets at the end of '14. They had no business income (sales, etc.)??? But took a $1,000 deduction even though they had $0 for Charitable contributions. http://pdfs.citizenaudit.org/2015_01_T/34-4440110_990T_201408.pdf
  6. I was just told by a current/lifetime Wayster that the Way NEVER asks for money from its followers.
  7. Amen Thank you for speaking the truth.
  8. I don't come here that often but I'm just curious just how big the way is now? I heard no one attends the Sunday services. Is that true? Is it still "international"?
  9. If you want to "take me on"........then, wierwille will shred you to pieces. Textbook character assassination is awaiting all those who dissent or assemble an insurrection. The trustees will NOT allow it. The security patrol have eyes and ears everywhere. Even if you conspire off-grounds, when you're on twi property they are WATCHING you. They know the beginning signs of dissent are manifested in thoughts, words and then, actions!! There are reasons why nearly 475 clergy are NO LONGER WITH TWI. Cowering thru life is --- NO WAY TO LIVE. What a wonderful organization -- preying on and using the weak. Sure hoping there's a hell for these guys.
  10. Maybe I'm just not getting it, but how do the sheep tolerate its leader's homosexuality ... not that there's anything wrong with homosexuality.
  11. "Big Love" .....and not that i think polygamy is ok or anything but on the show the main character played by Bill Paxton showed genuine commitment, concern, support and care for his 3 wives. Uh, excuse me, Bill Hendrickson just wanted sex and the more partners the merrier. He couldn't commit to just one person. He's sick and his commitment, concern, support and care only existed until he met the waitress. Polygamy is about men who want sex (nothing wrong with that) but want HIS women to wait in line. Thank god for women's liberation!
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