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Everything posted by waysider

  1. One time I was mopping the floor at the limb HQ when a visiting VIP from INTERNATIONAL HQ( that's what we called it then) approached me. After the usual "GOD bless", he asked me if I was enjoying what I was doing. I told him I didn't care much for mopping floors but was pleased to know my efforts would bless others. He shook his head in disgust and reproved me for my lack of renewed mind. He said I just "didn't get it" and flew into a tirade about how someday I would see the "big" picture. It must have been prophesy because now that someday is here I think I "get it " and I see the "big " picture. WOW! to think I was right there in the presence of such a profound revelation.
  2. "We control our resposes to our emotions, not our emotions" ----You hit the nail on the head.(IMO) TWI didn't only want to control our responses, they wanted to control our emotions. It was OK for a limb leader to get "spurtualy" mad over chairs that weren't straight but heaven help the lowly believer who wanted to go home for his grandfathers' funeral, visit a dying relative or fall for some other such "trick of the devil", as they were quick to label these types of events.
  3. Why would we expect to find documentation?-------Probably for the same reason people buy lottery tickets. We should never lose sight of the fact ,though, that the odds are set by those running the scam----er ---I mean the game........PS. I still buy a ticket from time to time.nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
  4. Medic-----Youv'e got my vote!(Though it's mighty tempting to rotate that deodorant rule into the #1 spot.) BTW---Welcome home.
  5. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    TS------I did a quick google of Ed Cassidy. He played with alist of jazz greats longer than my right arm. No mention of the pyramids though. Also checked out Randy California, who was his stepson at one point . Randy died in 1997 while saving his son from drowning. Their first three albums are timeless and really showcase them at their peak.(IMO).I played 6 Bucks A Night (reference to the album cover) so many times you could probably blow smoke though it but I still have it here somewhere.
  6. For the sake of simple clarification, is this a discussion of speaking in tongues, tongues with interpretation or both? I suppose I could have added niether as an option also.
  7. "Maybe VPW's research was put TOGETHER WITH assumptions yet DISTINCTLY INDEPENDENT OF support."------------I love it!------Hey! doesn't DISTINCTLY rhyme with SUCCINCTLY? Isn't there a figure of speech that says if two words both end in "inctly" they become as one? I think it's called "inctlydinctly" but my Greek is a bit rusty.---
  8. Oakspear--------Your point is well taken and I find myself in agreement. Most of us in the earlier days had no concept of what biblical research is or ,for that matter, that it even existed. We blindly accepted because it was presented with such a great air of authority and certainty. It was atime when many wanted to believe in something or perhaps I should say any thing that would make some sense of the turbulant times we were in. It was a bit like being in love for the very first time. Maybe that is what is meant by "love is blind".
  9. BURN THE CHAFF-------- Geeze, wasn't it enough to copy Stiles, Leonard, and Bullinger ? Did he really have to copy Ray Bradbury too?( I Believe FAHRENHEIT 451 was released in about 1953.)-----" I now return control of your computer to you".
  10. I had a twig leader years ago who used to say "if you squeeze the Greek too hard you might end up ' all wet'."I suppose today such a statement would warrant an M&A. Lambano, laballo, ballo, throw, throw the guy out! Best twig leader I ever had. He didn't know too much Greek but he and his wife had/have a deep understanding of GOD's love,grace,and mercy and it was evidenced by the life they live.
  11. OLDIES------ Ditto on the "goodies" perspective. We did, in fact, learn many wonderful truths. VPW used to say that if there weren't at least some truth in a presentation noone would "buy" it. Stiles, Leonard, Bullinger, they all had kernals of that "truth". VPW wove those strands into his own unique tapestry. I don't personally think he had long reaching or grandiose plans in mind. No, I think he went with the flow and had a superb understanding of how to read the "current". We learned many great truths but at least in my opinion ( and it is only that---- just my opinion ) I think the cost may have been too high. I ,of course, am not refering to the monetary costs. My mother always said "GOD doesn't love you for who you could be. He loves you for who you are".
  12. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    socks-------RE: Chili Dog.-----Danelectro makes a whole line of single effect pedals with catchy names. They make two different octave pedals. 1.) French Toast, which gives an octave above with a metal sound. It's not too good for harp as you want your sound to be thicher not thinner.2.)Chili Dog, which can give one or even two octaves below. Now on harp there is a technique for playing octave where you lay the tongue down to block out notes and play one voice out of each side of the mouth thus producing a true octave. This sound has been popularised by the likes of Kim Wilson, Rod Piazza, the late William Clarke to name a few. They got it from their mentor George Smith.( Nice article on George in BLUES REVIEW a couple years ago.) With the Chili Dog you can go two octaves down and it sounds like you are playing simultaniously along side the bass pedals on a B3 organ. Very fat but only effective if used sparingly.
  13. Romans 8:16/26,27 Romans 8:16/26,27 ------sorry-------you asked for one and that's three.
  14. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    Socks--------Thanks for the info re: The Snake. Having switched to harp some time ago, I feel like I'm in the dark sometimes on special effects although the Echoplex reference as well as delay give me lots of food for thought. I don't know why more harp players don't use the effects that you axe guys do but I'm trying to expand my horizons. I have seen Paul deLay as well as Carey Bell use them quite effectively. BTW-----I blow through a Pignose G40V which was designed as a guitar amp. It has 2 6L6s, 3 12AX7s and areal beefy 10" speaker. No special effects so I take it sparingly through a Danelectro Corned Beef (reverb) and a Chili Dog (octave).I'm trying to get back to guitar a little more but the old car-pool tunnel slows me down sometimes. Kind of makes me wonder if that's not the real origin of bottleneck guitar.
  15. Belle -------while I agree the results of door to door were small, you must factor in the cost to TWI. What's that you say, it cost them nothing? Now there's an advertsing expense to be sought after!
  16. Sounds like you have had enough "shunning" to last a lifetime. I'm glad you are here and I'm gaining lots of insight on JW from your posts.
  17. WW-------You proved my point: There really ARE others who can explain it in a less yawn inducing fashion than myself.------------Speaking of yawns, remember KEYS TO RESEARCH?------sorry---off topic.
  18. waysider

    Need Advice

    Visit a PAINT store for advise on cleaning and finishing. Visit a hardware store for advise on patching. Let them know how you plan to finish the surface. I personally have had much better results with concrete STAIN than with paint because it does not react to water as adversely as paint.
  19. NONI 1974--------COST OF PFAL: --The cost for taking PFAL in 1972, the year I first took it, was $65.It incuded another class known as "Tongues With Interpretation And Prophesy". Right after I took it , the class was split into two seperate classes with the TIP segment then being renamed " The Intermediate Class"and having it's own seperate charge of $45.I then had to pay the additional $45 and take the Intermediate Class , hearing virtually the same teachings, to be considered a grad of that class. ----REQUIRED?-----If you did not either take the class or make a monetary commitment to do so, your days of being welcome in twig fellowship (home meetings) were definately numbered. Allow me to use an analogy. At the local skate park there are from time to time new kids who will show up with a really hot board, the latest skate shoes, and a conversation filled with hip skater jargon. The one thing they lack is the actual ability to skate. In other words, they are considered phonies. The real thrashers call them "posers" . Not only can they spot them easily, they subtly avoid welcoming them into the fold. Noone wants to be considered a"poser" whether at the skate park or at a fellowship. The answer? Learn to skate( take the class). ------WHAT DID PFAL TEACH?-------Well, it consumed a total of thirty six hours spread over three weeks time so specifics are hard to convey. Maybe others can offer examples of doctrine in a less yawn invoking manner than I. In my opinion ,however, it was all devised in a manner that would indoctrinate under the guise of "teaching" and some of those doctrines might ,in fact, be more relavent than the scriptural teaching but that is probably assuming too much on my part about how important you see the actual scriptural teaching.
  20. Tonto--------The parallels are uncanny. Wasn't there a TV show were the voice over said something like" Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent."?
  21. dancing----you've kinda lost me here. Don't the scriptures teach that SIT (without interpretation as in one's private prayer life) IS in fact a spirit to spirit communication? Maybe I am not understanding your question.
  22. Speaking of rituals;-----Anyone remember hearing Vee Pee talk about the origin of the horn of plenty? It seems that in the early days they would JUST pass a basket like the type that is used to serve bread. One night the person in charge of such details JUST forgot to bring the basket. Uncle Harry looked around the room and spotted a floral arrangement in a cornucopia. He removed the flowers and the rest is history. Of course later on, the horn had to be a specific color, shape, density of weave, molecular weight,etc. It JUST really blessed me to be able to JUST share that.
  23. Groucho-------When you said " open end toward the recipiant" you were referring to the horn of plenty,yes? I never could keep the nouns and verbs straight. "What a diifferance one little comma can, make.
  24. I Witnessed door to door quite abit in the mid to late '70s. Why? It was mandated. Sure, you could say "no" and go back home if you were a rank and file believer but the peer pressure was intense to comform. If, on the other hand, you happened to be a twig leader or branch leader, what really were your options? I never really saw much result from door to door. There was an upside, however, and that was that that some of our shy members were able to stretch outside their shells and become more experienced in one on one discourse. GROUP MALL WITNESSING! now that's a whole other horror story begging to be told. I'll do the begging if someone else will do the telling.
  25. WHAT!-------No mention of "THE INNER SANCTUM"?-----Shhhhhhh!
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