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Everything posted by waysider

  1. That assumes it's historically and factually accurate. (Which it is not.)
  2. I mean, for all we know, the writer might have been simply voicing a veiled opinion on the political climate at that time.
  3. I highly suspect it had some sort of symbolic significance at the time it was written. The real question is whether we can understand that symbolism and, even if we can, is it relevant to us today?
  4. I still have the book, but I moved recently and it's packed away, amongst the multitude of boxes of otherwise useless mementos. Maybe I'll look for it...or maybe not. I have a lot on my plate at the moment.
  5. Yea, they put Joe Walsh on a bullet train, headed for success.
  6. Out all night, sleep all day I know what you're doin'
  7. waysider


    Peruser wrote (regarding Doug and Ellen Pickering) on another thread: Meant to post in “Vermont” … but it landed here, sorry. They lived in Alburg, Vermont back in about 1978 or '79. I know they divorced some time after and moved out of state. Doug remarried and passed away in an accident sometime later. I don't know what became of Ellen . . . i believe she remarried and moved to Hawaii - but i don't remember Ellen's married name. Just wondering what became of her.
  8. Moved to Vermont thread
  9. Sure, but if you say it again, it becomes....Oh, wait a minute.
  10. This list should include the Cuyahoga River, which has also been known as the Burning River. Reference: Was in Cleveland when it burned.
  11. Is there any need to continue?
  12. Ack-chually, that's because Canada is The Great White North.
  13. We might be inching too far out on political thin ice. I'm just an observer, not a moderator.
  14. Once again I've been humbled. I have no idea what this is.
  15. OK, hear me out on this. Suppose we got the German auto industry involved and called it The Gulf of Golf.
  16. Yeah, I could, but I'd be more interested in seeing if searching for things using their own jargon brought them to this website.
  17. But what if someone else beleeeves the opposite? Would that be a Mexican standoff or an American standoff?
  18. I think we should call it the Gulf of Clem. No particular reason. I just think it sounds cool. My granddaughter Clara Belle (That's short for Helen) said "Golly, Grandpa Waysider, that's a groovy idea.") These young 'uns are pretty hip, anymore.
  19. Nope, VPW said this in one of his "classes". He was presenting this as a sarcastic interpretation of mainstream Christianity's doctrine on the subject. I wouldn't doubt, though, some versions of this have appeared in non-TWI contexts.
  20. We'll all be walking streets of gold, smoking 50 cent cigars.
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