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waysider last won the day on February 23

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    You betcha!

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  1. I still have the book, but I moved recently and it's packed away, amongst the multitude of boxes of otherwise useless mementos. Maybe I'll look for it...or maybe not. I have a lot on my plate at the moment.
  2. Yea, they put Joe Walsh on a bullet train, headed for success.
  3. Out all night, sleep all day I know what you're doin'
  4. waysider


    Peruser wrote (regarding Doug and Ellen Pickering) on another thread: Meant to post in “Vermont” … but it landed here, sorry. They lived in Alburg, Vermont back in about 1978 or '79. I know they divorced some time after and moved out of state. Doug remarried and passed away in an accident sometime later. I don't know what became of Ellen . . . i believe she remarried and moved to Hawaii - but i don't remember Ellen's married name. Just wondering what became of her.
  5. Moved to Vermont thread
  6. Sure, but if you say it again, it becomes....Oh, wait a minute.
  7. This list should include the Cuyahoga River, which has also been known as the Burning River. Reference: Was in Cleveland when it burned.
  8. Is there any need to continue?
  9. Ack-chually, that's because Canada is The Great White North.
  10. We might be inching too far out on political thin ice. I'm just an observer, not a moderator.
  11. Once again I've been humbled. I have no idea what this is.
  12. OK, hear me out on this. Suppose we got the German auto industry involved and called it The Gulf of Golf.
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