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  1. VP also used that term back in 1975 during a Sunday night teaching (#746). I happened to be in attendance for that teaching, having driven to HQ with members of my twig. The term wasn't his, it was part of the parlance of the times. But, yeah, to direct the term at people striving to learn to be followers of Jesus Christ was highly inappropriate. Not a whole lotta love there, taking that attitude with God's people, most of whom were barely mature enough to think clearly for ourselves. Yet another piece of the deliberate conflation of TWI teachings and God's own truths, courtesy of VP.
  2. OperaBuff

    East Urn

    Is Raf still modcat5? http://www.greasespo...modcat5__st__20 If so, GSC has become some sort of weird psychological torturing device.
  3. That whole "know that you know that you know" thing was an effective hook at getting me seriously interested in TWI, way back when. Ditto the "mathematical exactness and scientific precision" line. I was a math geek in high school (member of our high school math club, which was called Mu Alpha Theta, cute huh?) and used to represent my high school in local math competitions. I loved math! So there was a real attraction for me in those two lines, I drooled at both of those teasers. I first started suspecting that VP was shoveling hooey around the 5th time I heard him try to teach on the difference between the two Greek words for "all" and how it was all without exception or all without distinction. He never could properly teach what the difference is, he always seemed to misspeak and get something backwards and confused. That teaching always made my teeth hurt. All my teeth. Without exception. No distinction. All teeth. Always. What's the frequency, Kenneth?
  4. That's awesome, Frank. You reminded me of something my friend once told me. He said his favorite part of being sober again was how enjoyable the mornings can be. "It's nice to wake up, instead of come to" he said.
  5. Haha. I've always thought the red letter edition Bibles are the loudest. Anytime Jesus is speaking it's time to listen up, as opposed to hearing all that unimportant stuff in black letters, I guess..
  6. (dang, that didn't work. try this) OK, OK, stop begging.. Here's another aria for your enjoyment. One aria, two videos. The first video shows two fine young singers during an informal rehearsal of the great Puccini aria O Soave Fanciulla from La Bohème. It's a stunning display of fine talent up-close, without the costumes, staging, etc of a live opera. Such a beautiful aria, sung as the two characters first fall in love; the vocal lines themselves seem to grow arms and embrace each other: Now, here's the same aria performed during a live production of La Bohème at the Metropolitan Opera in New York: Bravo Puccini !!!
  7. OK, OK, stop begging.. Here's another aria for your enjoyment. One aria, two videos. The first video shows two fine young singers during an informal rehearsal of the great Puccini aria O Soave Fanciulla from La Bohème. It's a stunning display of fine talent up-close, without the costumes, staging, etc of a live opera. Such a beautiful aria, sung as the two characters first fall in love; the vocal lines themselves seem to grow arms and embrace each other: http://youtu.be/iaAd... Now, here's the same aria performed during a live production of La Bohème at the Metropolitan Opera in New York: http://youtu.be/WRGR... Bravo Puccini !!!
  8. Last week I bought a used copy of the Weymouth New Testament, and it's fast becoming one of my favorite translations. Check out how he handles II Corinthians 2:5-11: "Now if anyone has given pain, he has given it not so much to me, as, in some degree -- I have no wish to exaggerate -- to all of you. For such a person the punishment inflicted by the majority is enough. So that you may now take the opposite course and forgive and comfort him, lest perhaps he be driven to despair by his excess grief. I beg you therefore to fully reinstate him in your love. For I wrote with this object in view -- to test whether you were obedient in every respect. When you forgive a man an offense I also forgive it; in fact what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, has been on your account, in the presence of Christ, lest Satan should gain an advantage over us. For we are not ignorant of his devices."
  9. That sounds a whole lot nicer than hearing a minister scream vulgar things at his people while he sucks on half a Tic Tac.
  10. In addition to the Bible History link that I provided above, check out this interesting study from the Enjoy The Bible Ministries site: http://www.enjoytheb...ies/jesus1.html They both posit that faith is fidelity. This makes sense to me; at least, fidelity is a synonym that helps my understanding.
  11. Ah, ok, my bad. I thought I remembered reading in here somewhere that he became a mint sucker. Sorry to cast aspersions on such a nice guy.. Sorry too for going off topic, Twinky. AA is a worthy organization, fully deserving of our undivided attention. Truly, if you had seen my friend before and after AA and its 12 step program, you'd've been amazed by the positive changes in him. His job requires him to travel frequently, and he always seeks out a local AA meeting wherever he goes. AA gave us our friend back.
  12. Craig didn't like gay people, but he married one. Craig didn't like AA, but he used to suck on mints to hide the smell of booze on his breath. I ain't no doctor, but by golly I'm seeing a trend there. (Private memo to Craig: Closets are for clothes.)
  13. One of my best friends is in AA, and it saved his life. He was totally out of control with drinking, then one day he hit bottom, hard. Took himself to an AA meeting, and has been doing great for many years now. He's always the first one at the morning meetings, so he can make the coffee for everyone else! Why would Craig object to AA when it has obviously helped thousands if not millions of people escape an addiction? Maybe it's got something to do with that river in Egypt...
  14. Threads like this are the reason why 90% of former TWI members avoid GSC like the plague. I hate this thread with a deep hatred.
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