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Everything posted by coolchef

  1. coolchef


    hi ck woops meant greg
  2. i have said befor that i don't like wally world but to be fair they seem to be a good neighbor last month my club held a fund raiser for one of our local charities we raised $2,000,63 i talked to the wally manager and they are going to match it who knows??
  3. i hate going into wally world but sometimes i have to in our little river valley pop less than ten thiusand we have NO other choice unless you drive an hour away
  4. dan i beg to differ the teeth brush was invented in carthage maine where men are men and sheep are scared and where father's day is the most confusing day of the year!
  5. ok union i am a life time member of I.B.E.W. local 2327 as i have retired may i give you may take on unions and why we wiil probable never see one at wally world? when i retired from verizon in 1995 at age 45 i knew i was too young to retire completly so i followed a life long dream and became a certified excutive chef while working at a very major ski resort in maine the pay sucked but i didn't care i had a nice pension check every month but when i looked around and saw how hard everyone at the resort was working for peanuts i decided to orgainze a union I did it right I told management an informational would be held I arrainged for a state senator and a state represenitive and a rep from a major union to be there the 12,000 plus employess were also of course were notified of this meeting on the nite of the meeting all of the above were there except the employees were there only 2 employees why? i think that the employees who although hated thier peanut paying job were afraid to lose it ya i know it's not leagle but it happens i never did another meeting because if they didn't want to help themselves why should i risk a job that i was enjoying
  6. if every else jumped over the bridge would you too?? any one remember that one? Mom's been gone 4 months damn i miss her if yours is alive kiss and hug her and tell her you love her whenever you can i did and am not sorry today
  7. Jonny what were you doing in the ladies room?
  8. coolchef

    Caption Contest

    i've seen better heads fall off at the fish market in boston
  9. David again i wish i could say something to make you feel better but know that your family is in my prayers
  10. coolchef

    The 60s!

    krys regarding the dress code in my mind that is why kids respected teachers and teachers respected kids i was my era also
  11. vista you can the same recipe with squash too yummy here is another weird twist on an old favorite if you like apple crisp use butternut squash in stead of apples put drizzle a little maple syrup on it
  12. coolchef

    Fair Time

    chaz i will be at the fair on oct 3 but it will be in the am
  13. acorn squash stuffed with sausage and apple with a little brown sugar butter and maple syrup yum
  14. i have the cards i just want to confirm the address b4 i mail them
  15. brazed cabbage with granny smith apples and grilled brat with new potatos yum and
  16. i think it is called it's not easy being green i am 90% sure
  17. coolchef

    The 60s!

    dmiller but who can argue!
  18. coolchef

    The 60s!

    i agree with out there i don't remember much o the 60's either al though i graduated from hs in 67 damn it ws fun! the day after i graduated i thumbed to the west coast{ i live in maine} wish i could remember more of it but i'm sure i had a good time
  19. coolchef

    Fair Time

    Galen will you be there on the third?
  20. bozz welcome! Iove the holidays too I am pretty good at carving pumpkins this year i am going to carve a harry potter face on one!! again wlcome
  21. ex that could have not been said better
  22. and they want us to think we are getting a deal it was 2.55 last weekend and people were lined up for it just a 2 day thing at one place thanks geo. bush
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