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Everything posted by coolchef

  1. chas dod't forget red hot dogs!!!
  2. pea soup imo is for this time of year and winter especilly here in new england
  3. rocky if you like grilled corn try this...strip back the husk {after soaking} then wrap the corn in bacon pull the husk back up and tie with butchers twine a roast as usual yum!
  4. coolchef

    Shooting Stars

    amen sog why are we spending billions to explore space when there are kids going to bed hungry tonight etc etc money in the wrong place let the light show begin!!
  5. i love to make concoctions!!! sometimes they are good some not!!! i usually follow the diections when i cook from the cook book i wrote as they are sometimes complicated but experimenting is what cooking is all about!
  6. let's not forget old bay seasoning for every thing seafood
  7. coolchef


    wood garf thanks
  8. coolchef

    As Bad As It Gets

    not only did i belong to twi but i also dabbled for a few years with the john birtch soc, the one thing that i learned from them is that the press is a prostitute what ever sells is what they will promote
  9. pepper supreme it's a blend of 7 peppers made by mc Cormic
  10. coolchef


    if i knew how to send a sound i would
  11. coolchef


    Sudo try this cold crab dip with curry and lemon Ingredients 8 oz crean cheese softened 1/2 cuo carnation evaporated milk cup of good crab 2 tbsp diced green onion 2 tbsp red bell pepper diced 1/2 tsp curry powder 1/4 tsp garlic salt a squirt of fresh lemon juice just a small shot of tabbasco sauce mop. beat cheese and evaporated milk til creamy add the rest mix and refridgerate does any one have a good reciepe for salmon cakes??
  12. back in the late 70's and early 80's i used to show dr. seuse vidios at the twig i coordin....whoops we use to "run" them dr seuse sometimes made more sense that twi
  13. hope this is your best one so far with many more greater ones to follow!!!
  14. maybe lcm was a good young boy but methinks he turned evil but he had help
  15. nice Belle thanks for shareing
  16. how very sad to think that people will buy that book :(
  17. coolchef


    Belle here is one of my favorites Scallop cassorole 2 lb scallops 1/2 pint heavy cream 1 cup plain bread crumbs 24 ritz crackers {crushed} 3 tso each salt pepper garlic 1 1/2 cups melted BUTTER mop combine crumbs,crackers,seasonings and BUTTER Fold in scallops and place in a cassorole dish bake at 359 for 45-60 minsa real artery clogger but worth it occationally enjoy!
  18. i am a grandfather and this is my grand father's resipe it's been around for a while 2 cups split peas 5 cups ghicken broth 5 cups water 1/2 cup of hacked up celery 1/4 cup of hacked up carrots 1 large ham hock 1 clove garlic 2 bay leaves 1 tbsp Worchester sauce 1 tsp Tabasco sauce salt and freshly ground pepper to taste fresh chopped parsley and hugs and kisses as a garnish mop wash,soak and rinse peas{overnite} Heat the stock and water in a large pot,then add the peas and ham,bring to a gentle boil and cook for one or two hours. remove the hock or left over ham cut off the bone and hack into bite sized piecesand set aside returning the bone back to the pot. addall ingredence except saly pepper and parsely. then cook for one more hour. Discard bone {or give it to Fido} Puree soup to desired consistancy {not to smooth} return to stove add ham correct seasonings and garnish with a dollop of sour cream and parsely and hugs and kisses
  19. coolchef


    tom in only one word YUCK lol
  20. coolchef


    ok it's that time of year at least here in maine! got any killer soup recpies??? it's my favorite thing to make!
  21. sushi althiugh i have much respect for folks who served as wows i must ask how many of them did not return home or if they did missing an arm or leg againg my hat is off to our us milatary vets and also to the returning wows
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