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Everything posted by coolchef

  1. ex may it be your best one so far
  2. belle gee i wish i would have said that!!!!!
  3. coolchef


    pond has admitted to being an addict to cigs good pond that is the first step to over come your addiction now if you will only admit you seem to be a an addict to narrow mindedness and an addicted to being an ........ well i won't say what i am thinking..... maybe you could take your first step to recovery take the blinders off!!!!!
  4. coolchef


    theevan that sounds great thanks
  5. ok back to topic has any one ever had hog's head cheese? sounds gross but it is great!!
  6. very smart child but i think her parents should be charged with child abuse can you imagine her in 15 years? ouch!
  7. coolchef

    Holly Bush

    cuz i tried it too it just don't work heah!!my love to the mrs
  8. coolchef


    pond please take this with all due respect i have been on gsc for at least 4 years and i have never flammed any one before get ready it's comming your way{with love} get real!! an alchie is sick he has a disease that most don't want to have do you want diabetes? do you want heart disease? do you want cancer? no of course you don't!! being addicted to booze is not a matter of your mind it is a disease!!! please know what you are talking about before you judge US yeah my name is dennis and i am an alcholic! oh yeah one more thing once a pickle never a cukecumber
  9. please do not take this as a slam but you did not have your own mine neither did many of us we were brainwashed but thank god we are fiannaly rinsed out
  10. coolchef

    Holly Bush

    eagle i love holly especially this time of year it doesn't grow here but i go to the florist and buy a bunch for decorations enjoy your holly and thanks for shareing
  11. here in rumford maine some of us still make our own lye soap and our wives still use the old wringer that belonged to our grandmothers.
  12. giving and recieving always worked for me i gave so much abs that i recieved overdue bills frim my creditors
  13. coolchef


    bow you will not get flammed by me for doing what you had to do! I applaud you!! cman keep up the good work and hang in there my prayers are with you
  14. kit way too cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. dove ithink i see all sides of this topic people were abused by twi noone can deny that many people found salvation and were blessed by twi noone can deny that but here is my but....i have read the phrase on this thread more than once...nobody held a gun to your head....that is not so! ever hear of being brainwashed??? ask the poor disallusioned souls who drank jone's cool aid noone held a gun to thier head either
  16. yeah right dove the word of god is the will of god etc only if you do it our way crapolla to them all yeah right dove the word of god is the will of god etc only if you do it our way crapolla to them all
  17. and what may i ask is wrong with a party?? merry christmas temple lady
  18. Merry Christmas to one and all and if you don't like it go back to were you came from or let me say Merry Christmas and if i want a Holiday Tree i will have it on Arbor Day I will set my Christmas Tree tommorow weather you like it or not oh and by the way happy whatever day that you celebrate to you. i don't really think that you should be able give me any flack so i don't expect any from you! peace
  19. that is one crazy nigger yes i said nigger! and so are his buddies!
  20. i hvae never don't it as most of the recipes i have look to labor intense but as i have an 18# one in the freezer i gotta do it any ideas?
  21. aw paw i knew this would surface someday!!!! thanks for shareing i was born shortly thereafter hmmmm ya got me wondering
  22. dear Mother i can answer your question with absolute authority I JUST DON"T KNOW i will just have to wait!!
  23. mother of two welcome i returned to the rcc i am not faithful but like to go to mass once in a while they serve great wine!!
  24. coolchef

    10 or more

    no snow here in maine yet i can wait there will be plenty to come i like it but only a little burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  25. so basicaly twi has litterally put the fear of the lord in them gosh if mommy and daddy beat us like this what will god do? poor kids it is abuse of the worst kind. i spit on twi"s policies
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