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Hello: Hope you get this! You will find that some of the ole boys are actually billionares, and will war at the first word to expose their daqmnable secrets. They have had connections way up in the FBI, Congress, Courts, and their vile lawyers Baker and Hostetler in Clevland are ole pros at defending them and playing dirty. The best I have done is to get some of their friends to come out after me, and I have lost most every round. Even when they have admitted crimes in court, there is no one that will charge them. In the church Oral Roberts left when Craig was picked insted of him and his group and went on with his own ministry, I have seen the old home movies of him, waaaaaaaaay back. Based on this, there are a pile of secrets there, and the COC; COG; Baptist; and all sorts will never do more than teach against the things they stand for. Lastly they are all viscious, and if I hadn't had some good friends, I would have gotten more that I did over exposing the group sex, abuses, crimes about their actual ordination, and there is a list ten feet long. Any tme anyone wants to find a great attorney, and clean house at TWI, I will contribute, and testify, but remember, the estimater I got was a retainer of $200,000 to start, and one's like Vince Mc Fadden, and Martindale, are not stable, and are viscious. Thanks for your time, RonConner
Hi; I am urgently trying to locate Stokely Rose, a former leader from Trinidad. There were some problems about his daughter, and I had some more information about that. If you know him ask him to contact me here, or connerronald@hotmail.com . Thanks, connerron
What Is The Way -- For Those Considering Joining TWI
CONNERRON replied to Bob's topic in About The Way
Hello and God Bless You: What is The Way International, go get a video of Children of the Corn, watch it enough times to really get the an understanding of the plot and parallels. It really is a good analogy. God Bless you, and does the word seducer mean anything to you? connerron -
Hello and God Bless You: I just wanted to ask, how can you be sued for using something from the Bible, or that was plagerized already? most every work of TWI was one of the two????? Thnaks, connerron
Greetings and God bless you; Excellent disertation, **** four stars!. Thanks, connerron
GREETINGS; You are'nt talking about Bob Moynihan are you? The old pimp of the Peyton Foose and whoever they could get her with days are you? He would fit the part for sure, and politician, a vulgar mouthed old vermin that demands his way into anywhere he chooses, uses the f word more than Craig ever did, and lies even when he does'nt have to. He is also a viscious, and vile reprobate of a man, who I would'nt trust a female dog around, and maybe not a male; and money mercinary to the nth degree. He bragged about his rich family, and how they gave all the belongings for their home, and claimed it as a $200,000 write off. And Dotty his wife, if not a L. she missed a great chance, or maybe just both ways. She is a professional trerapist that would manipulate anything and anyone for any way it would benifit them. They were the ones who fanatic any thing they want, and anyone in there way is in danger of attack. He and Vince Mc Fadden go back 20 years , and are a perfect team, whores, bastards, and sob's. And no one is a friend or safe, the word Mamba fits them wel, (black), with the arts they practice. I speak from first hand experience. The man would revive the old secret society gestapo days, under his hisss and rule, as would Mc Fadden. They are worse than Craig ever was, thats because they are both cowards and liars so they are always on the offensive to keep the upper hand, and domination. Socially, and intelligence wise he's good, but he could be a Hitler, given ways to attain it,and has no reguard to anything honest, it's like raidoactive to him, he hates anything but deviance. And wii keep a life long adversary position to think he got someone, when in fact he just educates them to what a vile , and slithering man he is. Keep your children close to you. God help any, connerron
Hi , and God Bless you: I am not surprised that it creaped you out , I had several episodes with that very thing, and having been a personal friend of Donald Wierwille, and being close to Donna Martindale was probably the only way that i avoided the worst of the confrontations. The sick truth is that you rise up by blind observation of their persons, and blind obedience to their intentions; deny one and you have a confrontation, make it stand and you have an enemy. I had the occassion to refuse to go along with the implied intent of several of the titled ones, and sure enough I was taken out to lunch by a mutual friend, and talked to about the fact that I was just going to have to learn to comprimise and go with what the leaders wanted if I wanted to get along. I reminded hime that I had heard this swine mess a long time ago , and more than once, and it still was'nt going to work. Not too long after that someone that was supposed to be someone blatently wanted time with my fiance, and she started to try to infer that i was just going to have to go along with it. After letting him know there was no way, and stopping her from apologizing to the assanine filth, i started to get into situation after situation. I have said before , and i say again , when you find out whats really going on, they are a satanistic clanship, with mafia and worse tactics of indoctrinations, and rulership. They are potentialy dangerous, and all the upper level it there by doing what is necessary to get there, and to stay there. Both men and women do what ever they have to do to keep their rise to power or their position, for that they all have privlidge, money. power, and any thet can intimidate to serve whatever they want in impunity. They also have a code of death for those denying and defying them. Wonder why you felt funny around them, it probably was'nt your fault. God Bless you, connerron
Hello; About the way child abuse, i had a short comment. The Way was convicted in North Carolina of child abuse for various reasons. This started about a two year war of TWI and North Carolina, not even on argument of issues, but that "Religious Freedom", and other arguments gave them the right to do anything they chose to their children, and unless they were seriously injured etc. , they would fight them to the death about it. They evidently spent millions, and attacked NC as a group, for the whole time , even a paper a day till the courts could not handle it any more and dismissed the charges. The prosecuter said she had never seen a vile , and rotten mess like them in her life, or a more diabolical fighting filth, damanding the right to program by abuse, and or deprevation or what ever means it took for their children to be WAY children in training, and keep the secrets of the group. The level or their blatent abomination, and their corruption and coersion of the system here in NC is ledgendary. But thats the ways of TWI , you ever come against them in anything, they mean to win , and hurt you bad enough that you never want to do it again at the least, their preference is to see you die, or destroyed for you abominable arrogance to oppose THE HOLY MAN OF GOD , in any matter. Then, overturn him!! you'll fight till one dies. Thank you,GodBless You, connerron
Things that might help the Way Ministry Gain Members
CONNERRON replied to year2027's topic in About The Way
Hi I just wanted to add one comment to the how to add members catagory. They could always go back to their standard method that many of us got hooked by, and start dating all their witness prospects, and the ones that took the class and stuck with it all got sex whenever they were next up one the rotation. Althought there were the occassions that some WOW leaders got kinda wasted , and took care of more than one at a time. This also requires a renewed mind to keep this life style all going and not let things like the scripture, laws, or human considerations get in there and cause conflict. -
Hi Ryan: I'm Ron , and I've been all the way down that road with a hard core TWI girl , and i can tell you outright it does not get better with them , it gets worse, especially if they are in that fanatic mode of wanting to get back with them. Despite how much you think you might care for this person, the woman I was with there, hid her whole real life, and their real activitys from me to the very bitter end. They have some of the sickest messes you can ever have to face; and if you get into the wrong situation you will have violence, and an ongoing war for years. They never let go , or let up unless you conceed to their vile mess , and agree to what the higherarchy wants. Short of that you have stoneheaded , rotten liars, that, like their attorney, Mr. S*** ,will go after you any obsurd way they think of. I caught up with the fact that the leaders demand that you "share" your partner at their demand, and the war starts when you refuse them their way in anything. Then when it happens to be someone that "she" really wants , you have the worst mess you can ever want , not be be obsene , but it's like caging a dog in heat, and having the males pace around and snarl, one wrong move and it's a riot, and someone's going to get hurt. After the third confrontation , she and Martindale decided I was never going to "see the glory of their bless ways and sharing" , and I was informed that he had told her to do what ever she needed to to deal with me, and move on , and he'd back here on what ever she did. So , still wearing her ring , she went right on out for three more one nighters, and almost got me into life and death fights till I finally threw the whole thing with her down and walked away. She cryed for three days, then on to anyone and everyone that she though could be fun, then tried the WayCorps. Later I found out all the truth of all the filthy mess of even three some's with her witness prospects on her WOW year that they covered up , and dozenes literally , "thats just considered being a blessing to the leaders", and your "friends". That , the real extent of her alhol and drugs, and all the various partners. She went on a binge for two years through our local areas that astounded and revolted party animals, and bikers. And the whole time , V*** M**** was right there for her in everything. Later I also saw her car at his home at 3:30 in the morning , after hearing about them out together. Yep, I finally had to check, and until I caught her spending the night there while V****'s wife was gone to headquarters for weeks at a time, I just could not get my head to believe it. Then if they get exposed in something, you've got a sick mess for ever, or until you jail them , or just hospitalize them as standard practice, they are just a sick, arrogant , and mind programed mess. In closing, if you did'nt believe in spirits and possesion before, be very carefull or they will educate you! They will look away for a second , and when they look back at you, all you see are big black eyes, and a face like what it used to be , but not really them anymore. After P**** got back with them , she got into a fight in a club one night, over a pool game, and six grown men could not control her. She threw them off like nothing and almost killed a big lesbian softball player that was there , over her little girlfriend. They get wierd, and dangerous in a blink of an eye. The group will also fight like a union, so if one is after you , then all their "faithfull" will be. Please be carefull, I have not even told the worst parts. God Bless and help you, connerron
Hello: I have no idea whether you are or are'nt homosexual, and the bible is so clear on that , that it even notes it as a punnishment for other sin in Rom ch 1. The matter here is TWI , and it's insane program . The high sacred Dr. and all holy fall down before Craig, and the if the Pope deserves it , why then Craig ............... for he's far more holy!! ; this mess and their I decerned a homo spirit around him, so obviously he's convicted by "carrying it" , "he had to do something to get that thing", so he's guilty!! . That is the shovel after shovel of manauer that should have stayed at the farm's barn. Strangely enough Craig and others taught about , going to satan as the servant of the Man of God, (based on a corruption of Luke 10.19), and having him "confess immutable spirits onto persons with defiance of rebuke except by the approval of the original Man of God who confessed it done as their convicting , reproof, or curse to suffer at his "holy hand"), then supposedly the "high called" can discern the spirits and they are justified in convicting whoever of their sin/crime they are accused of. They even had the position that over time this would " proove the Man of God the true", by wearing on the preson to turn them to whatever sinfull thing they had envoked upon the person(s). TWI is a sly and evil thing from it's structure out , if you look at the CYA way that it was put together with all the Twigs as segregated units , and the Cardinal Sin of twig hopping, all this is for control, and so if one bunch got caught in some satanist / criminal activity, they could swear the headquarters knew nothing, and cut and run defend them selves. From begining to end TWI is a satanic structured, criminal minded mess as bad as the secret society in the horrible Rosemary's Baby movie of the 60's. Dr. Wierwille when he knew he was going to die, evidently got clear for a moment , and is remembered as saying: " Craig , this thing is fine for some teaching, fun , and making money , but if it turns into a religion , SHUT IT DOWN AS FAST AS YOU CAN, CAUSE YOU KNOW WHERE IT"S GOING"; and he was'nt refering to heaven. He admitted it was never considered to be a holy thing. Donald told me they set up two parts, one was a business corporation with Craig, and one was ministry with him, and one was for profit and the other supposedly for God. But from the start everything was structured by lawyers to assume a defense when they got caught at something. The people they kept were those they could control, and would willingly sin for them , or even harm themselves on command. How sick is this? And Craig's / TWI"S accusings should mean something? God Bless and thanks, for your time, connerron
Hello: Oh yea it exists, and more! , their crazy "going to satan as the man of gods servant to impose curses , and punnishments on those Craig or someone could'nt get at, or bow down with this "THATS RIGH, AND HUH,HUH! ." THE DR'S THREE DAY "," DEATH , HELL , AND RISEN AGAIN", over three days, and then risen again if the Man of God sees repentence in you , other wise dare you rise back from it. Ole WayCorps hard cases with their latter state, and old maning of persons, and never forget, "one way or another get what ever it is , by faithfull men or spirits , but that the holy Man of God get his way always and get away with all things, for he is too important to the cause" , or the "embracement curse for going out of the household" to get help to defend your self etc. . Thanks, anf God bless you, connerron
Hello: The Way word issue was always a problem for me, then i finally figured out that was how the old timers knew who you were a follower of, and more than that , i believe that is how the spirit influence teaches persons to speak a special language that corresponds to they filthy spirit operations, and curses. They also spoke in their own guile, and every one of them that had "sold out" started that Way word mess, and became devout liars. Remember "speak only the believing, never give up the truth", a law of the Way Corps, it was repeated to me over, and over. Remember their filth of, latter state worse than the first; old manning; power of The Holy Man of God's Proofin ; seeking the feet of Man of God ; HUH HUH!; squaling THATS RIGHT! ; all of them with their effigy of men, and refernce to the spirits. It was all ego feeding too, for Wierwille, Craig, Wayne Clapp, or some sold out. God Bless you, connerron
Is Craig Martindale still supported by The Way?
CONNERRON replied to shortfuse's topic in About The Way
Hello; At one point Craig tried to convince the rest of the headquarters that the "federallies" were "at the door", and that he should take the finances and go underground till there was an all clear sounded by I guess the attorneys. much to his outrage they stopped him in the middle of it , but I don't know if that was after he got away with good part or what. There was the comment about he having to return what was already moved. God Bless, connerron