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Need help with scriptures w/slain in the spirit...
Ex_16th_MB replied to Ex_16th_MB's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Thank you...I will check those scriptures out. I dont have a problem with raising holy hands or even saying an "Amen. brother" every so often. But to turn a sanctuary to a place where people are barking and howling and having convulsions all over the floor, I dont know...its just darn freaky. I once was invited to a service where they did this and I was so freaked out that all I could do was curl into a ball in my seat and just speak in tongues. It was just freaky. I had a short experience with an offshoot in Florida and they got into the barking and something they called "warrior tongue" which to me sounded like the sounds the girl from The Exorcist was making in the movie, and group called that warrior tongues to ward off devil spirits. Its was just weird. Thanks for the scriptures, vegan. I appreciate them. :) -
I'm not sure what it is about vegetarians and their beliefs, etc. I dont think its taught, its just a sense of belief they have that they feel that by saving animals and not eating them that is the right thing and they need to spread the word. Could it be the action of killing that makes them feel that it's wrong to eat meat? I only say this because I have an 8 year old who is strictly vegetarian. She is not vegan because I have not explained to her the concept or she probably would go vegan. I think that as a growing child she needs some of the proteins brought on by animal by products and so I havent brought up the subject of veganism. But as innocent as an 8 year old is, she will truely tell you that she will not eat meat of any kind because she doesnt believe in killing of animals. And she truly believes it in her heart. She has a passion about it that sometimes its hard to eat dinner with her because she will point out that we are eating meat and she isnt. So who taught her to think this way? Definitely not us, we all eat meat except her. I think its a sense of internal conviction that she feels that killing animals for the sense of eating them is wrong. Probably the same conviction that some other vegetarians have. I have since the first of January, have turned vegetarian but will occassionally eat meat, if its mixed with the rest of the dish, but I personally do not brag about it or try to convince others that it is the right thing to do. Thanks for the topic..its a good one. Mary
K..so we are attending a local church and we thought we found the perfect place for us, until they had a guest speaker last weekend. I didnt go to the "special" service because it was at night and the temperatures here are frigid, but my husband was asked to play in the worship band and so he was there. He left at 4:30pm to practice and the service started at 6pm. When he wasnt home by 8pm, something told me that something was awry. My immediate thought was...."oh, oh, I wonder if they are having some 'holy spirit' weekend" or something of that sort. By that I meant where they have people who want to be filled with the holy spirit and speak in tongues get prayed for, etc. Ok...so I just waited for the return of my husband...he got home a little after 9pm. When he got home, he was physically agitated. It was like a "wild animal in a cage" is the only thing I can think of. He was very spiritually disturbed, for lack of better words. When I asked him what happened? He began to tell me that the guest speaker did his teaching but then started asking if people wanted healing to come to the front and receive healing. He said that the sanctuary became like a circus. People were howling and barking and falling down (slain in the spirit) and shaking on the floor after they fell down, etc. He started to get freaked out, since we don't believe in this, and almost walked off stage because it was so disconcerting to him. He managed to make it through the whole night but made sure he told the worship leader that next time they ask him to help out with worship, to please not include him in something like this. He didn't mince his words. A couple of days ago my husband received an email from the worship leader saying that he understood my husband's discomfort about the whole "slaying in the spirit" atmosphere and that the senior pastor wanted to talk to him on Saturday (our usual church attendance day). I want to be present and I want to make sure that whatever the senior pastor says is biblically accurate. Its been so long since I have debated this issue with anyone becasue we have managed to attend churches that didnt believe in this sort of thing, so Im asking you your help if there are scriptures that I need to bring with me to bring up with the pastor when we meet with him on Saturday. Or if you know of scriptures that the "pentecostals" use to defend their issues on 'slain of the spirit'. Im sorry for the long story, I just wanted to make sure I added all the details. One thing that caught us by surprise is that the church promotes itself as a non-denominational but a service like this is definitely categorizing them as pentecostal. We were really caught off guard. Any help would be great. If you do believe in being slaying in the spirit, Id love to hear from you to, not to convice me, but to hear your side as well. Thanks in advace. Mary
I agree....although I dont frequent this forum that much, I do sense a sort of paranoia from some folks here. I felt that Freud was genuine and people had to dissect every word he wrote and seeing "devils" in every corner instead of seeing a genuine person. Even I sometimes post here at my own peril. Some people here are vicious and forgetful that behind each post there is a person with feelings. Freud, if you read this, know that some of us believe you and we thank you for trying to bring light to this forum about a man that so many of us were affected by. Whatever Craig is doing, I hope that one day he will be strong enough and man enough to own up to it and ask people for forgiveness. I personally feel sorry for him. He had it all and he just screwed it all up because he didnt keep his ego in check. How smart is the devil...isnt he? He knew that if he took the leader, he could wipe so many at the same time. But that still happens to this day, Ted Haggard is a perfect example....fortunately, although they lost a few members, Ted taught them to stand on the word and not follow men. Anyway...peace to you all. :) Mary
What seems funny to me is that many times some of these swinging couples really shouldnt be swinging, if you get my drift. Reminds me of a funny story..well sort of, well it wasnt funny at the time. When I was 16, my sister, who is 10 years my senior, and her husband flew me (yes, we rented an airplane and flew there, normal for us) to a French island in the Caribbean. I was totally innocent to what was going to happen. We checked into a hotel, the details are sketchy since it was so long ago, but I do remember that we didnt go into a normal hotel but instead walked out to the beach and went into bungalows. I put on my bathing suit and walked to the bar area. To my surprise, everyone was naked! Excpet me, of course. We were in a nude colony! My sister had not mentioned this to me and I had no clue until I saw everyone there naked. I was embarrassed and furious at my sister that she had taken me there without my consent. I spent the rest of the day out on the ocean on a little pier they had floating out there. So anyway, you would think that you would find gorgeous girls there with bombshell bodies in a nude colony. Nope, a whole bunch of old wrinkled men, or overweight women that were better off leaving their bathing suits on. Probably the same situtation with swingers, you think?
how far did you let you're thinking (thoughts) go
Ex_16th_MB replied to nandon's topic in About The Way
Whenever I see a documentary on Jonestown, I always ask myself that question: "Could I have done that if the leadership had asked me?" and my answer has always been no. The reason being because I was always taught by leadership that tragic death is not of God and inspired by devil spirits and that suicide was not of God either. So having learned that, I would have concluded that if the leadership ever were to ask me to commit suicide, I would have known that it was a devil spirit controlling them to ask that of me. Sorry...my honest answer. I think that TWI covered themselves or screwed themselves, whichever way you want to see it by teaching that to their followers. -
Tom Jenkins is in the DC area and runs a group there (Arlington, last I remember) ...at least last time I attended...went once a while back...never went back. :)
I came across this bit of information. I didnt see it posted anywhere else here so I thought Id post. The link shows 7 properties owned by TWI in the New Knoxville area as of 2001. http://www.excultworld.com/investigative%2...ies%20owned.pdf Also, for those of you who didnt see my post on the other thread, TWI owns property in Toledo, a house. I wonder why they would need a house in Toledo? It was purchased in 1996. http://www.excultworld.com/Misc_Documents/...ea_Property.htm Interesting how they cant afford to pay more to their staff members but they can donate money to universities and buy properties all around. hmmm.
No...I agree...that's not a good thing to do. But isnt it funny that if this home is for Craig, arent they aiding and abetting a sex criminal? If Craig lives in this house and they bought this house for Craig, then I find it appaling that TWI would go to these extents to help him out. Obviously, if TWI owns this property, Craig might be living mortgage free. How screwed up is that?
Id think that if it was going to happen, that the person who answered the phone might have mentioned something. you think? just throwing it out there. .....Adding this note: Unless they are planning on selling the property and then it will be open to the public once its sold...just speculating. :)
Speaking of Gunnison, I came across this interview by a police officer from the Denver Police Force in Colorado. He had first hand experience with Gunnison and some interesting information is noted in an interview he gave to Patrick Roberge from Excultworld.com http://www.excultworld.com/interviews/Mark%20Roggeman.htm Focus on the information halfway down, they talk alot about Gunnison and purchasing of ammunitions. Happy reading.
publicdata.com charges for searches. Im sure that a search can be done through the Lincoln County government site. I remember when I was trying to purchase our home here in CO, I was able to access any public information on properties through their database located on their government site. If anyone has the saavy to do this, im sure you can find it by listing The Way International as the owner...just a thought.
Actually, after a close look of the document posted, they whited out the actual address. Im sure somebody who is saavy in the real estate business can find out through public records the location since there is a date of purchase and enough information on the house. I guess Donna is still taking care of her ex. Now, mind me...this information is from 1996 (date of purchase), not sure if they still own this property.
I think Ive looked at all the posts concerning this subject but not sure if I missed this one... I stumbled across this information and I dont think I saw it mentioned here... "The Way International's Property In The Toledo, Ohio Area An interesting discovery was made by one of our magazine's researchers. They found a property owned by TWI in a suburb of Toledo. Toledo is where L. Craig Martindale the ex-President of TWI has been rumored to be living and working. Is it a coincidence that TWI owns a residential dwelling in this City of all places? Whether or not TWI's ex-president lives there is not the main issue. If TWI's Ohio corporate office is not in this house, why does TWI own the house? And how many other undisclosed properties does TWI own that their followers don't know about? " Here is the link with the copy of the property listing. Maybe our friends Freud and Jung can verify if this is where Craig lives in Toledo. http://www.excultworld.com/Misc_Documents/...ea_Property.htm Sorry if this is a duplicate, I didnt seem to see any discussion on this.