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Liv, I replied to your email, just wanted to make sure you saw it. Thanks!! Rebeccah
It was just sad. My previous supervisors had always recognized that the work was hard and not fun, and being able to have light, fun conversation while working so hard took out a lot of the drudgery. Not the last one, I think banned smiling at one point. I also hope she found a life and some perspective, and realizes that teenage girls laughing while working isn't a sign of Satan's corruption!!
Once again I am reminded how lucky I am never to be wc. Fortunately, in my case they were happy to have me be happy to scrub toilets, until my last supervisor sucked all the joy out of scrubbing toilets.
I can't say anything about the Gunnison stairways, but at the OSC they may not have looked dirty, but they were!!!!
I knew him at what I am pretty sure was the end of his residency, and he had the biggest heart and smile. So I don't think there is any reason to fear him becoming a corps nazi. I never got along to well with that type anyway. I know this may sound strange to a lot of you, but I grew up in a way that was about love and understanding and acceptance of people from many backgrounds. So, I pretty much rejected anything that contradicted what I thought God was about, by the end that was pretty much the entire twi.
Just my two cents (if it's even worth that), Depending on his level of success, he may feel the need to try to separate the "star ....ers" from the honest women just looking for a real relationship. He might be trying to find the balance between being completely honest and not making himself a target. Or, he could be one of the many compulsive liars (or worse) that abound on the internet. I would keep an open mind, but be on the look out for inconsistencies or warning signs. I would also let him know that his story sounds suspicious, but you are willing (if you are willing) to continue to explore the relationship. That being said, I also recommend Google's image search. It is very handy!!
This was before I was born, possibly before my parents met, but the early Emporia staff was unpaid. They were provided room and board, and if they had a need they submitted a form stating what they needed to purchase and how much it would cost. If it was determined that it was an actual need, they would be given the cash to go make the purchase. It is very late, and I am really tempted to make some very snarky comments, but I think I will just stick with this "revelation" that my mother and I had discussing the situation. It was obviously all a matter of believing, if you truly believed then you wouldn't need to buy soap, because either the soap you came with would miraculously last no matter how many showers you took, or if you were really in line you wouldn't need to shower at all! night all
Since I haven't been here long enough to make an informed decision about anyone I'm not sure I knew in the "real world" or the "unreal world of the way" I am pretty much taking people at face value, with a realization that people lie and sometimes for really stupid reasons. I will try to use the same criteria I've used on other virtual locations 1. avoid troll-bait topics 2. verifiy what can be verified 3. look for consistency in behavior and opinions No matter how careful you are, it's still the internet: Everyone could be lying and anyone can be impersonated. Also, if you are too quick to judge you could miss out getting to know some incredible people who could have very good reasons for not wanting to reveal too much. So, that's mho, but like most things in life, people have to come to their own truth in their own way.
Maybe that was more common than I thought, I was discussing this with my mom today, and she mentioned that she would do this also. She also shared her early Emporia experiences where they would have to put in a request to get money to buy a bar of soap, if it was deemed that they really needed it. And Sunny's class on how you should never need to use more than four squares of toilet paper. She would have been very upset at all God's toilet paper that was wasted by those points!
The pointed toilet paper was the finishing touch on cleaning the restroom. It showed the attention to detail that went into the cleaning and also was a visual sign of how often the restrooms were scrubbed. Because people weren't repointing the paper after they used it. So, while I understand why people may not "get the pointed toilet paper" you can take my word that it was a visual token of our love for our fellow believer's and the place where we believed God's true word was be being taught.
Thanks!! I've wondered about him often. He always made me smile.
Anyone have any information? He was from Gabon, at headquarters in the early 90s, i don't remember which corps he was. He had such a great heart and a wonderful french accent! thanks!!
A lot of times, I'll work "I was raised in a born again christian cult" into a conversation. It has great shock value without the immediate devil-worshipping conotations.
And all those points were perfect! I spent many hours folding toilet paper. I am actually very proud of the work I did on Housekeeping staff. And those toilets were all scrubbed with "God's Love" One thing I was never sure of was when I was told that leaving the toilet seat up after cleaning it was "smily and inviting" Seriously though, Housekeeping had it's .... together. I started in Founder's Hall and there was a process that was the height of efficiency, it had to be as that building was scrubbed top to bottom every day. Another thing that was really great was that as I was being taught how things were done, I was taught the reason behind doing it a certain way. Such as, which outlet in each conference room would allow me vaccuum the entire room without having to replug in the vaccuum. btw, I still point the paper of every new roll