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  1. TWI will do anything to sell themself. "TWI", What a glorious place for people to be. Wonder how long they have been planning this little scheme so everybody could really catch up on what each other was doing? It would not surprise me if they already see each other at fellowship. Sorry guys, I just don't put anything past them. I would like to see TWI on E-Bay to see just how much they would bring at auction Wonder if it would be as much as they think they are worth?
  2. Stephen will never find himself as long as Patty Faye is with him. She is the one with the balls in that family. She put her own daughter to the streets at age 18 for dating a non-believer. This is a true example of their love for their children. Can't come home till you agree to go to fellowship and stay away from that evil spirit. When Stephen's daughter was killed in a fatal accident he was very emotional but very withdrawn with information concerning her funeral arrangements. She was taken back to NC for burial but none of us twits knew anything until they returned and held a memorial for her. Everything is just so secretative and hard hearted. Oh well, maybe someday they will realize the importance of family and happiness.
  3. Rascal, your comment could start a whole new thread like: Why didn't You stand up and say, "That is Wrong"? I know the Bible says "Don't" but what they do is their business. Right? None of mine. As a Christian, Let God deal with them. TWI has taught allot of things that was, and; still is wrong but I choose not to waste my time on some brainwashed twit who tell lies on people because they call him/her down and question their cult. I prefer to talk about their cult in hopes that people do not become involved and those that are remaining will someday see just how terrible the place and their teaching is. Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't it John S. that got booted over a paper on Adultery? That tells me that TWI believes that Adultery is OK and taught that same theory to women who believed sexual intercourse or otherwise was blessing some godly jerk-off. These are my up-bringing views and they are stronger than ever. TWI, don't get around my kids!
  4. LG, it was none of anybody's business until it went public and was the subject of discussion throughout many households, courtrooms, fellowships and GS since the day it was announced. Each of us has had our own opinions concerning this and expressed them in different ways. I believe that twinot is deserving of his/her opinion whether you think that or not. LG, if you don't think it is any of your business then that is your opinion. My opinion on this is that you don't need to be telling someone that it is none of their dang business. Just speak for yourself! My opinion concerning the question is the same as I said in fellowship the evening I was asked. "If it is o.k. with your partner to have sex with someone else then who am I to interfere. Just go at it."
  5. Bastards...Total Bastards they are.
  6. I believe they are in Halls Crossroads, TN which is a surburb of Knoxville
  7. Two that I like from my mom were and still are, "Don't jump out of the frying pan into the fire.", and "If you think the grass is greener on the other side then climb the fence and see for yourself." She would end that remark by adding "You are welcome back anytime." My Mom and Dad are still alive and celebrated their 63rd Wedding Anniversary on September 14, 2006. Now isn't that a Wonderful Blessing to have received and achieved? I Thank God for them everyday.
  8. skipC


    Again, topics like this turn my stomach. I already owned a home but many little remarks were thrown in my face about being in debt. One day I finally showed the idiot my clear deed. I purchased a car with an agreement to pay off in 90 days. Well, the idiot came at me again and ask why I didn't talk with him about this before I traded my vehicle. Oh crap, the opportunity was there and I took advantage of it. My reply, "When you start paying my bills then you can tell me how to spend my money." The End! Zilt--Never Again was I approached! Hope everyone here has a nice day!
  9. I don't agree Chas and I may be wrong but descrimination, harrassment whether it be sexual or handicapped doesn't apply when the employee (himself/herself)works for a non-exempt organization. Federal taxes are deducted and just because they are considered a religious org does not exempt them from the law. I believe that was proven by the Allens. When a religious sect or non-exempt (hospitals, etc) cross the fine line they are not exempt when it comes to employment laws. I have yet to see a law that is not over-ruled by another. This would be a good research topic with the Federal Government!
  10. Hi dancing Fear is terrible and will cause one to come up fighting. TWI will continue to instill fear and back some into corners with their fear tatics. What I have seen here is much like an ole saying my mom used to say to me, " You back anything in a corner and scare him enough he will come out fighting like a wild tiger." I believe TWI should be realizing what they are doing to people by the drop in the "high elete" The tigers are coming out of the corner!!! Today, I would pop that mouth I used to listen too.
  11. If all these pictures were from 2004, I wonder how many are still standing. They were young and I have a tendancy to believe that they are just getting old enough to take these classes. TWI Mom and Dad's offspring! I have to admit I laughed when I saw some of these people wrapped in blankets, sweaters and coats. I can't help but remember how darn cold I was when I took these classes. One thing I have to admit, they know how boring these classes are and they had to do something to keep us awake. The lingo makes me want to puke. I cringe everytime I hear the way lingo!
  12. Sorry igotout, but what does this mean about being someone's bitch? I have only heard this phrase used in a certain cirmstance and I don't think your phrase has the same meaning... <_<
  13. I left TWI in the latter part of 2002 and although I never heard TWI say or teach that they were the only way or the only ones who taught the truth, they certainly implied that they were by remarks such as: Donna Martindale's tape concerning the plane crash TWI members saying that they were above the earth Other churches did not teach the truth like we do (TWI) all they want is your money TWI was God's children and if you left you would no longer be under the protection of God's household. something bad will happen to you if you leave TWI I have never heard remarks like this from any church that I have ever attended. Red Flag for determining if they are a cult or not! C'mon guys, I know you can put out those phrases that were used at theTwitsville Compound
  14. edawn, if you and hubby do not have a copy of Karl Kahler's book, "The Cult That Snapped" is an excellent book to have. I believe you will understand just how paranoid TWI leadership is and how some of the followers believed this so called mog. IMHO, I truly believe this could have been a very dangerous cult had people who left and those M/A'd exposed what was going on within their walls. I would not be surprised, taking into consideration the aggressive and arrogant behavior of some I know that are still with TWI, that a threat or a fear of more exposure just might cultivate this sort of behavior. The one thing they are lacking is the King of Kings who protect his people. People have his freedom to choose who they want to stand with and those who do not make the right choice fall. TWI is falling and very fast! Since day 1 of attending a fellowship, I realized that these people follow leadership and believe me they do as they are told. During this period of time I was taking a class called "Cults of America" and TWI was in that book. I was drawn to curosity and questioned why TWI wanted to know so much personal information and accountability of your life. The four years that I stayed I was never asked for anything. During this time I confronted 3 people who TWI had pretty much made their personal lives hell who walked after 20 years in TWI. We are still very good friends and they still discuss the horrible things that were said and done to them by leadership.
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