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Everything posted by edawn
We are involved in a custody action with R***y and A***a ******r in Knoxville, TN. Our information is that they are long-time members of TWI. We are concerned about TWI teachings and behaviors that our son/step-son is or has been exposed to. If you have any information that might be helpful, please private message us. Thank you.
Allen W., Honestly, do you mean the Irish Rebublican Army? It would seem unlikely that someone that with "connections" to the IRA that perhaps could have fought for the beliefs of Northern Ireland would then be in the U.S. as a part of TWI -- just about the furthest theologically from the RCC...unless, are you saying that the training co-ordinator is sort of a mercenary? So, what's the deal with the IRA? Is there a Knoxville, TN connection? If so, perhaps it is time for HLS! Thanks, Edawn
Connerron, Not sure what your message has to do with folks in TWI in East TN. Can you expand? Specifically, which spirits should I be afraid of? edawn
If you have attended a fellowship recently in the Knoxville, TN area, please let me know - and if necessary by private message. Also, if you were involved in TWI in the past three to four years and have a child with the first initial J that attended AE, please contact me by private message. We have valuable information for one another. Again, I thank you all for your information and support. United, we will find TRUTH!
SkipC, I notice that you are a newbie like myself and seem to have knowledge of Tennessee. Perhaps you, or anyone else, may have heard of a follower of TWI by the name of Maguerite. If so, please have her PM. She has valuable information that could result in freeing someone from the control of TWI. Thanks to everyone for all of your help!
Patty Fae and Stephen are of little interest...unless they are intersted in donating current TWI teachings-- If there is anyone who can name all of the agents (for lack of a better word) for TWI in Tennessee, I would be eternally thankful - thankful to a loving, caring, forgiving, inclusive, god that loves us all equally and wants us all to be enlightened. Agents means any person that is paid/unpaid but an active teacher/recruiter (whatever) branch, limb, twig, leaf, bark? of TWI. Honestly, I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but the secretive teachings, the illusions to trees, and the utter lack of understanding of TWI in what a genuine earth based belief is grounded in makes the tree analogy rotten to the TRUNK! Better yet...all the way to the roots. I will admit that I've never been, nor will I ever be, a disciple of TWI. In fact, I've never even heard of this "religion" until the past two years. However, I'm a child of a cult follower. I will always be thankful that this "cult" was mostly a copy-cat and blending several world religions and preaching religious education and tolerance. Sadly, this group is/was out to make money off of folks who just wanted tolerance at a time when (at least in this area) was not popular. There is a phrase I've used often with my husband, who happens to be a non-believer of TWI (heard and didn't buy it) that to this day he cannot comprehend, "I can believe everything, yet I believe nothing at all." However, he insists that those beliefs cannot exist in the same person. To this day, I disagree. One can look and find bits of truth in everything, yet absolute truth in nothing at all...with the exception of god's only "word" - look around at the beauty of just a sunrise! I have to say the tactics, control, and fear instilled in followers of TWI is unnerving. But, always remember, Truth can withstand the Light. If someone claims they have truth yet shrinks from the Light...RUN! You all are wonderful. Thank you for your thoughts, always. Edawn
I really appreciate all the information that each of you have given me. Each suggestion has given me a new avenue to pursue in my research. You have all been a great help.
I tried to check out what TWI "lovers" had to say, but when I attempted the site Myspace.com/thewayintl the message I receive is... "This user has either cancelled their membership, or their account has been deleted." Has the myspace site for TWI supporters already been eliminated? :unsure:
I appreciate all of the advice and help that each of you offer. Fortunately, the judge in this matter frowns on any co-parent that uses religion or any other matter to try to drive a wedge between parent and child. We are lucky to have a judge that recognizes that children are best served by two loving parents working together for the best interest and happiness of thieir child! It sounds so simple, doesn't it? I will keep all of you updated. And, if there is ever a day that the regulars of this site have a newbie looking for custody advise, please have them PM me. I won't always be on this site. However, I'll alway respond to another looking for advice on how to save an innocent from being trapped and never knowing what true spiritual freemom is! Best hopes and wishes to all! Edawn.
The non-Way parent rejected TWI years ago and suspects that is the reason his Wayfer wife left and divorced him. They share joint custody and equal time with the child. Now that the child is a teen the mother's interference with the father's rights and time with the child have increased tremendously to the point that the father insisted that the court order be followed and that the mother abide by a well-known psychologist's recommendation that she let the child enjoy his time with his father without interference from her. Because of the non-Wayfer father insisting on his court ordered time (full month of July for summer with no interference) and the psychologist insisting that if the Wayfer mother does not stop controlling the child he will not mature properly, the mother filed for full custody and less visitation for the non-Way father. Even though the father is an extremely intelligent, successful, educated man, the mother has made statements that she "fears" for the child and that he is in "danger." Since the father in no way ever places this child at risk, the only answer that seemed to fit was that the mother "fears" for the child spending equal, undisturbed time with his non-Way father because she must somehow be afraid of TWI or herself losing control of the child's thoughts. Because of the irratic, irrational behavior of the mother, it has become necessary to examine TWI role in not only the mother's problems but also what effect her mind control and TWI mind control has on the child. Not to mention, the mother is remarried to someone who supposedly is a disciple in TWI.
I appreciate all of the posts. While we are certain that the Wayfer mother is attempting to poison the teenager against his non-Wayfer father by teaching about "goats and sheep," "devil spirits," and lying to non-Wayfers being allowable since Wayfers are at war with non-believers, proof of these teachings is needed for the judge. By all appearances the teen is directly being taught to disrespect, disobey, and distrust his father because he is a "goat." The intolerance TWI teaches against other religions, sexual preference, and certain races is effecting this teen's behavior. Documentation on these teachings would also effect the judge's decision in this case. Also, when the teen is with his father the mother calls repeatedly to speak with the son and often uses some type of code words. Usually the calls start with the teen responding to her several times with (what sounds like) "Ram, Ram." Have any of you ever heard this phrase? It could be their own code, however I thought I should ask. I truly thank each of you for taking the time to post answers. I have to say when it comes to this goat v. sheep war, goats climb mountains and fight strong.
Thanks to all of you for your replies. I have no personal connection to TWI. However, I'm currently witnessing the isolation of a teenager by his Wayfer mother and Wayfer stepfather. Both of these people are heavily involved in TWI and have been for years. Because of TWI teachings on non-Wayfers, I'm researching what they might teach children about non-Wayfer, ex-spouses (the child's biological parent). If anyone has information or knows someone that has been successful in showing that TWI is damaging to a child's relationship with the non-Wayfer parent and the non-Wayfer parent was able to use that information in custody litigation, please pass this post on to them. Again, I thank all of you for your replies. edawn
I'm needing documentation on current teachings of TWI. I am especially interested in finding current teachings on "mark and avoid" and "devil spirits." Also, is there a way to obtain a listing of who the current disciples (recruiters) are in Tennessee? Thanks for any info.