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Everything posted by dancing
I took the time to read your post revvel. And I appreciate your calm reply. As far as what you are presenting and have presented, it is a theory not based on actual experience and living the events that are laid out in the book of Revelations. Which is really the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Which is the coming of the Lord and the day of the Lord. It is Christ coming. All of what you propose is in the future basically and cannot be proven or disproven by science or theosophy. You question whether or not I am born again, which leads me to think that you have not experienced this revelation. Have you questioned yourself about the same thing? Sure it's fine to live a moral and upright life and do right things from the heart. Anyone can do that from the heart. It is within us and always has been and always will be. In your response to me and in your theory you are cutting certain people out of what God has already planned and prepared for them. Born again or not, the Spirit that sleeps within will awaken and the day of the Lord will be at hand. Physical death has no bearing on this reality. Jesus Christ defeated death so it is done. The problem most people face is seeing it for themselves. And not hearing it from someone who says that what was done really got done. When one sees it for themselves then it is truly theirs and no one can take what God has set in the heart. What I see you doing with the revelation of Jesus Christ is putting it in the future and out of reach for men and women. This is not true at all. What God did and what John and Paul and the rest are talking about is the Revelation of Jesus Christ and experiencing it first hand. Instead of seeing this as a present tense reality that can be attained in this life you have put most of it as an after physical death experience. To put it quite bluntly-dead or alive you are coming with me.-God
Goey No not splitting hairs just pointing out that it could be our gathering together for each individual and not necessarily at the same time. The verse does not indicate or rule out that there could be more then one gathering together. In other words it does not say that it is a one time deal for everyone at the same time. Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and [by] our gathering together unto him, Apparently our gathering together means something to each one these people. whether or not it's one for all and all at the same time is not specified. That's what I'm pointing out. Also by the same reading, the coming of the Lord, could be seen in the same sense, even though it says "the" and not "a". It is not specified either way like our gathering together. Like when we get our paycheck it may not be the same amount or the same day, and there could also be more paychecks to come. Much like your illustration. So I understand what you are saying and not putting it in one way or the other but to see that there are other possibilties.
Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and [by] our gathering together unto him, One may want to note the it's our gathering together and not the gathering together. There is no the gathering together. But for each person there is a gathering together. And only once or more then once for this individual?
How many gathering togethers are there? Just one or more then one?
Genesis 1:10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good. 2 Thessalonians 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, The only two places this phrase is used. "gathering together" Any thoughts?
I think I'll put both allan and revvel on ignore. Tired of ignorance and stupidity.
You two, allan and revvel are in some kind of cult maybe? Allan has already been found as "pastor allan" of pfal Australia. Now let's see who revvel is working for. Maybe for Allan? I don't go to or belong to any kind of religion or anything else.
Do you even know anything allan? hmmm Are you really that dumb?
I will answer none of your questions. You wouldn't know what I was talking about. Besides you didn't answer mine. You are here for a purpose that someone set in your mind. Who is it? Who is feeding it to you? Why do you post it? If it's just you then you are really in need of some help. Also why do you insist on not answering questions that really challenge the docrtrine on any of the boards I posted about what you are presenting. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&rls...gma&btnG=Search I'm not afraid of wrath. I've been to Hell I don't have to run from it anymore.
Sorry lovematters, didn't mean to be anything but inquisitive. Some good points Danny.
Exegetical Question for my fundamentalist friends
dancing replied to markomalley's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
aahh here it is- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamentalist -
Exegetical Question for my fundamentalist friends
dancing replied to markomalley's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
http://www.biblegateway.com/keyword/?searc...olewordsonly=no What is interestimg is that there is no night mentioned in the "evening amd the mornig were the next day". And I'm not quite sure if I know what a fundamentalist is. Thinking these things through and trying to put it together literally would be quite impossible imo. I think it's talking about something much closer then realized and not some events that happened long ago. But one's understanding of it is just where God want's it to be untill we are ready for more of what Genesis is talking about. -
Fear tactics, doomsday thinking... Failure to see anything that is here and now.... And to the individual..... Who you working for revvel?
Whether or not mark and avoid is openly stated it is still in force.
Are you still here lovematters?
The most masculine of all masculinity and the most femine of all femininity. Male and Female created him both in one. There is no separation when that which is joined together. So shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife. Said before eating of the tree. Still true. And the one is still true. Exemplified in Jesus a man. With the courage to put himself aside and leave his father and mother and be joined as one. I and my father are one. Why? There is no separation between God and Christ. A grave error of twi and many of course. Jesus, subject to like passions as we are yet put that away to see...to see. What has been seen. What were these prophets seeing by the spirit of Christ. That there would be something made known that was hid. Jesus, no longer himself, the Christ. The son of the living God. And he calls us brothers. Male and female, the less shall be served by the greater. Holy Spirit, always of the femine nature in the hebrew. Lost in the greek. Ye are gods, sitting there waiting to be discovered like a new born babe. Subject to the Father of spirits. Seeing they see not...what was seen by many that was not seen by many. How close does this living life sit dormant, sleeping. Waiting for the mind to want it so bad that nothing will stop it. It sits there in the mind that God put there. We see shadows of the spirit, the perception becomes real. The things thought that are not God has said that they are. Invisable things from the creation of the world.
We are planning a HUGE get together..and I need advice
dancing replied to FontanaAna's topic in Open
Have it catered if you can afford it. -
I think Jesus was a physical person who became one with Christ and whether or not he was married or not has no bearing on the out come of what he did as a man or as one with God. A man subject to like passions as we are yet able to go beyond the boundaries of human existance and attain that which had been unattainable in the past. Making the entire fortune of God's treasures accessable to men and women who have not even considered the implications of what Jesus did and acclomplished. And it is Christ who has the bride of which Jesus is also subject to. Although he is the one with the name above all names and at the right hand of God that God gave him. And we are to sit with him in this remarkable position.
Or why even "witness" as Allan has repeatedly said that he does but has not done here. Nothing but strong arm tactics rather then seeing the whole picture as opposed to actual mutual believing that is expressly displayed in inter faith dialog. But no it's one way for many and a narrow mind that cuts off the great wisdom and understanding that is whithin each and every one of us.
Spiritually-minded Christianity and Politics
dancing replied to Greek2me's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
a christian can do non-christian things a non-christian can do christian things both from the heart -
I'm not laughing at you lovematters, or anyone else, it just struck me as very funny. :) As to the question-I don't know?! :)
lol...lol...lol...gotta love it.....lol... there was this bar and there was a protestant, a catholic and a atheist... ok, ok ,ok, stop! stop! stop! you're making me laugh too hard! :) :) :).....
sirguessalot Spiritually-minded Christianity and Politics
Spiritually-minded Christianity and Politics
dancing replied to Greek2me's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Wierwille and twi chewed up the word of life so badly that they spit it out as the word of death. It's no surprise to see it still in the thinking and words of many that went through that. The "haves" and "have nots" just like Danny mentioned. That's what twi taught and most religions who want to exclude certain ones from what God's Son gave us and from what many have already seen and realized as real and living and now. Which takes some work to see it. No it's not working for righteousness in the sense of attaining it but putting forth the effort to see it for themselves instead of relying upon others to do it for you. Many here including Danny have expressly declared the word of life only to have it not looked into. Because the only way anyone will see it is to take it upon themselves to search it out. And then it is theirs and no one can take it from them. Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.