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Twinky last won the day on August 20 2024

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About Twinky

  • Birthday March 30

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    Out of the box
  • Interests
    Cat whispering,
    Bath City Pastors,
    St Andrews Community Church (StACC),
    Good red wine and cold dry cider

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  1. LA fires - terrible. If it were God's punishment on the Hollywood industry - wouldn't the fires have overtaken the film industry buildings? Or only the homes of those involved in the film industry? Very many homes of ordinary people were razed in these fires. This is just greed, man's inhumanity to man, and general lack of foresight. At the same time, though, there is much to be praised. Selfless fire workers, not just from California but from other States and countries. Decent human beings setting up donation points for food, clothing, other household necessities. Others offering temporary accommodation or shelter in their own homes. And yes, financial assistance, from many individuals, and from those same Hollywood stars whose homes weren't burned down as "God's punishment." Not a thank-offering to God, but a genuine desire to put help where needed.
  2. Twinky

    Thank you!

    Aha! Not just me that couldn't get into the Cafe, then. Been being repainted, or some such.
  3. Twinky

    Happy new Year !

    Happy new year, people. As Dave Allen (an Irish comedian and satirist) would say - "May your God go with you."
  4. I find it interesting that the selected passages are in something akin to to the language and terminology of the Authorised Version (which Americans call the KJV). There are many later versions of the Bible, including many in much more modern English. Yes, the AV English is very grand - but Jesus spoke in the vernacular of the day - and I'm sure God spoke to the prophets in the vernacular of their own day too. So why's God now speak to his latest "messenger" in an archaic form of language, that undoubtedly OldSkool doesn't use in day to day conversation, or even in formal discussions?
  5. Sorry, I can't go this year. I have to - mmm - clip my toenails. Count the leaves on my roses. Count the hairs on my friend's head. Frankly, I can't believe anyone is really interested. And that there still seems to be an in-rez WC. Poor deluded souls.
  6. Crumbs. Tent. Grass. Yikes. Can understand if it were a tent with a floor but it wasn't. Can understand if it would be likely to be a cause of litter (wrappings carelessly discarded, etc). One might wonder how some of these people cope in the wider world.
  7. Joy to the World https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?q=joy+to+the+world+traditional&mid=CB06A7362C4350ED6C49CB06A7362C4350ED6C49&FORM=VIRE
  8. I'm intrigued by this. How did your LC get involved with JAG and some incident that you suffered PTSD?
  9. Twinky


    Pleased to say that the YMCA in my city is not a bad place. But not a luxury place either. And nary a hint of PFAL about it.
  10. Here's a funny song. My choir is singing this at our gala concert next week. A different look at the "Christmas story." Watch to the very end! (I hasten to add that we are doing some more "serious" stuff as well.)
  11. I'm sorry to hear this. I think I only knew Kit via this place, but she was kind to me.
  12. Ah, no thanks. Actually I did quite enjoy the RoAs that I attended but I was working all the time so it was different from "field" people coming in. And setting up for RoA was often fun, too, a respite from the usual very boring and repetitive things that we endured in rez. However... There's a big Christian festival for two weeks every summer in my country. Churches from all over get invite people to attend (no pressure) and often camp in "church groups" though again no obligation. I find I can't bring myself to attend, no enthusiasm - in fact, a profound wariness of group celebration. of this type. So I suppose RoA and the forced fun that the general populace seemed to have has left its mark on me. Maybe I should make the effort and dispose of that bugbear.
  13. Twinky

    Thursday Evening

    No song, but my Thursday evening (yesterday) was spent sitting outside enjoying a delicious home-cooked meal of pork loin chop, six different fresh veges, followed by sticky toffee pudding topped with ice cream; and accompanied by a tasty bottle of red wine, Merlot. All beside my firepit, which was burning perfectly, brightly to start and a lovely deep warming glow later.
  14. Interpretation, whatever. You need to look at the whole Bible to understand what Jesus knew. And then you have to figure out his understanding of it, which will include some cultural taboos at various times throughout the OT and during his lifetime. Did Jesus "interpret" in relation only to Jewish culture? After all, he didn't visit Gentiles in their homes and we have no indication that he ate other than kosher meats. He was in many ways a strict Jew. And yet he saw much bigger things. He understood and foresaw "all nations" coming into God's love. And he certainly cut through cultural barriers of his time, by speaking with and (gasp) even touching women, to heal and to help. I would recommend the book The Bible Jesus Read, by Philip Yancey - you can pick it up at various bookshops including online secondhand places. The Bible Jesus Read | Philip Yancey | 9780310231868 | Awesome Books. It's very readable and will give you a new perspective.
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