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Everything posted by PimpjuiceClergy
The Roman Empire says( no) I mean the Roman Catholics Rule the Church $$$ I am pimpjuice u better realize; I am Pimpjuice and pimpjuice says the Church in America is dead, cuz all you P**k A** ministers got to maaannnnnny many many hangups we are done; America is finish thanks to United North, Central, South American Trade Agreement (JOKE) WE are DONE soo all you yuppie botccchhh mothas get real, get honest , wake up. It's not about church God does not listen to egos Its all about the $$$$$ the $$$$ Didnt the Way prove it with your ABS look at all those nice trust funds etc If God raises up a Church , which I doubt very seriously it's got to be very humble folks and great heart and NO HANG UPS ON A PERSON'S APPEARANCE AND FINANCIAL STATUS I am pimpjuice sorrrwey about the grammar Javanians why DOESNT the church leadership make monthly vists to different regions of the country and bless GOD's people and encourage them and bless them and help them move the WORD. WHY? My guess is they enjoy collecting the tithes or abs they use the excuse let local leadership run it; but its just another Big Business profession base on the avocation of religious and polictical false doctrines. I posted some time ago about America being in GREAT Trouble most of you laughed and some wanted to know what type of Mushroom Tea I had been drinking I come to this little forum to laugh and post it's been very enjoyable the FREEDOM TO POST AND THINK AND TO BE A HUMAN TO BE A PERSON. I would like to extend a deep thank you to the "GS Site Adminstrator dude" in letting me post here. I have seen those Islamic Countries 1st HAND; I am not going into details soo DONT ASK ok. I will say this we in America had better wake f^^k up, the soo call Church yeah right church or what's left of the true believers better wakeup our freedoms are being taken away as pimpjuice speaks. Once Freedom of Speech Goes we are DONE in America. I know I know some intellectual, nerdy, fat body mid ager, geek will come with a sharp tongue rebuttal, retorting and countering Pimpjuice statement. Well the only thing I say to that is amen&amen Again look at the example of Freedom of Speech with Wayne Dales look how the Old guard tried to CONTROL the flow of information and the truth being manifested for that particular case. It wasnt the web site even though that played a small part it was FREEDOM of SPEECH DAH. I am just saying if we lose those freedoms and man we are very close it's time to pack shop and go find John Connor <-----(T-3) and live in the hills. I apologize to the person who started this topic if I was off no disrespect my brotha i am pimpjuice, ladies please please i dont give out my number ok, so go thru my decons, Twig Coord , Branch, or Limb and Regional pimips to contact me use the Pimpjuice chain run it up the chain ok
easy baby girl just pimpin my stuff ... easy twinkle or twinky ; point no point just chillin show me sum of dat Ex Way lovin oooh yeah you did by your reply ;nice priceless bless ya I AM PIMPJUICE PIMPIN AIN'T EASY - WHILE POSTING AT GS
Nimrod... modern day pronounce his name Nimrud = 3 gods Iraq= Asshur+ Dagon+ Pythronian= 3gods Macedonia:Greco / zesus +mercury +Athena = 3gods Rome / Jupiter+MARS/ Neptune+ 3 gods Dark Ages/ God/Jesus/Spirit .... from the Julian Order (ROME) perserved the Nimrud Doctrine that was passed down. Nimrud or Nimrod had disdain and contempt for his great grandfather NOAH. Ancient Chaldean writing translated " give not your happeness to Jehew(God) but give your joy to Nimrud. Nimrud worship a 3 headed dragon; his fathers before him resented the teachings and warnings of Noah after the flood. .. trinty is WRONG BAD EVIL and NASTY. I am pimpjuice, yes, yes - pimpin is always easy at the WAY
bitter... the Way will always live! cuz, for where there is pimpin and spiritual whores to make dat $$$$$$$$$$ then slimey groups like this will be slingin&bringin the meat ( ooohh yeah thats code for you non street leave it to beaver world peeps) I am PimpJuice and yes pimpin WAS EASY AT the WAY
Base on the "Sir William Lynch Theory" 1712 no.
it's $7200.00 now per year
So much hurt here, Craig Matindale got off easy, that punk a$$ bastard got off easy. He was the real pimpjuice, pimpin out Gods people for profit where is the justice. Made your millions and now your laughing at GS. it's not fair dudes.
Optimus Prime . AutoBot Commander/ if he decides to join GS
nope won't happen to much ego, to much disdain, to little love, need to get away from the Euro German, Aryan, Anti Semetic, Ionian Javaian mind set; there is a big world out there ,can't just feeel comfortable with one race of people when moving the WORD.
Tell that to General Patton when he made an German(civilians) towns walk thru the camps. Ooo i forgot he's sleeping right now.My father saw 1st hand the camps ----->WWII VET (occupation forces)... no not just jews but slavic peoples also. How can you all deny this incident that's sick.The European Union will acccomplish this feat again this time it won't be a America to stop it . Coming soon, there are plans for various death camps in America and across Europe you may laugh it off but I am surprise at you guys, the people here have a uncanny intel in these discussions but to deny facts I wonder.
Mark0malley my brothea from another mothera thanks for the Ref of the sites and the Jew Encyc... FINALLY SOMEONE AT THIS SITE IS GIVING ME REF MATERIALS TO SEARCH THIS STUFF OUT AND other subjects of interest. This will take time for me to research this complex subject area but I really appreicate you giving me what i need on a very very delicate issue (6million)& subject content. Racsim in any form is wrong so I guess ILL won't be posting for some time until I get some answers from the SITES you supplied - u da man. Pimpjuice lovin
Thank you thanxs Sushi
I thought judeans from Isarel did not exsist by WWII weren't they sold into slavery by 69A.D by the Roma Pax Pontiff. ??? Also is there a real judean Bloodline can anyone help me on ref tools to find ??? Also please don't tell me about 13th Tribe Book it's not current and deals only with limited ethnic views. I thought those millions killed was also slavic nations by the germans???? I also hear that the German hatred toward's slavic and Croatians Kittem and Preo Nations east of the cauisian mts were more, as oppose to the a people call JEWS is that true??????? and last question ... WHY did the Germans conduct such programs, can the Euopean Union fall again into the same deceitful policy tend???? its just a question guys please dont bite my head ok it's just a question pimpjuice-love
Thanks Mr. Pawtucket NOW I have clear insight on the heart of your forums and freedom of speech on these threads. Great audio I really enjoyed the explaination the 2 ladies shared, some great insight and keen and very tender hearts . I think your threads can really help alot of people thanxs for allowing me to post here PEACE Pimpjuice lovin LOL
no story just reading the posts here is that ok.
Hello forum nice topic I read the posts here it's very ... well i won't go there but thanxs for the insight .Peace.