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When the dictator Pol Pot took over in Cambodia, the first thing he did was reset the calender. Year one began with his assension to power. No past to bother with. Freud
Folks, So many things to respond to! A few items * The position Craig has is one requires him to wear a uniform of sorts. Frankly its kinda " dorky" if I may use a teenage term. Don't want to say more * Yes Craig at times seemed nervous and unsure of himself. Figidty and distracted. * I am not a plant :) I do understand the skepticism. It is a testimony to the paranoia and fear that Craig obviously helped to foster in TWI. I MAY see him this weekend. Still unsure. At times I think...the heck with it. Other times...perhaps, just perhaps he would respond to my overture. If I do talk with him I will carry many of the concerns, anger and comments expressed on this board. And then perhaps I will have to run for the door :) Still not sure however that I will do this. Hope everyone has a good Thursday! Freud
Folks, There persists a notion that I am here to soften Craig's image among ex-TWI members. I have not an ounce of desire to reconcille Craig to people on this group. How in the world could anyone gather that from any post I have placed here? I'm simple relaying my experiences with him. I assumed it was common knowledge that he was divorced. He did tell me that this was the case...along with other comments concerning his family in general. Freud
Folks, The other thread became a bit long and filled with debates and issues that I can't comment on or relate to so I thought I would start a fresh one. It is startling to me the degree of emotion that has been triggered by my post. Having never been part of a coersive organization I can only imagine the degree of resentment and residual anger that exists concerning Craig. I have listen to the varoius clips posted with Craig ranting on one subject or another. What is interesting is that he was/is so soft spoken in my interactions. I try to imagine him pacing back and forth on stage waving his arms, gesturing wildly ranting about he doesn't want anybody's prayers unless they put out some money. This type of "pay to pray" theology is not only unbiblical but ethically offensive. His ex-wife seems to be as over the top as he was. The weird linking of the young woman's death to her father leaving TWI is as bizzare as anything I have heard from cultists. I have been moved by many posts, in particular the ones that urge caution in dealing with Craig. At this point I am taking it one day at a time as to the issue of contacting him again. I did speak to a close friend who met Craig within the same social circle as I did. He had several casual conversations with him, although they were not of a deeply personal nature. He appears to have the same basic impression as mine. I have invited him to join the site...I believe he has applied for validation to post. Two things he mentioned is that Craig would often bring up religion in their conversations and that Craig often carried a little book with him and was seen joting notes from time to time. It seemed to him that it was some sort of journal (not a bible). I do recall him carrying a little book...but don't recall him writing in it. Someone mentioned in the other thread that he was working at UPS. I can tell you that as of the very recent past he was working at a different company in the Toledo area...it is not UPS or Bally. It is certainly a very entry level position and a far cry from Armani suits, compounds, personal bodyguards and people jumping to attention when he walks in the room. pax Freud
As you point out...interest and work are not mutually exclusive. I am vague...but not to be deceptive...but rather protective. As far as knowing about TWI...well I must admit that my knowledge about it was pretty much ziltch...yes I had a distant recollection of the name...but nothing of substance. My main focus has been on quasi-political cults with a passing interest in purely religious ones. I did a lot of research on the American Militia movement back in the early 90's...prior to the Waco debacle and the Oak City bombing. I have spoken extensively on the Michigan Milita and other para-military groups. I have also spoken to several churches but my lectures concern various aspects of belief...not religious ideology. In addition I've been on Christian Radio stations discussing various aspects of belief and faith. Anyhow....I'll be away from the 'puter for a few days...but I'll check back mid week. Whoever LCM really is as a person...the folks here who have seen him in action over several years probably have a clearer picture of the man than the selective and filtered one that I have experienced. I just thought that I would add my experiences into the arena of discussion. Take them and do what them whatever you will! F
WordWolf...thanks for the historical background. To Everyone, I completely understand the skepticism directed towards my post. The internet is a place where anyone can claim anything. I'm not sure what I could do to establish my legitimacy and still protect my privacy and others around me. On the other hand...the fact that I posted anything on this inflamatory topic means that I do owe everyone at least some followup. I am not going to be a hit and run poster. I want to clarify a few things. What I have posted is simply my surface impression of Craig. He appears to be a broken man, he appears timid and reticent in his manner. Now before I knew his past I had no reason to question this...thus I have honestly felt compassion for this man in the past. I can tell you with conplete candor that I would drive away from a discussion with him and pray that God would be with him...he seemed like a lost soul. BUT...and this is a big but, knowing what I know now...well as I have expressed....this is a situation of cogntive dissonance. As I mentioned in my initial post, I have an interest in cult groups and dynamics that drive the leadership of such groups. It may seem suspicious that someone with this interest and background would by chance encounter a notorious cult leader..but that is exactly what has happened. Here in lies the rub...my experience tells me that to do the things that Craig did would clearly place him in the anti-social personality category. I do not use this term lightly and have a complete understanding of the precise clinical meaning of it. If true, then he would more than likely be beyond any "help" and as a social pathology would be someone to run from. On the other hand....a small minority of these people do seem to develop internalized moral structures as they age. Perhaps...perhaps. Then there is the "Christian" side of me that wants to think that maybe God brought us together to minister to him. Oh heck...I have no idea! In no way shape or form should anyone think that I am trying to "soften" what he did to TWI members. It is clear that that he victimized so many innocent people who were just trying to do the right thing with their lives. What I read can only be described as wickedness and evil at the highest level. At this point...I can't see going out of my way to contact him. I will probably see him soon...but that is just created by circumstances. Frankly...at this point I am more motivated to protect myself and my family than try to dig deeper into this issue. Peace to all of you........ F And yes...as someone posted...Sigmund was pretty messed up :)
Well...bald folks typically have a remaining strip of hair around the rim of their head! Unless they go for the shaved look! I'm actually working at my desk...posting and working...posting and working....... and yes I am a night person. Sigmund
I am confused now :blink: No...I posted the link because someone said that they could not find any reference on the web to Toledo and a former cult leader (or something like this). This persons post didn't have Craig's name in it...but a previous post by her did. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff173817.htm She had incorrectly said Dayton....then corrected it in the other link I posted. Here is the EXACT timeline of events that lead me to here: 1. I google some consumer watchdog info.....I google a bunch of terms....imbedded in the numerous links...I see a reference to Bally....and I forget exactly what it said...but Toledo was in the synopsis...as was cult....... 2. I click to the post........hmmm....sounds interesting. 3. I google New Knoxville Ohio cults..and The Way 4. I get links to The WAY and info about The Way 5. I find the name L. Craig Martindale. 6. The L throws me. He goes by Craig. 7. I find old Photo....yikes that is him. Except he is now completely bald and gray on the rim. ...and off I go.... I do believe I also read posts on this site that he was reported to live in the Toledo area. Posted the wrong second link. This mentions his name but incorrectly gives Dayton as the city. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff168152.htm
I have read a MASS of material in the past 24 hrs concerning this whole issue. I read two posts ( not here I don't believe)...sounds like different incidents....that reference a child and Martindale and God". The first is that a child had watched the video where he dances...and then that night telling his mom that he should pray to Martindale instead of God. The second..I just read a few hours ago (not sure where...but I can track down the link) that a child said that listening to Rev. Martindale was the same as listening to God. Again...I've read so much...it is all a jumble of really strange stuff. As to how I grasp so much in so short a time...Google is the answer :) Really...Google..L Craig Martindale.......Google The Way International.......it is a post grad education on a flat screen! What do I do for a living? Not gonna say. But it does involve a lot of reading http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff173817.htm Read the third post down..( I think it is the third)
Thanks for the response and the reply of others. I have not experienced what I would call a strong sense of humor. He does have a interest in sports and enjoys talking sports and athletes. Otherwise I sense a "broken man"...a phrase that came to my mind after my first conversation with him. There is a timidy to him now. He is a physically a big-boned man, but is almost obsequious in conversations. I do believe in repentance and forgiveness...but I was not the one wronged by him. I did relate to him that I was a " Christian" and a pretty traditional one. He didn't delve into any serious theological debate with me. He prefered to discuss other personal struggles when the topic was raised. Again...this is all new to me. I have no agenda or plan beyond getting this info off of my chest. Pax et bonum!
I have considered this. Now that I know who he is...I thought of approaching him with this very issue. But I dunno....the person described in ex-Way material is a psychopathic loon.
Folks, 24 hours ago I didn't know this site existed nor was I aware that so many people had been deeply affected by a person who I met a few years ago. Here is my story... A few years back....In a casual social situation I met a man named Craig Martindale. It was not a religious or work situation, just a casual social event attended by lots of other people. He asked me what I did for a living, when I told him, it became obvious that I had struck a nerve. It is important that confidentiality be maintained, so I will be vague, but some of my work centers around the various aspects of religious belief and the dynamics of cults and religious leaders. Craig was very interested in the topic and ended up in a long extended conversation on the issue. He mentioned that he had been active in a ministry and that he was a former pastor. He was vague about his past and it was clear to me that something significant had occured in his life. Over the next few years I had the opportunity to have several discussions with him regarding faith, reason, family, love and work. We avoided any serious discussion of his past ministry because it seemed to ellicit incredible sadness. Frankly, my impression of this person was of a sad, struggling individual. He did tell me personal details of his life over the past several years, but I am not comfortable sharing this. I always came away with a feeling of " ...I wish I could do something for that guy". I discussed him with my wife several times over the years and in meeting him she was struck by a sort of blandness. Mutual friends made the same type of comments. I saw him about a month or so ago...and I told my wife as we were leaving " I feel bad for Craig...he just seems to be dealing with so much". Fast forward to last night....I am googling some completely unrelated, irrelevant terms,,,and deep in the google search...I glance at a link...something about cult leader abusing women...blah blah....since this is related to my interest...I follow the link. I then see that this leader is supposed to be in the Toledo area...and dig deeper....then I see see the name L. Craig Martindale...HUH????? I then find a photo.........omg.....it is him. I then find this site and others, the abuse of power, the draconian rules involving pregnancy and sexuality, the weird bible teachings, the whole "king" thing, and the sexual misconduct material. I read messages that people actually made major life decisions based on Craig's word. That he live on multi-million dollar property...the weird film.........children wanting to pray to him... I have been in a state of disbelief for the past 24 hrs. There is such a discrepancy between the person I have come to know...and the monster described by The Way survivors. Now...I do not doubt for a second all of your experiences. I can tell you, and perhaps this will bring some closure, that he is, too me, a struggling individual who seems to be trying to rebuild his life. I can tell you that if he is sitting on significant wealth...he is hiding it very very well. I see no signs of affluence or power, in any aspects that I can see. I read accounts that have him working at Bally's, I honestly don't know if that is still the case, but I can tell you he is working in a very modest, even meager position in the Toledo area. This is a job that I have not seen referenced on the net. He always seemed to be "underemployed" to me...a sense of having fallen from great heights. After finding out what I have in the past 24 hours...I now understand. Not sure if I will encounter Craig again. I can...but frankly my wife and I are spooked by what we have read here. Well...that's my story. I'll respond to any inquiries of a general nature....I just don't feel it would be right to air any recent personal issues on the net. Peace.........