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Everything posted by Ca_dreaming

  1. You are so correct,,,,,We don't even know from one minute to the next! I guess that is what makes us amoung other things so interesting!
  2. Suda, PM me and I will give you the details and price.
  3. I have been there, done that, and still do the colon cleanse, using the Sonne's products and the coffee e......as. Just the right thing to do, for me. Clean as a whistle!!!!
  4. I like this place, What were you doing when this took place.
  5. I Believe you are correct, Raf. It's Tank.
  6. Saw this the other day. What a keeper. It was a nice movie to end things with. Very touching.
  7. Coffee, Manly yes, but I like it too. Looks excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Welcome, Have a cup of coffee on me.

  9. Please forgive me, yes it is correct, lead us on. :)
  10. Legally Blonde 2 Sally Fields Mrs. Doubtfire
  11. Ca_dreaming

    Bad Timing

    This is hysterical.
  12. Never saw it but it sounds like a fun movie!
  13. Anger Management????? The one with Jack Nicholson.
  14. Mary, oh what a sweet girl, Lips like strawberry pie. Sandra, the long hair and pig tails, Can't make up my mind.
  15. True friends can be few and far between. They are the ones that stick with you thru the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. I am very thankful to have them. There are the ones you open your heart to and they, love you for who you are. There are those that search the world for you because you were an important part of their life. I have found some those people here at GS and have rekindle friendships again. There are those who fly in, just to say Hi, and visit for days. Some you talk daily with on the phone or in person. Some who perhaps write yearly to tell you how things are going, and growing. The list goes on. I am thankful that I have learned to seize the moments for they may not always be there. To say what needs to be said at the time, so if a friend leaves my life, I will know that nothing was left unsaid. I remind them how important they are to me and just how much I care. I agree with ex 10; It took me a long time to get past the part of I am doing just fine. Positive.To honestly say how thing were really going in my life. Negative. But once I did, I was liberated in so may areas of my life. I found the balance. Now I can and and with such freedom. Everybody needs a friend, if you don't have one, track one down like a rabid dog and then lick them to death.
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