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Everything posted by Ca_dreaming

  1. To much technical and not any heart or love in this thread..
  2. Ca_dreaming

    Men's Cologne

    My husband likes homemade Rose, yes I said rose, soap. Go figure.And he doesn't smell like one when done but it works well with his body chemistry and balances things nice. Freshness......what more could a woman ask for?
  3. How long can venison be stored in the freezer, I was given some and it is dated 2004. Do I toss it???????
  4. Let me take a moment and welcome you, grab a drink and kick up your feet and stay awhile. Look forward to reading what you have to say! :)

  5. Yes, but clueless, I agree with George, something seems backwards!
  6. Hey there hear you have a birthday. Wishing you a sonshining day! :)

  7. That dogs really zooming in on something!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like Bill's been caught again! Guess that is why Hillary got the dog.. Sorry I could not help myself.
  8. Long time, no see! Hope all is well with you and yours. Bless you!

  9. I did not get a chance to welcome you, like I did your wife. Look forward to reading what you have to say! :) bless you both.

  10. Okay, never heard of that one, does it ryhme with Klingon!!!!!!!!! hehe
  11. I prefer Coke but it is all a matter of taste. Welcome , grab a drink and kick up your feet and stay awhile. Look forward to reading what you have to say! :)

  12. Wishing you a great day celebrating your birth. Hope it is sunshiny! :)

  13. Let's change it to Easter Parade then, Hope that helps!
  14. Welcome, grab a drink and kick up your feet and stay awhile. Look forward to reading what you have to say! :)

  15. Have a terrific day as you celebrate your birth. :)

  16. Wasway, very good! Yer up! good try but too big a stretch, george.
  17. Birthday wishes sent your way!

  18. But i see your true colors

    Shining through

    I see your true colors

    And that's why i love you

    So don't be afraid to let them show

    Your true colors

    True colors are beautiful,

    Like a rainbow

    .....sung by Cyndi Lauper.

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