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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. Meet ya for a beer George - couldn't agree more... BTW can I interest you in a magic formula that will give you...and it's REALLY cheap
  2. Thanks Waysider. --- rest of original text deleted ---
  3. I couldn't agree more Groucho. Funny thing about old Vicster's ability to revelate... he told (illegal block voting) all of the corps to vote for Jimmy Carter since he was an avowed Christian. (Now the way he did it (no pun intended) was typical of Vic. He simply said, "I'm voting for Jimmy Carter." and that was all that was needed.) Three years later Jimmy Carter was working for the devil himself when inflation hit >21% per annum and Vicster was convinced the world was coming to an end. So much for that forward thinking kinda god Vic touted. Additionally he showed himself to have no more political process knowledge than a TV journalist. Every four years journalists talk about (potentially outgoing) president snodgrass's fiscal policy but the constitution puts the onus for fiscal policy directly in the hands of the legislature. Vic the molester??? Blamed his one time favorite presidential candidate.
  4. RumRunner

    8th Corps

    Dunno who Hawk is but HB Hawk.
  5. I now blame my latest addiction on DWBH, Waysider and The Moose. Always been into music but pretty much dropped staying up with it in 1974 (go figure) - when I split in '87 I just never really picked up again except for a few bands like Tangerine Dream (who I really like). Now you three get me on the Victor Wooten gig and that smoking violinist from the swing tune Waysider posted (Geeze that song is coming up on nearly a century old BTW)...my backhanded way of saying thanks...
  6. Who's the bass player?!?!
  7. Had to throw these at you DWBH - note the "cute" intro by Ed Sullivan - "for you youngsters..." while we were all blowin' up listening to it..
  8. Dude - I can't believe you said Quicksilver - they are lost in time - I finally found some of their old stuff on CD but had to special order it... hold on a sec lemme find something...never mind - can't find "who do you love" as performed by QMS. Woulda been nice - looks like the tube has a moderately OK selection of airplane/starship
  9. DWBH - in the (almost) words of Walter Cronkite - you were probably there for this..... And this....
  10. Only for us old folks...
  11. While by no means a vegetarian nor a vegan there are some excellent recipes in the book entitled "The Enchanted Broccoli Forest" - Mollie Katzen. There is a really good recipe for spiced baked tofu nerds that replace those toast nerds on salads. Meanwhile - raw fish for our house tonight - kids are craving sashimi.
  12. RumRunner

    Gift Ideas

  13. My apologies - looks like I read it wrong. Sorry about that. RR
  14. Nice vid Dooj - not the original Musack tho - email me if you want a copy of the real original. The vid did seem right out of the 60's tho. The first and most prominent plane was the XB-70 Valkerye. Beautiful plane and much maligned in history. Also had some classic footage of an A-4 (H series) landing onto "cable 13" on the deck of the Oriskany. sweet Beck's Bolero - nothing more need be said my friend
  15. CC - I rarely post anymore - annoyed too many people but I have to take a small (or perhaps not so small) issue with you on this one. I agree completely that drunk Vic was a pig, molester and many other horrible things. Your posts have always been passionate but level headed - something I appreciate since there are so many hot-heads on GS (good recipes too). But... ...with the number of posts of people all agreeing to having been duped - titles like "Did you buy the farm etc" with the number of people acknowledging how they were sorry for past involvement etc.. the overarching "feel" of GS is a bunch of people who bought into something that they were not ready for nor knew how to manage... I am somewhat at a loss that after Waysider gave such an apology and admission of shame you would suggest that Waysider should be jailed today (NOT BY NAME I REALIZE - but implicitly in the above text). I will not disagree about the juvenile horror TWI propagated in the least - I agree with you completely but Waysider is not someone I would want jailed - I would want that voice of reason outspoken and free. I am not posting this to castigate you, insult you or change your views about the pig VPW - just asking you to rethink what that post might mean to Waysider. Nor am I trying to be divisive between you and Waysider. Just trying to remind everyone that a lot of the reason we congregate here is that all of us bought into it to one degree or another - maybe 0.001 degree for some and 99.9 degree for others. Feel free to flame - but please do not - was only thinking of Waysiders admission here. Thanks, RR
  16. Excellent band - there is only one other person on GS besides me (that I know of) that used to listen to that band. Tossed in the mix with them - altho a different style completely you can't forget Hot Tuna - Death Don't Have No Mercy.
  17. Well done! Congrats to him. It really was just a geek spin on your "spaghetti code" comment.
  18. Just for you Potato - this will compile - but you are cheating unless you tell me what it does when it executes before compiling. The author is David Korn author of the Korn Shell /bin/ksh and was the winner of an early '90's obfuscated 'C' code contest. main() { printf(&unix["21%six12\"],(unix)["have"]+"fun"-0x60);}
  19. Odd analogy Potato. I am an applied mathematician. When I see spaghetti code I usually evaluate the cost of tossing it all out and redoing the code mass for sustainment's sake. So I suppose there are times I throw the baby out with the bathwater and times I keep the baby.
  20. LOL - pretty much with you on this one Geo...except that in the less than 4 stars they tell you the snakes are a snack on the house...no extra charge.
  21. Thanks Notta - My place is, amazingly, OK. I live in the south end of Rancho Bernardo. Kicked down some embers but nothing serious...relatively speaking. We're OK - have services and our area will be open tomorrow AM. AQ is air quality - sorry for the jargon. Check out the satellite animation I just posted a while ago - it tells a bit of a story. Thanks all. RR
  22. Here's a little ditty we made at work for Cal Fire. I'm not going into details but essentially you are looking at a "true color" base map with hot spot detection from more images - so you will see fires animated at a different rate than the true color images. The base map came from a pair of NASA satellites (Terra/Aqua) and the infrared hot spot info comes from the same as well as a bunch of other birds we track. You need something that plays WMV files to watch. No sound needed. Things are slowly down slightly here in SD. My area (Rancho Bernado) is open back up on a very limited basis, i.e. to go in and get meds etc if you have proof of residency, your house is relatively untouched, and you are escorted in and out. There are still a lot of fires but the Santa Annas have died down somewhat and the fires are slowly being contained. My specific neighborhood is unscathed - almost completely - dunno how that happened but not complaining. We had four employees (that we know of) lose everything - five more unheard of as of yet but were in Ramona where some of the worst of the fires were...that's in a company of less than 40 people...
  23. Still here; evac'd out to Claremont/Pacific Beach area - (central SD close to ocean). North County and south near the border look like a war zone. Spent last night at a volunteer center working with Office of Emergency Services (I've some history with emergency management) and slept at my daughter's apt once my shift was over. On line intermittently. CAL Fire is doing a great job with the resources they have. Lots of help pouring in from other parts of CA. You can get good updates from the "twitter" section of KPBS.org Winds still erratic but things are clear enough now for air support. Lots of militia in North County. Oh well - better than going to work I suppose. AQ is bad here so anyone who is a SoCal GSCer should check the AQ and consider getting out of the area if you have respiratory issues.
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