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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. OK - my $0.02 here - I have a 19 yr old daughter in college and a 15 yr old son in high school. While I most appreciate the humor of the post betwixt adults here in SoCal internet abuse of children runs rampant (as I am sure in the rest of the country/world). The net is ubiquitous whether by your PC or your TV - so I (so far) successfully taught my kids a few rules. Screen names that are unlike your personality, no personal info, all the usual. But for your viewing pleasure the simple fact is that there are now web sites that can track your IP address down to your nearest "head-end" router. That means that you can track me to my subdivision, park in my subdivision and wait and look. Perhaps you think you see that target of your stalk and then that evening ask her/him if their favorite color is blue. If the answer is yes - innocently - "oh yes" and you saw the boy/girl earing blue that AM you have your target pinpointed. It is that simple.
  2. RumRunner

    Favorite Quotes

    "To the last, I grapple with thee; From Hell's heart, I stab at thee; For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee" - Herman Melville - 1819-1891
  3. http://www.cbs.com/classics/the_twilight_z...555532&cc=1 This is almost funny - not quite - but almost.
  4. RumRunner


    Hey - just a thought on anti inflammatories - and I stress I am NOT an MD or even close...but I had good results from Mobic which is a non-steroidal anti. Steroids and I just didn't get along - especially prednisone - often prescribed for joint pain. For many it seems to work well - so I am in no way discounting this. Just a few random thoughts. Passthetrash - Look up Dr Richard Walker - Scripps Green in San Diego - newer technologies show a 20-30 year lifetime of hip replacement prosthesis - you get one revision - if you are 37 and can make 57 then one more revision to 77 - well you decide. I got mine at 50 and the change in lifestyle was well worth it.
  5. RumRunner


    A few thoughts for you Bramble. I will not comment on anti-inflammatories nor cortizone shots since I am not an MD. I do water exercise as well as others which have helped a lot since the hip replacement. I know the drill on any incline or rough surface. Not fun to even step up over a curb eh? Agree COMPLETELY with not staying in one position too long. If you are looking at knee replacement I can most certainly refer you to a surgeon who does knees/hips and did a top notch job on me.
  6. RumRunner


    I would ask that you get other opinions. I was initially diagnosed with osteo and it turned out to be something else - spent 15 years on various meds on the advice of well-heeled and well-pedigreed MD's and in enough chronic pain that I could not get my socks on without my kids. Finally ended up with bilateral hip-replacement which was far more a miracle to me than anything in TWI. That is my story and most certainly may NOT be your story. Just suggesting you get some other medical opinions. And there are enough goofballs on GSC (though I love the place) that will put you on some crazy onion juice diet that I strongly recommend that you stay away from anything other than professional medical advice - just dont feel the need to stick to one MD If you need to talk about the pain please feel free to PM me. I know how it works all too well. Best, RR
  7. RumRunner

    Check it out

    Thanks - appreciate the link
  8. I had good experiences three times with Mayflower
  9. Hnn.. I am also a practicing scientist in global variability...for 30 years. I'll not comment on this thread...but Gst G - I would be interested in you r professional observations. As an aside I am quite involved in the ARGO program as well as several others...all interesting and all inconclusive at this point. Pm at your leisure if you wish. Regards - RR
  10. I somewhat disagree - the state of the pick-up truck might tell you a lot about the quality of the program. Two-toned - dented - old as me (and that is old)?
  11. Come on man - maybe 38 is the 38th parallel and he is a secret North Korean infiltrator...come to infect us with tetanus from the rust on the beat up truck
  12. Uhhh - don't you think that the reply email address says it all?
  13. RumRunner

    Caption Contest

    I gotta vote for Raf on this one...
  14. Valid observation Groucho but also consider the good overall success rate of other abuse "programs" be they substance or other. Rarely are there trained psychs - in fact the most successful tend to be peer groups ( which I loosely interpret to mean your blue collar programs ). Perhaps the one distinction is that in a lot of abuse recovery programs there is indeed a program ( don't beat me up on this )...or at least a methodology. Here there is no real methodology - but there is a common thread (generally) - life sucked in TWI for whatever the myriad of reasons - and GSC provides a place for people to express/vent/explain. So I see GSC as a place with valid mechanisms for recovery albeit not codified. Just a thought... Somebody robbed the Glendale train this morning at half-past nine....NRPS
  15. Ya know I gotta just ask...what is the absolute insanity with which Christians seem to hate homosexuals and lesbians? I'm het - but sure don't get the fervor with which they attack them. And yes Bowtwi - I would love my kids no matter what.
  16. Rocky - I'd be a little nervous about Trader Joe's. Check out their propensity for buying seconds or damaged goods - also check the exp dates on their products. I have one a half block from me - and yes I do occasionally purchase from them but it is usually crackers or snacks - not fresh veggies or meats. Just a thought. RR
  17. Oh this is going to be a riot. First the Air Force says they had no activity on the night of the sighting. Yesterday they recant and say that due to bad reporting they forgot to report a reserve unit of F-16's operating in that airspace out of a NAS. For those of you who are too young to remember the so-called "Roswell Incident" the Air Force was accused of a UFO cover up in Roswell New Mexico a few decades ago. Can't you hear it now? The MUFON's will be going crazy... Roswell revisited - but in Texas this time. Credible sources have revealed that a UFO was sighted over Stephenson Texas. The Air Force originally denied any knowledge but later tried to cover up the existence of an alien spacecraft piloted by the ghost of VPW by saying that it was only a training mission. Sources reveal that the UFO was seen wobbling and emitting the smell of Drambuie™. A local pilot attempted a flyby and saw an ectoplasmic figure smoking what appeared to be a Kool™ cigarette while leaning back in the UFO's pilot seat. There was something else in the UFO pilot cabin - another unknown figure giving...to the ectoplasmic pilot. The Air Force categorically denies all of this. Meanwhile...the Church of Scientology is standing by to welcome the aliens to earth.
  18. Yes I do indeed have, and have read the book. TWI aside - for American history you should read this book and also invest a few bucks into the book Theodore Rex
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L._Ron_Hubbard While I don't put perfect faith into wikipedia it is usually not a bad place to start. I was pretty shocked at what I saw there about the founder of scientology. Take a look and you will see some remarkable parallels.
  20. WS is in Groucho - anyone who can make brownies gets a free ticket to your class
  21. You mean that class with NRPS and a ...
  22. RumRunner

    Ho Ho Ho

    Don't forget this for the little ones http://www.noradsanta.org/en/home.htm
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