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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. you uhhhh never heard of humor? Or you just baiting?
  2. Wow Sunesis you still have that? I bet that would be comedic reading now
  3. I don't recall if he took the class - I do remember him coming to Emporia sometime after returning to the US.
  4. The realism is what I liked about it Eyes. Now please don't get me wrong. NOT THE THEME!!! But the realism with which someone could work stone like that is amazing - at least to me.
  5. Nancy Regan could play Donna Martindale in her older years...same viciousness...sorry was I not supposed to spell names out here?
  6. Naw we're covered politically - my mom was one of the original BOD of The Museum... Can I get a coach with that burger and fries please?
  7. I seem to recall the same. Hey Waysider if you like Hunter S. Thompson I just read a fairly new book - passed it on to someone when I was done but I think the title was "The Kitchen Talks." Interviews with Hunter's closest friends - stuff that was in the house or the bar but was never published.
  8. Agreed...stole the years from us when we should have been finishing college - building families and careers - and instead we were duped into part time petty jobs and coughing most of it up in either ABS or attending meetings (read drive 6 hours each way) - paying for refreshments (out of pocket) - and in our spare time mowing the LC's lawn while he and his spouse drank mint juleps on the front porch - getting fired for leaving work early to go line up chairs etc etc etc Actually I don't agree George - it was not a WASTE of time it was a THEFT of time
  9. Flawless - stop at 1989 and end as follows: Last of the movie footage fades at 1989… Narrator’s voice comes on in a monologue – no background text. In later years The Way continued its spiritual decline coupled with increasing moral depravity [insert picture of the bus]. With the change in senior leadership the environment only got worse. Oaths of loyalty [insert picture of Hitler Nazi youth group]. Mass purges [insert picture of Jews being loaded onto cattle cars during World War II]. As the organization continued to decay many of the top leadership fled the failing organization [insert picture of Nazi in Brazil] but continued in their firm belief in the core Nazi doctrines. The final blow never came to be and the core of spiritual and moral depravity continues today in splinter groups [insert picture of modern day neo-Nazi]. Credits roll.
  10. Lessee who else - the tennis player that P@t L(nn was running around the country with - Senator H@ye$ G@h@g@n from Maine - a whole group of football players from Fellowship of Christian Athletes - which proved to LCM that FCA was counterfeit (who cares LCM? So were you)
  11. Phoenix Mars lander just made a successful touchdown. So much cheaper to use robotic exploration than human exploration. No toilets, oxygen, food, oh and safer I might add. I won't debate the politics of exploration of Mars vs all the things we could spend for on Earth but I am glad for the success of the landing.
  12. Not much diff - if any - from PFAL - hence not interested
  13. I've not talked to Cindy in years although last I know she was living in Alexandria, VA - happily married to a nice fellow whose name escapes me now and with two kids. The last time I spoke with her was shortly after the vicster's death. You might try using online white pages but her married last name escapes me since it has been so many years. I think her brother stayed in long afterward as the LC of Kentucky or something like that. Sorry I can't provide more help than that.
  14. Well Rottie as long as you're going down the "Jesus" road...and this comes from long lost memory so forgive me if I get it wrong. Jesus is hanging on the cross. He calls out, "Peter Peter come here." Peter begins fighting his way through the crowd, lashing out at Roman centurions and local on lookers but is slowed down by the crowd. Again Jesus calls out, Peter Peter come here." Peter is close to desperate now and fights harder. As he approaches the base of the cross Jesus says, " Peter Peter." Peter replies with, "yes Lord." Jesus says, "Peter I think I can see the top of your house from here."
  15. Not in CA. I got divorced here. Soc sec was left undivided although other investments (401K etc) were divided. Med care for children was also divided equally - she was on her own. I paid it out of my paycheck for the kids but it was a "shared expense." I don't know about any other state (been married only once and gonna be divorced only once). But since this is a "God Bless CA" post I thought I would pass that on. Regards, RR
  16. I'm with you on the hotsauce - no real use for ketchup
  17. I don't know what chemicals were used on my ex but the treatment also came with a precaution about eating foods that stain teeth for something like a month - no red wine, etc etc - maybe Sudo can comment
  18. Fabulous... yeah I was on one of those tours - your remark would have made people crawl under the seats "during the day." Well done WS - always a pleasure to read your posts.
  19. I'm thinking that he spent his time with people who could get him a) money, b) sex, grow his power base. Back in the early 70's those were the only stops I knew he would make regardless of his travel itinerary.
  20. That one was so funny I was LOL at the keyboard - Thanks as always waysider
  21. HAHA love your (close to) one liners waysider
  22. Ayep...I was kinda wondering when we would end up with the het perv discussion...it's just how this place seems to go at times...extending (no pun intended) one topic into something vaguely related...extended again to something else until the original thread is lost in the noise. Shall we just legislate that only sex in the female missionary position is legal and then only acceptable on Saturday mornings after being given the blessing of the "Holy Thunderer?" I gotta be honest...the idea of man on man is a distinct turn off to me...but exactly what affect does legalizing gay marriage have on me? As near as I can tell pretty much zero...now you might say that if a gay couple moved into my little redneck neighborhood (theoretically) my proper value might go down - well guess what - whether their "union" is legal or not is immaterial - their still going to live together. Will it change my tax base? Not likely. Will it change my employment opportunities - flat no - it's already a federal mandate you can't discriminate on that issue - whether gay or het. Oh dear! What if my children see a gay couple?!?!?! I got news for ya - if you live in San Diego and have teens - they've already seen them. Somehow didn't make my kids turn gay.....or turn to the "evil god of gay lust and hedonism." So if there is no affect on me (and family) what's the big deal? You'd make more social progress with a thread that discusses female genital mutilation in a large number of countries. Now THAT I would agree is a crime against humanity and nature.
  23. Well asked questions. How many people on GSC have commented/complained about their divorces? And what is/was the pain cost to the children? Were we any better than a gay family? In many cases (unless you still swear by some TWI Romans teaching) the answer is no. I am not a big gay supporter - however I just don't think this is such a big issue unless conservative scripture is somehow still a controlling influence.
  24. Well stated IMNSHO. The argument of popular vote is mute about constitutional law vs statutory law. BTW Adolph Hitler was elected by an overwhelming popular vote. While I reserve the right to disagree with certain judicial decisions I have the utmost respect for the judges who sit daily and have to make those decisions. Further I don't see why this is such a big deal. Whether gay marriage is legal or not is not going to change one whit about gay partners living together - whether "god" approves or not.
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