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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. Wouldn't have taken it as such Oakspear - well maybe the rapist part... The comparison of evil lurking behind the facade of good was, I think, quite valid. A Christian ministry which, on the surface, had all the attractants of good, promises of well-being etc etc - but behind the scenes, or analogously, under the crawlspace, the broken lives, hearts, and souls of those who were victimized to whatever degree.
  2. RumRunner

    Talkshoe Live

    Thanks Paw - that was a lot of fun - sorry if I yakked too much.
  3. RumRunner

    Talkshoe Live

    OK I signed in through the direct link Paw published a bit ago - I see a count down timer till next session - but chat room - missing something am I/ Thanks, RR
  4. I considered just PMing you DWBH - but thought others might like to know about Jimmy's last days. I spoke with him on the phone about two weeks before his passing away. He was tired - but if I say the same friendly upbeat Jimmy you will know what I mean. We spoke of a lot of things including the 70's in TWI. He was not bitter - nor was he apologetic. He was just Jimmy. I got an interesting earful - which I will most certainly not repeat in a public thread - but dunno how else to say it - he was just Jimmy. Perhaps 'nuff said - if you wanna talk on the phone about the conversation PM me and I will call you - I have unlimited US long distance.
  5. RumRunner

    Talkshoe Live

    what timezone Paw?
  6. Heh - and as I recall Linda - they never even called it twig... just referred to it as "the Sunday meetin'" often precluded by said wife showing off a pair of squirrel or rabbit skins that the eldest of her sons had "skun out" for dinner. Those are the folks you could truly regale people on this site with about their approach to Christianity as a part - a part - of life over all.
  7. Paw - couldn't resist - maybe you could go into competition with this guy - $40 (USD) a year and toss in a green card to boot...this is almost too funny for words. Can't wait to see what Groucho and DWBH think of it. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,363471,00.html
  8. I suspect you are correct about his peers Groucho. LindaZ will know exactly who I am talking about when I refer to a couple who got involved in the 50's. They never referred to vpw as Dr or "the Dr" - referred to him as Wierwille or Vic - they had no use for worship of him and I think never did quite believe in all of the "not since the 1st century church" crap. Ran their own gig in their house before TWI and ran it after vic dropped. When the goofball from OK came in they both smirked - the husband said to me - "<name omitted> and I have seen 'em come and seen 'em go - we'll just see how long this young whippersnapper lasts" Of the young ones vic excelled at preying on - I think it was a very "cleverly" designed filter system. Not all of the young clergy were corrupt - in fact I'd wager - from personal experience - to say a good portion were not - they were allowed to stay in place AS LONG AS THEY MADE MONEY FOR TWI - whether knowingly or ignorantly believing in pushing TWI. The other group - which I think is smaller - although in no way limited to "top management" - saw that by accommodating vic's perversions they not only got their physical gratifications (eg sex, unlimited debauchery, etc) but they also got top promotions...and even there we know of one exception on this site. This is not an apologist post for TWI nor for the many clergy who debased and destroyed the lives of many - criminals all of them - It is more an agreement with you about vic's peers not kowtowing and vic's ability to screw the minds of young impressionistic "children" some of which he later turned into butchers of hearts and souls with their willing acceptance of it.
  9. NP Rhino - yes a CO-PI is a co-principal investigator. Feel free to pry - but understand that I will not bias myself with politics or religion - as Jack Webb used to say in the 60's TV show "Dragnet" - "Just the facts ma'am." National Geographic is a moot point - I don't know any serious scientist who has had a good experience with them - 'nuff said on that topic. Note the polarized wording in the quoted paragraph? "have a natural--and not a human-induced--cause" Why not word it more accurately and still leave room for research - how about "have a significant naturally induced cause both terrestrial and solar" By using that wording you show that you are bending over backwards to be completely honest - observations show that there are "natural" causes - but it is not possible to rule out human induced causes. The fact is that right now we are still trying to understand the many cycles, both terrestrial and solar, and how they interact simultaneously over time - the cycles don't run on the same schedules - thus the times that all conditions in all cycles are repeated is longer than a single human lifetime in many cases. So perhaps that tells you a little bit about how hard it is to narrow these things down in any one direction.
  10. I am very fortunate on this count. There is a great little place I eat - almost reminiscent of the 1960's diner in the air-stream trailer...all home cooked - and yes run my a mom and pop. All soups are made from scratch each day - with leftovers donated to charities in the evenings. Now I'm not talking about soup where you get some broth, three beans and a millimeter of canned ham - I'm talking navy bean soup that is almost like stew - gobs of beans - chunks of ham - heck first time I ordered a cup of soup it almost filled me. Home made meat loaf - two slices per plate - and one slice alone would feed me and my kids for a meal...home made - yes from scratch - mashed potatoes and gravy. And the menu goes on... My point is that I am fortunate to have found this place - oh and don't be in a hurry - ain't no fast food there.
  11. Thanks for noting that Groucho - yes indeed that is why I rarely participate in these conversations. Thanks also for the comment about a more appropriate forum. If I go back to the university then indeed I'll be right back in that teaching position - something I've always enjoyed - teaching science that is - not teaching in general (wheeewwwww that could've come close to sounding like TWI speak). Actually I think a forum on the topic of climate variability might be interesting but only if a) religion was not interjected by one word b) politics where not interjected by one word and c) people who can't act with manners go away. Debate is different than the baiting, name-calling, innuendo, etc that seems all too common on GSC when a controversial issue comes up.
  12. Thank you for your explanation of "aloof" Rhino - I stand corrected and apologize for considering that you were insulting me. With regard to what you refer to as my participating here partially - I probably would not have said anything until I saw that the chart was from one of the AMSU instruments - as stated earlier I a CO-PI on those suites of instruments. If you would like to know more about El Nino (which does not last 10 years) look up Pacific Decadal Oscillation, of which El Nino years are only a part. There is plenty of good information on line so you don't need a long oration from me here.
  13. Aloof Rhino? That is quite that insult when I simply said I was not interested in the political charge on this site. It is most interesting to me that no one is allowed to stay neutral here without reaping insults whether the topic be climate or sexual orientation. I'll drop off of this thread now - no need for your kind of responses
  14. Rhino I am not going to address that from a global climate change perspective - too politically charged on this site. However after having been involved in remote sensing earth science for 30 years - I'll toss you a hint - a) I was CO-PI on both AMSU/A and AMSU/B (which you correctly refer to as Advanced Microwave Sounder Unit altho you miss that there are two components). I will only state this - that graph is incredibly misleading as it does not mention a) sounders are 3-d cross sectional instruments b) a linear graph omits two of those dimensions - a graph over time (as posted) with no cross section in both geography and geostrophic heights is useless for long term analysis. If you want more info on AMSU/A/B feel free to PM me - I'm just not gonna get into the whole discussion over all on GSC.
  15. Yeah that was what I thought it was going to be about - but I guess that just shows my age http://youtube.com/watch?v=tKuvptTEr3Q&feature=related
  16. Geez - at my age I thought you were gonna post something about Puff the magic dragon http://youtube.com/watch?v=tKuvptTEr3Q&feature=related
  17. Slight modification to make the rhythm work for a limerick...thanks Seth... There once was a cult called the way Who kicked out all they said were gay Suspicion’s OK If I say you’re gay Pointed finger is my spiritual say So on a long hot Sunday night With make up and high brilliant light MOG points at his wood If like this you should You’ll be off this corn field tonight
  18. Thanks DM - but I most certainly NEVER hope to be in a position where my wish is someone's command. Nonetheless thank you for your consideration of my response. Best, RR
  19. Odd comment DM - I am not a liberal - nor conservative - I am a scientist, with almost 30 years of study on this and related issues, and do my absolute best to not let politics or public opinion count. (NO you did NOT make any comment about politics - I did.) Since I have not posted on this thread I presume you refer to earlier posts - which I am not at all interested in resurrecting. I quit posting on anything to do with this topic some time ago - too polarized. I will not post anything on planetary climate change in this thread either. BTW - I do not ignore anything people say - nor will I ignore your post. I will read them and most likely not comment - but I will still read them and will not downplay your opinion(s) and/or observations(s). That would be fallacious science. So with all due respect - please leave me/my screen name out of future discussions on the issues of climate change - no longer interested in posting on that topic here - and certainly not interested in imposing any of my studies on others here. Just as a side note - if you read previous posts I made you will see I did not present (to the best of my knowledge) any polarized views on the topic - to which you are free to make fun of me with the quote "Sir I can neither confirm nor deny..." Summary - you asked Hap to "let it go." I ask for the same courtesy from you. This response is in NO way meant to be inflammatory - I just don't want to discuss the issue on these forums anymore. Regards, RR PS - I like crab apples
  20. I gotta disagree WW. Sitting through that class somewhere around the third time I found myself sleeping not learning/memorizing/being indoctrinated through osmosis.
  21. RumRunner

    Talkshoe Live

    I dont either - fill us in paw? - OK found it - so paw you would host the web site and we sign in and yak?
  22. Jen-O - what are you talking about? Seems you are talking about me and I was no - not talking to you.
  23. Dooj - that newspaper article was ummmm ummmm Kinda makes you wonder what was going on with those chickens and rabbits at Rome City - and the goats at the corn field Little boy trustee come blow your horn, The sheep's in the meadow, The cow's in the corn
  24. Excellent Ham! Take out the policy - you go to collect - adjuster asks to see proof of death - you point to the crock pot - collect $200K
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