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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. Hey A La - some too Waybrained men just can't quite figure out what to do with a women who is not a TWI subservient little whore - poor babies - Vive la Book Bleu - snort - sorry - was just coughing into my drink. Let me reiterate on this topic - Wierwille was a criminal - a pedophile - a rapist - a rampant abuser of all both female and male - although his penchant was to f(ck women at his leisure - then disguise it as some spiritual enlightenment. He should have been in jail along with his other fellow rapists - and those who still support him are RAPISTS, dolts, idiots, and mostly Nazi in their thinking about women. You will not convince them - they already have their "ovens" set up in their thinking to cleanse the world of free thinking people - especially women who claim to have been sexually abused by the Nazi anti-semite female rapist abusing child of a dog - or perhaps a PIG. Poor - Poor babies - spit....
  2. http://www.cbs.com/classics/the_twilight_z...555532&cc=1 The Rod Serling opening speaks well to the brainwashing of TWI.
  3. Child molesting drunkard? Groucho - I think a phrase more like heinous and vicious sexual predator and criminal would be appropriate - and even perhaps a little light considering the crimes that vicious thug committed in the name of God. The people who continue to support that man, in one way or another, remind me of WWII era Germans who, while never openly supporting Naziism or Hitler, routinely said - and accurately - "He put bread on the table!!!" Well - yeah - he DID put bread on the table - then had people like Mengela who operated on un-anesthetized prisoners for amusement - who oversaw a reich that killed 10's of millions with ruthless and almost religious fervor. Oh yes - that drunken criminal sexual deviant taught the bible - then went on to rape, coerce, lie, cover, steal and destroy as many lives as he had to in order to keep his depraved sex machine running. And this from a former ordained clergy-person - who despises the depravity that the innocent were subjected to.
  4. RumRunner


    I won't disagree about elective plastic surgeries - however I will disagree, only slightly, with you Linda about only having surgery if it is for a life-threatening condition. I had avascular necrosis in my hips - that means the bone had died and was rotting out from within. I lived in extreme chronic pain for 15 years. I could not shower below the knees because I could not bend over. I could not put my own socks on - thank God for my children. I could not sleep for more than 15 minutes without finding a new position. I could sit in a chair (or slump) in a chair for about 10 minutes and then stand for ten minutes. I could barely drive my truck anymore because I had to pull up my left leg with a hand to get my foot on the clutch pedal and pressing on the clutch caused pain I can barely describe. I could not even step up over a curb without "vaulting" up and could not climb a flight of stairs unless it had a banister so I could use my hands to haul myself up. I could not walk 100 feet to the mail box. Just short of two years ago I had my hips replaced - the dead bone removed and replaced with titanium/ceramic. For the first time (after recovery) in 15 years I had no pain. I have nearly full mobility back. I function normally. This is still unbelievable to me every single day. Was it life-threatening? No! Did that surgery change my every day - and almost my every action? Absolutely!
  5. And can we ever forget some years later from the Cleveland paper, "Cornfield Cult, Bible and Bullets"? Seems like they had us pegged long before we knew how to peg it.
  6. Way Corps training personified - and yeah I was a corp grad - enjoy all you wierwille apologists - fits perfectly with the LCM purge of the homos and Jews - after all we were ordered to embrace the myth of the six million
  7. Yes that is correct. New Horizons was a quartet from the South Side of Chicago that opened ROA with "Celebrate." R0b W1ll1ams and I sort of hosted their tour around Ohio in 1981 or 82 so we may have met Waysider. Not that I want to wax nostalgic about any of that.
  8. Hey hey - easy on that. I live in San Diego and am definitely NOT one of your religious sickos - although when it comes to OTL I might be classified as such
  9. Yuck! I hope they don't anywhere near me...
  10. Well please don't get too angry at me - but the way you worded it (albeit traumatic for both of you) was so funny it should be published.
  11. RumRunner

    e books

    Excellent! Thank you!
  12. Yeah - if it weren't so embarrassing it would be almost comedic it gets so repetitive. I should have added that you can tell US Americans who are experienced travelers because they sit down, act polite, read a book or two and keep to themselves...annnnd they have both manners and patience when dealing with row mates, flight attendants and airport personnel be it check-in, security or baggage handlers. It costs you nothing and makes for a better flight - no sense in getting an ulcer if you are about to hop on an 18 hour flight. I'm sure your husband will agree to that as well. Thanks for the acknowledgment. RR
  13. Couldn't concur more - even on those issues I may disagree/agree/hate/dislike - your analysis of our online culture is correct
  14. Ayep - much as I like animals - I too have traveled a lot - and it is pretty tough to apply USA laws/ethics/morals to countries where food and basic essentials are scarce at best. Last time I was in China was Nanjing - might as well be smoking three packs of smokes a day just to get into a taxi there (if you can get one) - yet for those folks it has been the biggest upgrade in living since WWII. Compare the USA post WWII - we weren't that different. And I suppose if I want to get snotty I would remind folk that even in the US you can go to a "live" sushi bar where you pick your meal from the tank while it is alive and it is ritually killed in front of you and then served oh so delicately. I am not a proponent of animal cruelty - but other countries are just not the US - and never will be.
  15. Snort...I'll just keep my mouth shut here - you Groucho no damn well how quick I'd get off the deep end on that piece of religious sewage - I'll just remember better days of NRPS, GD and some fine times - ummm - uhhh - just some fine times - snort again
  16. Ayep Excie - I can talk to God in English - and I figure he can understand me - and yeah I know what I need to pray for too.
  17. This is ONLY for us old folk..... This is ONLY for us old folk.....well not really - but the old ones will remember Ritchie Havens
  18. Thanks Linda for your genuine and honest reply. You and I have known each other long enough to disagree and not make it vitriolic - and for that I am thankful, as opposed to the so many other adversarial conversations that seem to go on here. Always appreciate your input. Best, RR
  19. Well hopefully George Aar will take this as humor...since he posted a response to Suneisis on another thread that the only reason he got involved was that he was chasing a skirt... and since you Mstar make a similar, albeit more general, comment - using the word awry - perhaps we should rename George Aar to George Awry...any takers?
  20. I have to go with Groucho here. I am not an atheist but if George is, then that is his choice. It does not make him any less capable of interacting on most forums here although I'm sure he wouldn't interact much with the doctrinal ones where scripture and verse are often discussed in a distinctly Christian fashion. On the other I hand I am, bu no means, someone who will get into a scriptural discussion with people. I have my belief system which I would dare to call Christian in nature - but I don't think I could ever be part of any kind of meeting type organization again. GSC, thankfully, is not an organization, nor does it have meetings. People who are still of that system are also welcome to "get things going" on GSC - eg the weenie roasts - a meeting was organized - and by all accounts the folks in Texas had a great time. I think there is plenty of room for the variety that exists here - and probably room for more.
  21. I was speaking in the tongues of farmers and rednecks and it came out "ee ay ee ay oh" - Sorry - well maybe not - just in a cynical mood today.
  22. And what was the fetish vicster had with "shanta?" LoShanta - Moshanta - IliKoShanta - RaShanta - Malakasito - I think he got the whole interpretation thing wrong - should have been - My Santa is your Santa and other's Santa and everyone's Santa - blessed be he who brings the Christmas eggnog.
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