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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. Abi - I appreciate your sentiments but have to disagree with you about your quote below - which (to me - which makes it suspect) sounds a little like you are saying there are NO alternatives at GSC. There are plenty of alternatives - and have been applied: a) PM from mod - <person> that was uncalled for - don't do it again b) deletion of post by mod c) deletion of post by mod with accompanying PM - <person> that was uncalled for - don't do it again d) deletion of post by mod with accompanying explanation on forum e) temporary suspension f) being banned. So I did a little exercise in "real life." I re-read the forms I am required to sign for my childrens' behavior at public schools in California. Pretty much identical with the addition of detention which could never be enforced on the net. 23 pages of behavioral expectation with accompanying examples and responses from the school system for violations. Now before someone goes off on me and says that means I am making Paw "the teacher" - NO I AM NOT. The school system is part of a community - and with it carries some rules of social order. One does not walk into a school and call someone out with an ethnic slur - immediate suspension. One does not walk into a school with a cell phone turned on (used for cheating on exams with texting) - immediate suspension. Neither of those rules is a violation of free speech - and that is in "real life" not in cyber hallucination. Those rules are to promote a healthy social environment where name-calling, cheating etc are not tolerated. GSC - is in some way a community - with commonalities, differences - as to be expected - but there still needs to be some accepted social expectations. These are posted to you when you sign up at GSC - and when you clicked on "I agree" you are then expected to arrange your behavior (to some degree) on those points. Paw et. al. have been EXTREMELY liberal in letting those rules slip from time to time - and, as with a mature adult - some infractions can be overlooked or given a quiet PM prod. I have only seen three people put on suspension and only one banned. If only the parents and school systems in CA could do so well........... Oh yeah - one last point - the 23 pages I signed up for applied to children - not adults - I would expect more from adults....... edited for a couple of grammar errors
  2. Well my two were raised in the beginning of the Pokemon years - on graduated Valedictorian from high school and has 5 full scholarships to college - entered as a junior in a 5 year program for molecular bio-engineering - the other one is a 4.0 HS student - so I guess the cards didn't hurt them too much
  3. RumRunner

    The Cone of Bertha

    Krys - while the weather underground (which Raf seems to prefer) is indeed an excellent site - you can also go to http://www.nhc.noaa.gov. From there - on top of each storm you will see various useful advisories - "Public Adv", "Fcst/Adv", and "Discussion" are the most interesting for most folks. "Discussion" tends to be more technical/scientific with discussion of sea surface temperature, upper level wind shear etc. Public tends to be updated more frequently as a cyclone approaches populated areas and tends toward the more "practical" - "leave now." Fcst is somewhere in between.
  4. Oh this is flawless - I just posted on another thread (beef) about how you two (Rhino/Rocky) know how to vehemently disagree without hurting others. I was endeavoring to use it as an example of when it is OK and when it is not...kind of meant to be a compliment to both of you...now here ya both go raising hell on this forum. Should I go delete my other post? Damn it's 10:30 in San Diego - maybe I need a V/T.
  5. HAHAHAHA - only a few people on this site that are gonna get it DWBH - but thanks for the post. And Paw!!!! Thanks for keeping GSC here regardless of the naysayers.... and oh sh(t - dare I say the word apologists? You're a champ - they're just spoiled cheese
  6. Excellent!!! Pet rocks - Pet tongues - Pet books - Pet coaches....etc. etc. etc.
  7. See Dooj? Now wasn't that fun - and oh so predictable? I bet if Groucho jumps in this can go on for days - maybe weeks...
  8. Don't sweat it Dooj - WD also fails to recognize that in every court in the US what is called eye witness testimony is given precedent over "circumstantial" evidence. While there are admitted weaknesses in so-called eye witness testimony it has been shown over many years to be the most trustworthy. Now I grant you that if 50 people claim to have been abducted by aliens and anally probed - well - that is probably subject to further question since there is no particular reason that anal probing goes with alien abduction by inference. However, given the AMPLE and BELIEVABLE testimony given by both women and men about sexual abuse in TWI - in any court - if the drunken cr@Pmouthed, lunatic, abusive, Vic were still alive - he'd be in tough shape in any court in this country. He would fare better in a court where women are considered second rate citizens - perhaps in a country that believed in ritual genital mutilation as a male prerogative. But WTF - since he is dead (thank goodness) we can't take him to court for those crimes of rape and abuse. So let WD have his day - besides - come on - if you egg him on it provides more interesting reading. Edited for bad grammar
  9. No need to duck for cover Twinky. The humor and history are a bit appreciated.
  10. Interesting viewpoint WordWolf - just posted something private to someone about a similar experience running a MUSH... I think your points are cogent to the discussion - thanks for chiming in as you did
  11. Lingo - read what Rocky wrote - that is my opinion entirely - I don't care about Bumpy's views - and - to my recollection never took issue with him about his views. However my statement still stands that GSC is owned and run by Pawtucket. If you think he is a censoring bastard then feel free to not show up again - or feel free to castigate him - whatever. You walk in my door and I offer you a shot of good scotch - you don't like the brand? go away - buy your own scotch. For a fellow who I recall as being pretty intelligent you do yourself a series of injustices on GSC
  12. That's crap Jonny. Paw runs it on his own time and on his own dime. You are not paying for it. He is. If you don't like it you don't have to be here. Regardless of my opinions of your posts, the fact that you CAN post here is testimony to Paw's willingness to provide you the freedom to express your opinion AT NO EXPENSE TO YOURSELF. I don't really give a crap about Bumpy/Grumpy/Slumpy - nor do I care about a lot of other opinions posted on this site; however I am not going to go after the owner/moderator who gives free time/ free space to people until they rile the rest of the crowd. Why don't you host your own site - let's see how your rules unfold.
  13. Ham - While I agree with every one of your comments... JAL is just another salesperson to be dismissed like hanging up the phone on a telemarketer. He has NO hold on truth - all of his "not since the first century" nonsense is just another regurgitation of TWI and the violent, drunk, sexual abuser VICTOR PAUL WIERWILLE and his FELONIOUSLY CRIMINAL thugs Geer and Martindale - both of whom should be in jail taking some friendly pumping from cell mates. JAL has abused as many women AND MEN as Wierwille - and enjoyed himself while doing it. He is scum to be forgotten - jailed or otherwise dismissed in as shameful and disgraceful ways as possible. He deserves to be no place other than in a toilet.
  14. RumRunner

    Busy day

    Ahhh yes - DOW - wasn't the 60's tagline "Better living through chemistry" My daughter is studying molecular bio-engineering - I'm hoping she'll cook up some thing really - ummm - ummm - never mind. Anyway - congrats on the move forward.
  15. Well stated Linda - although I cannot claim to have ever liked JAL - He ran roughshod over people well before 1987 as if that is some magic year. JS, on the other hand, I did indeed like.
  16. Try an "in-town" Enterprise. They have daily rates - ask for the "insurance discount."
  17. Not bad Geisha - not bad at all... Keep posting. Best, RR
  18. I've never posted here (that I can recall) but... YES DEMONS Oakspear - submit to exorcism now - or be banished to the coach of eternal darkness...Your ability to think outside of traditional Christian doctrine proves to a small minority that you are indeed in need of superior spiritual supervision by those who can cast out the demons of rational thinking that doesn't elevate PFAL to some idolatrous level of "let me judge you to eternal hell."
  19. Yeah I noticed the concrete too - now my big questions are - a) WHO was lunatic enough to do the original work and b) HOW did they get the formwork and concrete there?
  20. Just a couple of thoughts on humanity Rocky - or perhaps lack thereof. Has nothing to do with GSC or TWI.
  21. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/camp/
  22. As a ludicrous aside - anyone here ever read the book "Snow Crash" - world religious leader ends up with an aircraft carrier... decent (not great) read - would seem to fit this thread in a comical way.
  23. Read again WD for you certainly do NOT have this clear for the record. I said PM's abound not that I was PMing. In point of fact I have neither sent nor replied to any PM's about you. Hence the first part of your premise is wrongly accusative. Secondly, since I didn't send any, then I cannot be wearing that as a "badge of achievement." Thirdly you further an incorrect assumption with the words "It's pretty telling that you talk about someone behind their back." Fourthly, since you don't know me, you have no idea about my grasp of truth. Fifthly, I have stepped up to the mic - my posts have been forthright and public whether you agree with them or not. Finally if you are referring to my claims about the sexually predatory nature that was Victor Wierwille - those claims are substantiated by many people who were the first hand recipients of his sexual abuse as well as others who were witness of that nature and yet not participants whether willingly or unwillingly. I will give you only one point of agreement - and that is that I too would hold in low esteem anyone who resorted to speaking behind other's back. Now - back to our regularly scheduled program - Thanks again Kris for your outpouring of honest. I'm sure that that interview was not pleasant.
  24. Geeze WD - I don't recall pigeonholing you - WHICH IS YOUR OBVIOUS INTENT TO INTIMATE. Your dishonesty is most flamboyant. Sweet sweet child - go back to your delusions of what God really is - we are all most entertained here - the PM's abound...
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