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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. Well stated P-Mosh - only thing I disagree with is that I was not flustered - just didn't want to get into the usual debates that happen so often here. EOS (in one form or another) has been my scientific discipline for 3 decades.
  2. You gonna put in a Cassegrain?
  3. Earth Observing System - sorry I was just too lazy to post a link...http://eospso.gsfc.nasa.gov/ BTW I am not going to get into a debate over these issues - shutting down now others can post their politico-social-religious views
  4. Well stated - there is immense debate in the scientific community between expanding horizons (expensive and dangerous) and sustaining the planet as we know it. There are some valid debates on both sides. I submit that sustainability is paramount at this time and that we have plenty of robotics to do that (go look up the NASA EOS missions - I'm too lazy to post a link). With robotics no toilets, no water, no O2, no food - and we (as well as ESA) build them well. And before you flame me - I've done EOS or similar things for 30 years - please do not flame with someone's odd chart from never never land.
  5. Sorry folks - while the imagery and presentation was excellent - fact is they were ripped off from a power point from a colleague of mine. I would have no problem with the flash if proper credit were given. My $0.02 and worth at least a nickel.
  6. Thanks my old friend. Groucho if anyone on here had any idea they would never talk to either of us again - and yeah "crews that broke the jug and poured the bloodlike flowing rum upon the sand." And I think we should leave it like that before we alienate most of the planet beyond what we already have. - For 47 years of friendship, trust, non-betrayal, and and the "long strange trip it's been." I am grateful for everyone's birthday wishes - Groucho and I have been around the block once, twice or perhaps more than we want to admit in public - but all of your wishes are appreciated.
  7. Yeah Tom - wondering how many of us "old folk" at GSC are "second hand lions" - but hey it was fun to watch it with the kids - both grown ( or nearly) now - DWBH - THANK YOU - as the Grateful Dead coined - what a looooong strange trip it's been Thanks you ALL for B'day wishes
  8. Thanks all - and I gotta go with the fact that yeah - I DID shave today. Both of my kids made it very special - so we are watching a fine movie together (while doing laundry) "Second Hand Lions". Again - thank for all of the well wishes
  9. Reminds me of a song - "Our house is a very very fine house with two cats in the yard...etc." Congrats
  10. That is not a considerations in my book. What happens if I know you personally and repeat in a public forum a phone conversation or email we exchanged? You cannot get or guarantee total privacy or anonymity - you are reliant on the trust of the person(s) with whom you discuss intimate topics.
  11. For the reasons stated by P, Cop and LZ I would be in favor of a place that was "safe-haven" for those in P-Mosh, Copenhagen and others positions. And I don't view it as "an inner circle" or "inner sanctum." Most of us here are have no dogs left in the TWI fight - and so yes we post openly - and indeed sooner or later our real names start to circulate. I chose my SN not to be anonymous but so that someone I've known for along time would immediately know who I was - and BTW it really has nothing to do with Rum. We've been gone - no relatives in TWI - no dogs left in the fight. I would view a private forum as no different than perhaps a home for battered women. Those homes which are properly run to their best to provide anonymity for the safety of the residents and often their families. Is that some inner circle? A beaten women desperately seeking safety for perhaps not only herself but for her children as well?? Generally I view the use of those phrases "inner sanctum", "inner circle" as elitist. However I do NOT view protecting victims or POTENTIAL victims as elitist and I do NOT believe that "inner circle" or "inner sanctum" apply here even though the thread is so titled. For those of us who remember how it sucked SO freaking bad to be in TWI - but no longer have a dog in the fight - why would you care if there is a "safe haven" (whatever that means on the net these days). We can continue to post openly unchanged. Heck think about it - If Paw built a forum like that - we'd never know and hence wouldn't care. We'd just keep on posting where we do now. For those who still have family who are "in" I feel for you. I know - I know - WAY off the beaten path for my usual intolerance. Flame on!!
  12. Ya missed Woodstock and Watkins Glen dude
  13. Concur completely with P-Mosh and Dmiller - here in CA ADHD is often nothing more than an excuse to not let "boys be boys" and indeed has been in court. I am not suggesting that all young male behaviour is correct - and as others have said -I am no medical professional - but the medication of young males in the CA school system has become so flagrant that other med professionals are defending that boys "can be boys'
  14. Both are fine dishes - please post your wife's recipe for ceviche - goodness I could eat that 7 days a week.
  15. Thanks LZ - No need to say you are sorry. I disagreed with Rhino on a couple of small points and you disagree with me on one. One of the niceer things on GSC eh? We can disagree and still remain friends, comrades, etc
  16. Well there aint no time to wonder why...whoopee we're all gonna die
  17. The "Myth of the Six Million?" The "Thirtheenth Tribe"? Go look up Memory of the camps on PBS http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/camp/ BHe was a freakin Nazi
  18. Thunderbird is fine - a little on the heavy side of resource utilization
  19. OK - this is way off color but it's Saturday 3:15 Pacific and I've had a beer so... Dammed fine analogy Groucho...those two had some things in common...as in they both drilled their victims.
  20. NP - however in after thought I realized there is also an exception in CA...hangs head for not being thorough (or was that throughly?). There are only two court approved reasons for divorce in CA; irreconcilable differences and incurable insanity (although it would seem to me that incurable insanity falls under irreconcilable differences). My attorney tried to explain the difference. I think, but do NOT recall exactly, that the incurable insanity argument is in the case where one of the spouses has already been diagnosed as such and hence there is no mediation. Not sure how pertinent that is to this thread but wanted to make sure I was as complete as possible...comes with being a scientist I suppose.
  21. George if you got any grumpier you'd be me
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