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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. RumRunner

    What if...

    No need for an apology Doojable but thank you for the sentiment.
  2. RumRunner

    What if...

    Uhh - I don't understand your point. Must be the air where you live.
  3. RumRunner

    What if...

    Ya know... if you'd have called him a Lewd Crappy Mog - and you look only at the first letters - you have LCM - a true lewd crappy (fake) mog.
  4. Groucho - I think you are being WAAAAYYY to lenient here - if the words wouldn't be edited out I would post a little more about his venomous, destructive, and deadly ways
  5. RumRunner

    8th Corps

    OK it's marginally going again. You're up late
  6. In the case of block voting I don't care if the person is republican, democrat, green, independent, libertarian or American communist party...block voting is illegal and TWI practiced it in some subtle ways. The reference I made to the problems at Emporia where when I was there - didn't know the 9th corps had more allegations later - but thanks for adding more to the fine history of TWI's machinations. edited for clarification Let me clarify a bit - yes I know that most fundamentalist christian groups tend to vote very conservatively - i.e. often republican if you discount the southern Dixiecrats - my point is not partisan - it is that block voting is wrong period. My comment about Carter in a previous post was based on actually being in the meeting - odd thing is that victoid "told us" to vote for Carter but four years later considered him the next best thing to the anti-christ...typical
  7. GIMP is a good program but a bit overwhelming. You might try Serif Photoplus - free download for home use and every bit as powerful as photoshop. Not quite as powerful as GIMP but the learning curve is a tad easier. If all you were using the MS program for was viewing, Firefox will display all common image formats just fine.
  8. Ah yes - that book we had to read - "None Dare Call it Conspiracy"
  9. Gotta give ya that one...'course it might should have been in groaners.....
  10. You might be thinking of Sen. Hayes Gahagan from Maine. I remember TWI actually got in some trouble over that (about the same time frame you are remembering - mid 70's) - to answer both you and ChasUFarley's layer post. Drambuie Vic organized what he called POWOWs (political WOWs). They were sent to Maine to hand out electioneering materials. TWI got in trouble for a) alleged block voting and b) some kind of improper involvement in the national election process. They got in trouble again later in Emporia when the campus was a voting site and all of the tallies were identical - Might have been for the Carter election. Vic never openly endorsed Carter but simply said at a Corps meeting - "I like the guy...he's a Christian." Of course if Vic liked him you voted for him...how subtle...how wayish...
  11. Heh heh heh...happy birthday Linda...of course now would be a perfect time for me to toss in a couple of old Cleveland stories to "roast" you as a b'day present - but (alas) my bare modicum of manners and decency forbids it.
  12. Ah yes those evil children (BTW my children are the two coolest people I know and for anyone who disagrees with me hanging with them and LISTENING TO THEM - p(ss off) - lets not forget reading (unless TWI approved), music (unless produced by Way Destructions - God forbid you listen to Tchaikovsky), enjoying time with your family instead of going out door to freaking door selling Jesus on a green card stick, artwork (unless done by someone in TWI which you paid TWI for a print of), hmmm oh yes let's also not forget the science disciplines - all that they did was promote earthly thinking of one sort or another. Oh yeah...third aid!!! - that lovely piece of "non-grooved" thinking where someone with no medical training or skills told you to eat golden seal because you were bleeding from some unknown cause...medical practitioners are, after all, proof that you are not believing - THUS allowing the adversary to "cut grooves" in your brain (per Bramble above). Therapists?!?! OF THE DEVIL!!!! And on and on and on. Unless you did NOTHING but TWI related activities, thoughts etc you were devil fodder...what bunk...and someone in another thread adamantly denies that we were in a cult...hold on here - lemme go get another bottle of Drambuie and think about that for a second... Meanwhile - Wierwille was drinking all day - (I've seen him hammered by noon), sexually abusing women half his age or less, going to California in the late 60's and asking to go to an orgy, temper tantrums, private plane, coaches, red carpets... oh yeah - excellent control of your thoughts Vic...
  13. As I said Potato - I have little advice to give. I gave my experience which should in no way be taken to be the correct way to leave TWI behind. Interesting note though per your quote/post - you've been out for 2, I've been out for 20. I think it is potentially unsafe to compare experiences based on that radical a difference. What worked for me may work for no one else - hence my disclaimer about advice. Best wishes on your detachment from TWI
  14. Uhh Cheranne - I wouldn't bother trying to refute this person. The Kool-aid runs a little thick in his posts. However if you do decide to keep the conversation on-going I will be most entertained by the complete denial of things many of us saw routinely in that cult, brainwashing organization, money stealing, sexually deviant, family destroying organization.
  15. Hey Jeff, Please don't take any of my more sicko posts seriously. Twas meant as a little light humor for you and was really quite spontaneous based solely on the juxtapostion of those banner ads. With regard to the serious nature of your posts I have little advice to give. I've been out for 20 years and even with that am a relative newcomer to GSC. Heck I left so long ago I never even heard of a splinter group until I logged on here. That being said...the easiest way for me to walk away was just to look at the whole thing as a life experience gone south. Kinda like doing contraband in college. Years later I look back and wonder what I was thinking when I stuffed all of that down my throat. While I recognize the importance for many people here of still having God in their lives - you might listen to some of those posters who have DROPPED organizational ANYTHING and still read the Bible for their own enjoyment. BTW - it's my experience that there are plenty of good folks out there - not all of whom profess Christianity - but nonetheless are decent people. They will never understand your experience with TWI - if it was that easy GSC wouldn't exist - but that doesn't mean that you need to limit yourself in your new friendships and relationships.
  16. Well Jeff if it is any humorous consolation for you...here are the four banner adds that came up auto-magically on GSC when I was at the top of the "About the Way" forum.... a) Letter from JAL b) Kitchen exhaust cleaning - hmmm would that mean someone could shut his incessant mouth? c) Grease Trap - Caught his illogic through testimony of previous CES members d) Grease remover - Bubye JAL Sorry - a little twisted - but it's all of those voices that keep talking to me out of the fillings in my teeth - smirk * Letter from John Lynn Beyond The Way International. Why so many left - a must read! www.ChristianEducational.org * Kitchen exhaust cleaning 26 state service area National grease exhaust inspections www.enviromatic.com * Grease Trap The Top Industrial Resource. Find Grease Traps Quickly. Greasetraps.Industrial101.com * Grease remover We remove and dispose of grease. Over 20 years experience! wasteoil-az.com
  17. HEY HEY! Nothing wrong with the beans you get in most "hole in the wall" Mexican places in SoCal - although yes lard is often a "main" ingredient. No slop - just good beans
  18. Very nice thanks Rocky. You might look up Harold Edgerton. He is considered the father of modern high speed stroboscopic photography - took stuff down to 100,000,000th of a second - and he did it in the 1940's!!! Not bad for a corn fed boy from Nebraska who ended up an MIT professor...
  19. I guess I am the statistical outlier then. I was always embarrassed at those words/phrases - and when I walked out I was so freaking glad to never have to use them again I'll give you your point that it is some of each - I just think the stronger attraction was the "I'm cool - I'm on the inside" than the "Darn how do I talk to my neighbor now? attraction"
  20. I am not sure I completely agree. If we go back to the "geek" analogy referred to several times earlier: Geeks are proud to have their own esoteric language. It "proves" who has the "inside track" on the technology which translates into being cool, knowing, hence having a modicum of power and authority. (This coming from a quasi-geek). I suspect that the Argot served more along those lines. The AC grad tells someone new to "renew their mind" - and since the new person doesn't know what that means but admires the AC grad is motivated to the TRM class and dig themselves in deeper in order to also be cool and authoritative...etc etc
  21. LOL if you like cheesy but poignant sci-fi go rent the movie Equilibrium - same theme - not bad but I warned you - cheesy - and RIFE with WAYISMS - including calling the ruler of the planet - "The Father", "Consider it a matter of FAITH" - etc etc - could have come right from a corps night - I laughed throughout the movie wondering who in the directing positions had been to a ROA
  22. Come on!!! Go there - inquiring and cynical minds want to know
  23. Didn't you always wonder about that little pamphlet? Here you have some topic that was elevated to a station second only to being "born again." It was preached about plenty, yelled, screamed and threatened about plenty...as I recall the Cro-Magnon from Okie used to say something like, If you don't give at least ten percent god won't have time to spit on you. But the basic "research" (used loosely) was a small pamphlet. A little thing that basically quoted a lot of OT telling us to give so much material wealth to TWI (in lieu of god's actuial presence - uhhh even THAT is a contradiction - if god is really omnipresent). One little pamphlet which if you didn't understand and/or follow god won't even spit on you. Seems like if it was THAT important more work would have been published - that is if it COULD be published based on HONEST research. I am not against charitable giving of any sort - just can't buy off on a little pamphlet being the doctrinal cornerstone of whether or not god spits on you. Besides - if I give my tithe or ABS WHY WOULD I WANT GOD TO SPIT ON ME ANYWAY?
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