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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. RumRunner

    A Poem

    I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed. And on the pedestal these words appear: `My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!' Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, The lone and level sands stretch far away. Percy Bysshe Shelley
  2. RumRunner

    8th Corps

    Hey just think of the 8th (that were honest and decent) as the LithSOF that was posted about. We never scored big with the "heavy hitters" we broke more rules than the 6th (who are famous for rule breaking) and we just didn't give a cr@p about the stupid motorcoach... and we don't stay in touch either
  3. And one for the Americans who fight along side of LithSOF
  4. RumRunner


    For those 30% who responded that they do not use Amazon regularly - Hmmm I ignored it for a long time - after all there was a Border's within walking distance. Then off to college one of mine went - majoring in molecular bio-engineering and discovering that some of here texts were >$300 new and she got them used on Amazon for around 0.20 of that. For the person who posted about Amazon U.K. some of my child's used book came from U.K., Italy and other places so I suspect Amazon has a decent retail network that spans multiple countries
  5. Yeah Mstar but I'd rather have any one of the "three" (there were actually four) stooges as president than the current one - and it is not based on my political inclination just my view of complete mismanagement of a country. Just as an aside there was Curly, Larry and Moe but most people (unless they are my age) do not remember Shemp. Good post and thanks
  6. Just joshing with ya young lady
  7. Cheranne - uhhh you forget your meds this AM?
  8. RumRunner

    8th Corps

    Don't sweat it my friend.
  9. Not bad at'all LithSOF Edited for the following link - a nice jag on 'em http://intellibriefs.blogspot.com/2005/11/...rations_25.html
  10. I would give you that in many cases but I think there is another issue that has nothing to do with pre-existing problems. During the late 60's-70's we were just a bunch of hippies looking for "new" things. Moody Blues and Yes were singing songs about great kingdoms in the sky, Gracie Slick (Jefferson Airplane/Starship) sang songs about your children "on the deck of a star ship." With no personal issues we were all still ripe for the picking. I sure am not sticking up for the drunk women abusing Vicster - we were just ripe for something "new." The promise of "the more than abundant life", peace and harmony, yada yada - all sounds like he coulda picked those phrases from almost any hippie commune of the day - whether cultic or just doing the Timothy Leary thing. I am not refuting you - just suggesting it may not be, in all cases, related to previous problems/issues. Some of those problems were instilled into us regardless of the existence/non-existence of past problems. From a purely cold perspective it was a darn near perfectly pulled of scam...
  11. Thanks for posting that for everyone RG. Here is a trick I found for Yorkshire pudding. Buy the disposable aluminum muffin pans and use those. You get nice serving size pieces of pudding...and no pan to clean. My kids and I chow down on a standing rib roast and generous quantities Yorkshire pudding every Christmas. Edited to add that using the smaller muffin tin instead of a large tin allows the meat drippings to permeate the batter better - nice meaty taste in a nice fluffy dough - kinda like a New England popover - but better
  12. WAIT WAIT WAIT... All of the recipes sound good but how can you have a holiday thread without a roast rib of beef with Yorkshire pudding? We just aren't sugar people in my house...
  13. Very funny and 100% true
  14. Oh it's been used in different setting Lifted-Up. I first heard it in the context of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Al Gore. It's been around for a while. Who knows what other presidents it has been plied to.
  15. I'll second W/W's reasons for recommendation and add one more which he already alluded to. Innovation. Firefox is constantly, in cooperation (<== important word) with other partners adding innovation such as the add-ons W/W mentioned. Firefox had tabs from day one. It took MS two years and an entire major new release to toss in tabs. As an after thought they added pop-up blocking. Firefox (Mozilla folks) give full credit to their third party partnerships with the corporate logos etc posted on their web site. Got to MS and see if there is any credit given. MS has a history of looking at a good idea and either buying your company or simply ripping off the idea and replicating it in their closed environment. Now I confess to being a poster-child for Linux - I was on the kernel development team when Linus Torvalds was still in college and Linux itself was barely a year old (Yes I am older than dirt and when I was born the earth was still cooling). Firefox is also more robust. Small errors crash IE - Firefox has never crashed on me - it deals with errors as gracefully as possible depending on the error. W/W also makes another good point. In my house we have all three - Linux (Centos), MS Windoze, and a Mac which my daughter got on a scholarship. We all use (both kids and me) Firefox because we can move from one computer to the other and (as W/W pointed out) the interface is the same.
  16. Spoken with heavy Indian accent: Welcome TWI customer support. My name is John and I am here 24/7 to answer your personal prayer request. Please tell it to me and send in a check for $200.00 to TWI Box 328 New Knoxvill, Ohio and be sure that all of your needs and wants are in balance so that your prayer request will be answered. Rosalie blesses you from on high.
  17. RumRunner

    I passed P-Chem

    Way to go rat man. Now ya gotta get through O-Chem. My daughter is a molecular bioengineering student and thinks O-Chem is fun - sheesh - I think it is designed to make you insane... so if, when you take O-Chem, you have questions I'll pass you along to her - on ONE CONDITION - you NEVER mention TWI at all - neither of my kids know about that shameful involvement
  18. Nope Groucho - just my Arrogant B@st@rd Ale from Stone Brewing Company in San Marcos. Yeah that must be it - I'm stickin' with that excuse.
  19. Isn't that a bit of an oxymoron? Plus side, down a few sizes? Sorry nothing personal intended but I couldn't resist noticing the juxtaposition of words...
  20. Now the key is "or to taste" isn't it? Sounds like a good recipe if you have a sweet tooth
  21. Welcome to the GSC ClayJay. You'll find many diverse opinions expressed here with regard to TWI. I hope you enjoy your visits.
  22. Ham I was in NO WAY trying to refute your post nor question your ethics (please don't bust me on the double negative) - I simply read your post and decided to mentally inventory what I owned. The result was a tad surprising to me. Thanks for your input.
  23. Well thank you for the compliment - I didn't consider it really adding to Ham's post - just a few observations in my own home after reading his post. ...and I am by no means great...but thanks much anyway
  24. Uhh - no rudeness intended but umm why?
  25. Well Ham it has gotten so deep that I suspect almost everything you have in your house is from another country. I am NOT AT ALL against other countries prospering, but in response to your post I thought about the origin of many common articles in my home. Clothing? - check the tab - often made in Central America - of course your tennis shoes are made in China with prison labor Computer? Not a one of them is actually made in US anymore - Dell uses China and Malaysia for assembly although the CPU be it Intel or AMD is fabbed in US - HP assembles theirs in Mexico and Taiwan. Just for the helluvit next time you have a dead computer - look at EVERY IC on the motherboard and tell me if even ONE of them does not say Taiwan, Malaysia, Korea, Mexico on it Stereo components - no US companies make them any more Television/computer displays - name one from US - even RCA outsourced to Chinese labor - the last US company to make displays in the US was Zenith and they were saved only because of a fed bail-out because the Pentagon declared CRT's as a strategic item that had to have a US source - and even they got bought out by a French company in the end Ceramics? - heh made in USA - your toilet is USA......... Furniture? - some USA components - usually assembled in Mexico or North Carolina Detergents? mostly fabbed in USA because no human labor is involved DVD's? - Sony now owns Hollywood - so even if they are fabbed here your money is going to Japan Vehicles? Forget it - plenty of discussion about that in the auto bail-out thread The only three things I use everyday that I am pretty sure are of complete US origin are water, electricity and natural gas...
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