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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. Oldiesman that is pathetic - really really pathetic. You are as much as stating that it was OK for the Vic to BREAK THE LAW! Whether he gave oral credit to someone or not is immaterial. In written work you are allowed, by law, to cite up to 200 words without the author's permission but you MUST indent (or otherwise set off) the text AND YOU MUST cite your reference in BOTH a footnote as well as a bibliography. Any quotes longer than 200 words must have the author's (or current rights owner) permission and should be acompanied by the words "reprinted with author's permission" and STILL must be footnoted and put in the bibliography. I don't recall any bibliographies in Vic's pseudo work and as Raf noted I don't recall ANY credit given for paragraphs of lifted (read plagiarized) material. But I suppose in your mind the breaking of the law is rationalized by the "greater good"
  2. I'm not antagonistic to you Mike - I'm just glad the predator is gone
  3. Flawless Raf. Mike - I, for one, am glad drunk sexual predator Vic is long gone.
  4. I think well stated Abigail and valid questions as well. Thanks for the input.
  5. Or perhaps more like Monty Python and the search for the holy grail - or better yet Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where he is searching for the grail only to find out the woman who "befriended" him is a Nazi agent...
  6. I hear it in my head when the voices talk through the fillings in my teeth - smirk
  7. And the Lord spake unto his faithful servant GrouchoMarxJR saying, “I did make it snow but not to teach the Dark One the Word as it as not been known since the first century.” “I caused the snow upon the land so that you, faithful Groucho, could leave my message written in the snow with the holy yellow ink of God.” “Now, therefore, go forth and spread my message in all of the snow that you see, and the snow shall be yours and that of the faithful. For the yellow ink of God is not to be dealt with lightly but only with the greatest of reverence.” "See how I have cursed the children of Eve by not allowing them to write my word in the snow?" "Now my faithful servant the one thing you must do in my service is easily entreated." "Don’t eat the yellow snow."
  8. Right up there with drunk Vic's "snow on the gas pumps" story. Once you buy in - well you joint a cult
  9. RumRunner

    Another Poll

    Odd Dooj - Oh Captain! My Captain! was a poem by Walt Whitman - about the death of Abraham Lincoln. Are we to presume that we are now freed slaves from the cult of TWI? - biga$$ grin.....no more picking onions in TX, putting up tents in the rain, hitchhiking in the winter?
  10. RumRunner

    Another Poll

    Sorry I posted this on the wrong thread- this is where it was meant to be posted... Anyone ever consider that if GSC shuts down - it really means Mission Accomplished - not my words BTW - from someone else but I thought they were cogent all things considered. GSC has been and is a good thing as was Waydale and Trancechat. GSC wanted to show "the other side of the story" and it has been done well!! My congrats to Paw either way - but consider TWI is now a nothing on the pages of history - and a lot of it has been due to the efforts of Paw and others like him. Thanks Paw - Mission Accomplished - Bravo Zulu
  11. Anyone ever consider that if GSC shuts down - it really means Mission Accomplished - not my words BTW - from someone else but I thought they were cogent all things considered. GSC has been and is a good thing as was Waydale and Trancechat. GSC wanted to show "the other side of the story" and it has been done well!! My congrats to Paw either way - but consider TWI is now a nothing on the pages of history - and a lot of it has been due to the efforts of Paw and others like him. Thanks Paw - Mission Accomplished - Bravo Zulu
  12. RumRunner

    Another Poll

    Abigail you should learn some manners of your own before constantly posting about others manners and how you would prescribe their manners like a physician or should I say Dorothy. RumRunner ordains Groucho and then pronounces him born of the wrong seed and encourages GSC to M&A him from GSC. Jeeezuz freaking Cheerist And since you so often play the part of Joe McCarthy (watching over boy scout ethics) I remind you of the reporter Edward R Murrow's famous comments "Good Night and Good Luck"
  13. Oh and may you end up sleeping in your boxes in someplace interesting like Myanmar
  14. Dude I was a poster child for Linux and was on the kernel development team when it was version 0.84 - If you need Linux help feel free to holler at me
  15. And hence the rise of the Penguin!!! (Linux)
  16. RumRunner

    Another Poll

    Good point Groucho - Paw can we multi-host?
  17. RumRunner

    Another Poll

    While I have much enjoyed the company of GSC (in general) - if it is that much burden - then yes shut it down. I'm pretty much with Krys on this. I ended up the same with a MUSH many years ago.
  18. Don't forget that NORAD tracks Santa - kids (young'uns) love it. http://www.noradsanta.org
  19. Sorry if I derailed the thread - I just happened to recognize it having spent a lot of time in South Am.
  20. You are twisted and have too much time on your hands!!! But that was a great slide show. The statue over the harbor I think comes from Rio in Brazil. Well done and thank you!
  21. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,468665,00.html
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