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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. RumRunner

    8th Corps

    Well Sky - most all of 6th and 8th stayed reprobate - who do you think the first to walk out of the clergy meeting were?!?!?
  2. Aye and there ya go socks - VPW was a product of his times and influence - a Nazi drunken SCUM who raped women, sexually abused them, ripped money out of people's wallets in the name of god's guilt - or perhaps more like mafia protection - and went on to be the "MOG" unquestioned, unstoppable (oh until he got possessed with cancer) - just a scum with the same amount of god's "revelation" as a bag of hammers. And those who still worship him?!?!?!? Go rest with him.
  3. Belgian beers/ales tend to come in two flavors - very sweet and very dry. If you don't like a sweet ale try a Belgian called Cinq Cents - brewed by Chimay and yes it has monks on it. Very dry - very potent - I used to called it getting Chimay Faced.....
  4. Ahhh but George - you became an accomplished cynic - not a small feat!!!
  5. Just go look up Tempest or EMPRESS - 'nuff said
  6. Dammit waysider - just dammit - you did better than me
  7. OK - any of you 8th remember the freakin' kerosene showers we took after the lice outbreak? Pouring kerosene on our hair and leaving our mattresses and bed stuff out in the cold over night because TWI refused to go with the standard treatment? Come one folks - bring those memories back for us - smirk -
  8. "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, cigar in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming. WOO HOO!!, what a f(ckin’ ride!!!" My personal philosophy based on many years of hanging with crazies like Groucho...
  9. Hey GSG - is it true you have a thriving business making acid, meth and DMT?
  10. RumRunner

    8th Corps

    Now that would be a helluva party alfa...some trusted ex 6th and 8th together with a lot of beer and some BBQ going...and line up for the contest. 6th (out of false deference) gets to go first since you guys are two years closer to dying than us 8th. <name> well I did this...8th steps forward in response <name> yeah wuss? Well I did this and that. etc etc. It would sound like that old 1970's National Lampoon album "That's Not Funny, That's Sick" where the guy goes into the confessional and tell the priest, "Forgive me Father for I have sinned." Priests asks about his sin. The guy says,"Well I f(cked this woman - oops I'm sorry I had sex..." Priest says it's OK I've heard it all - so they start gong back and forth with nasty words/phrases - finally ends when the guy says "rhino cl(t" - Priest pauses, then says, "That's disgusting! You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Fade to next gig.
  11. Brewing beer without hops would be like eating a hot dog with sauerkraut. Hops come with different aromas and levels of bitterness. They are a whole science unto themselves. I don't know how Corona is made nor do I drink it so I won't make any comment either for or against it. I prefer dark and very very bitter ales myself. The stories behind using corn sugar instead of malt go back to WWII when malt was used to make cereal products for US troops. Brewing companies could not afford malt (besides it was rationed) hence some turned to corn sugars/syrups. This was the genesis of the yellow pi$$y stuff you now buy from the big breweries. You can buy hops at any store that sells home brewing supplies. Indeed you can grow them but be advised the hop plant is 1st cousin to cannabis and looks similar - you don't want the local authorities busting your house down just to find out you are growing beer supplies. Now when it comes to home brewing the real purists do everything from scratch - they malt their own grains etc. The beers of course are excellent but I have a secret for ya. There are plenty of kits available. They usually ship a can of malt extract (syrupy), hops, yeast, finishing sugar, anything special for that recipe, etc and they turn out perfectly fine beers and ales. If you are serious, the absolutely best book on home brewing is, "The New Complete Joy of Home Brewing " by Charlie Papazian. I just checked availability on Amazon and you can get it used in very good condition for as low as $1.73 (USD) and new starting at $36.00 (USD). You can do a simple web search on "home brewing supplies"+<your city> and you'll find some shops. You can also search on mail order and find plenty of mail order places.
  12. Well those fruit flavors come from a couple of sources depending on how authentic the brew is. A lot of breweries use fruit essence (perfectly safe and organic) to add the flavor since it means less filtering when bottling up for secondary fermentation. It also allows them to use flavors that are non-traditional. The origin, or at least where it became common, of the fruit beers/ales was Bavaria. In Germany there is a definite concept of seasonal beverages. Summer is for pilseners or lagers, late fall through early spring is for heavier ales. It was/is common to make a winter ale that actually had cherries or apples in it during primary fermentation. This is then filtered carefully before bottling but the essence of the fruit (chemicals called esters) are in the beer and leave that slightly fruity smell. In beer made this way the smell of the fruit is stronger than the taste...really nice.
  13. I confess!!! I am a beer snob after brewing my own beer for 25 years. The only commercial beer I drink is from a microbrew named Stone Brewing Company
  14. Aye laddies - but I prefer my favorite ale - named Arrogant B@st@rd Ale by Stone Brewing company - let the pillaging begin Odd thought here but it seems that if you promote a god who has hell as a final solution - then this guy and his son make your cheap-a$$ed god look like a piker when it comes to love and dedication to his child(ren). I don't know if they are christian, pagan, and I don't care. This is love at its finest.
  15. LOLOL - OK Geisha - This is the second time you've mentioned your writing skills and I have to point something out to you. Nothing doctrinal at all about this reply. Please take this with both a sense of humor and also a sense of other people. While I am not personally offended in the least, don't you think the words "Besides. . . some of you Pagan's and atheists have a keen wit. " could just as easily sound as bad as if you said something like, "Besides. . .some of you black people sure do have a real sense of rhythm."?!?!?! Back to the regular scheduled posts...
  16. Hi Geisha, First let me thank you for the time you took to post your thoughtful reply. I do not view you as taking the thread off topic at all. I posted my opinion and you replied in context. Further - I didn't know you needed another poster's permission to post to another poster. But indeed I hope you do not think my post was directed at you or any other person directly on this thread. I have little, if any, use for personal insult or condemnation although it often seems to run rampant here by using direct names and insulting accusatory lines of questioning. I simply stated my opinion of that kind of god - where the hell described not only in some posts here but in many slices of christianity - gives all appearances of an oven for humans in a Nazi concentration camp. I do not view ANY posts in this thread as out of line. You have your beliefs, Oakspeare has his, I have mine, RG has hers etc etc ad infinitum. In fact I will repeat - thank you for taking the time to explain your beliefs and position in more detail. BTW as an (hopefully humorous) aside you are not blonde - you are a light-haired detour off the information superhighway. To clarify my position a bit more - I do not dislike the god of the bible - nor do I fear him/her/it. I have no problem with christianity nor christians and consider myself sort of one in a rather obtuse way. I also have no problem with Judaism, Taoism, and a host of others...people are people...their beliefs are their's as long as I am not at the other end of their weapons or door knocking. I am glad that you are happy in your relationship with your god. Good for you. That probably puts you in a minority of people in the world. Again thanks for posting - and again please do not read my previous post as any sort of slam on you or anyone else on this thread. Best, RR
  17. This has been an interesting thread so far. I'm certainly glad I do not worship the god that has been portrayed here using hell as "the final solution" - I could not stomach the revulsion I would feel about worshiping such a vicious, jealous and cruel god - nor the revulsion I would feel with having an earthly relationship with such people as believe that this is the god who rules the universe.
  18. For those who believe in jesus commanding people to hell for various forms of idolatry.... excerpts from a letter from Thomas Jefferson to The Reverend Benjamin Waterhouse (June 26, 1822) in an assault on organized religion... "That good works, or the love of our neighbor, are nothing." (Read M&A) "That faith is everything, and the more incomprehensible the proposition, the more merit in its faith." (Read PFAL) "That God, from the beginning, elected certain individuals to be saved, and others to be damned; and that no crimes of the former can damn them; no virtues of the latter save." (Read Victor Paul Drunk Wierwille's sexual assault on women, perversions of the bible, and drunken debauchery)
  19. Ya know Oakspeare I gotta give you a lot of credit. There are a lot of folks here who are very kind Christians and god bless'em. There are a few who are still programmed into waythink There are a few who will slam TWI and LCM but they remind me of him. Vicious, spitting, witch hunters(tresses), self-righteous, they know god's ways and jesus' ways and you are scum Oakie - you've turned your back on the one true light and nothing but ill awaits you. I admire you for being able to take that kind of snake venom-like verbiage and respond so civilly - if civility is a part of the bible (hmmm lemme scratch my butt for a sec - Love god with all thy heart soul mind and strength and thy neighbor as thyself - OH YEAH - a teaching of jesus!!!) then these venom spitting judges belong in a jihad courtroom instead of faking god's presence. Oh and since I never named a single poster's name, this post cannot be construed as a personal attack thank you very much. Well done sir! So I will tip another ale and play this song for you...BTW if you are ever out this way gimme a holler and I will turn you on to my favorite ale which is named "Arrogant B@st@rd Ale" from Stone Brewing company and whose logo is a gargoyle. We'll down a few of those and some good eats. The song was released in 1974 by Robert Hunter (former song writer for the Dead) - titled "The Boys in the Barroom" Does God look down on the boys in the barroom Mainly forsaken but surely not judged? Jacks, kings, and aces, their faces in wine Do Lord deliver our kind From singing for whiskey, three strings on a fiddle Four on the guitar and a song that I love Many's the night we spent picking and singing In hopes it be pleasing both here and above Jack string fiddle to my sawtooth bow Who loves loneliness, loves it alone I love the dim lights like some love the dew Only thing I wonder sometimes Does God look down on the boys in the barroom Mainly forsaken but surely not judged? Jacks, kings, and aces, their faces in wine Do Lord deliver our kind
  20. Well Mike while I appreciate your version of respect to Todd...let's think you the illogic of your words. This response will have precisely nothing to do with our doctrinal differences. I believe those were addressed satisfactorily by DWBH. Now if someone is "too poetic" and "too intellectual" for you I suppose that is a backhanded compliment of sorts. Fair enough. However instead of asking him to downgrade - why don't you try upgrading yourself?!?!?!
  21. Mike Mike - you clearly need to spend a good weekend at OTL - that'll cure ya of your religious worship of Der Victoid's sexual aberrations
  22. Dude - you know as well as I that you are in a gray area now - Vic posited himself as the authority (in most regards) - please don't nitpick here - you know what I mean. While it is easy to pretend we should all eat off of the same plate etc etc - we all also know that is not how it works in life. Wierwille had immense authority - immense - and so for those who felt somehow obliged to "behave" whether under duress or because of firm religious belief - well you know that is a different sociological/psychological response. Really WD - I endeavored to have a decent discussion with you about this - but if you revert to nitpicking I'll just drop this thread and let you go about your business - not interested in the oh too often p(ss(ng contests that you and others seem to get into.
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