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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. Was reminiscing with my friend Groucho about a young man we grew up with MD - wheeled his chair every day - struggled with words and movement - but had more heart and soul than Drunk Vic or Lazy Martindork ever thought of - and probably more truth of heart than Vic and his brainwash materials called the PFAL class
  2. Geotropism Actually depending on circumstances you don't - especially in high velocity crashes such as plane or boat.
  3. Sign over Mervyn's store - Now hiring - Uhh Now hiring Mervyns's?????? Sounds like discrimination to me
  4. Dennis Hopper - twisted actor Meryl Streep - excellent actress Steve Buscemi - twisted actor Tom Robbins - twisted author (Must read "Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates") Grace Slick - famous musician Robert Hunter - lyricist for the Dead Hunter S. Thompson - famous twisted author
  5. Mike but it was so much fun - and you don't seem like you have the actual intellect to get the joke - go smoke a joint and listen to Robert Hunter
  6. That's close potato - although Godel was using only the set of natural numbers (itself infinite) - hence all axioms are unprovable - for more detail (Mark you too) just look up Godel on wiki - All I would do is either a) sum it up worse since I am a mathematician and my language skills are limited to formulae - or b) waste your time with esoteric math which would both bore you to death and make me sound more of a geek than I really am. Potato hon - the best GD song that describes TWI is "Ship of Fools" from "The Mars Hotel"
  7. And now I'll put on some Grateful Dead for all of you who appreciate truly fine music
  8. Relax Opera - that was just me outside pretending to sing "Flight of the Valkyries"
  9. Actually yes Potato - and rather intimately as I am a mathematician. Kurt Godel was a vastly underrated mathematician. You might enjoy the book "Godel, Escher and Bach." BTW he actually published two of the incompleteness theorems. You might also like his corollaries on his "relation to the liar paradox"
  10. Hold on a sec - I left before all of this happened with Martindork changing all of this stuff...do you mean to tell me that God who created the universe actually gave a dam about Eve getting it on with a pseudo female? Besides I thought that spirit was sexless...never mind lemme go pour some more Drambuie.
  11. P-Mosh - you possibly referring to the Zombie of Crawford?!?!?!
  12. http://www.stonebrew.com/arrogantbastard/index.php The best bitter ale you will ever have
  13. OK - open target here - I am a poster child for linux - worked on the 0.84 kernel back in 1994 and am still a member of the kernel development team - so feel free to ask questions about linux if you wish - although I rarely read this forum
  14. I'll just stick to the grateful dead thanks
  15. Lad - let's not forget drug induced RAPE. The only people who still believe in the drunken Vic are clearly as mentally unbalanced as he was.
  16. Actually I mentioned both bibliography and footnotes quite some posts ago - Mike publicly posted that they were a waste of his time as he didn't want to take the time to read footnotes which [reworded by me] might have interfered with reading Vic's most holy drunken babbling
  17. You might see if Raf would be interested in writing - or perhaps ghost writing - an article as he is a nationally well respected journalist
  18. Now there ya go being logical again P-Mosh...don't you realize that logic has nothing to do with the "true believers?" BTW my definition of a true believer is "the most dangerous form of human life on this planet" Good posts BTW
  19. Yeah but WS we gotta keep this thread going. I haven't had this much entertainment in a long time. Reading Mike's posts is like watching the Three Stooges build a nuclear submarine.
  20. LOL - mine are in deep storage too - somewhere in a landfill...where they belong
  21. Well Mike you just failed the appropriately test miserably as did the drunken rapist cheap a$$ed lying B/S MOG
  22. OK OK - I'll split hell with ya eyes - you still get the back forty - you can work the dog shift on "bless patrol..."
  23. You'll be plowing the back forty babe and I will rule the known universe - or hell as it were -
  24. Babe - the last time I lost was when I got married... but hey that was round one and in the end the winners were my kids so the others here can take their hell fire and brimstone to bed with them and keep warm at night But for you eyes - I'll get those gator bites and no one make better hush puppies than me
  25. I'll be offering up the hand basket for ya eyes - with a bunch of shrimp, crawfish and boiled crab - oh never mind the boiled crabs are already posting here - See ya in Hell - first one to take the rule from the Devil wins eyes
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