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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. Nothing wrong with Lambic - now can we get past this and talk about GOOD Belgian ale? Lots are thick and sweet. Someone PLEASE tell me you have tried Chimay Cinq Cents
  2. Wierwille having tantrum about drinking?!?!?! Hello kettle, this is pot. You look black to me. And the drunken sexual predator VPW was not performing?!?!?!
  3. RumRunner

    Sheriff Joe

    P-Mosh - please do NOT get me going on this topic. I live in San Diego. I know the folks who do the grounds at my town home complex every day. They are "documented" (screw that) but they get up at 3:30 AM to make a two hour border crossing at Tijuana and are promptly at work at 7:00 AM. They work hard as heck and ask for nothing. Tell ya a short story if you are in the mood to read it. Asked the groundskeepers what it would cost to remove a couple of rose bushes. Guy said $10.00. I told him I would give him $40.00. When he was done the roses were removed BUT BUT BUT the patio was also blown clean, and EVERY SINGLE WEED was removed by hand. I came out with another $10.00 which he waved off - I pushed it anyway and he took it. Do you realize that eight out of every ten dollars is sent back to Mexico to feed family? While I am not ignorant that some of the border crossings are by less than desirables - the often stated views against ALL Mexican immigrants is kinda like saying all Jews should have stayed in the death camps. And as Ed Morrow (well before your time and even mine) said - Good Night and Good Luck
  4. Besides the document itself, one of the telling lines is in the opening, (loosely quoted) "a group of politicians gathers in this building to plot what turns out to be a revolution" While the wierwille apologists and TWI apologists strive to maintain their loyalty to "the king" others have revolted (yes double entendre meant). Keep speaking up on GSC about "the other side of the story." Let the Tories remain loyal to "the king." You will not persuade them to leave their allegiance nor is it worth the effort of trying (although it certainly is entertaining at times). Let them rot in their copies of the "blue book" while you plow new and fertile ground and build a life without the religious oppression stuffed down so many people's throats. Oh - hmmmm - I cannot prove any of the above in a court of law....
  5. Dude - it's winter beer - enjoy
  6. WD - can you say the words "sense" "of" "humor"? I didn't start this thread as some kind of serious commentary - I started it because I was talking with an old friend on the phone about TWI and the corps - I don't even remember who brought it up - that person or me - but we had a good laugh and I decided to start a light hearted thread while still maintaining my anti-TWI views. Learn to laugh at humor WD. Not everything is a supreme court case. Now - click your heels together three times and say "I want to go home."
  7. Anybody remember the flying monkey scene from Oz when they picked up Toto, unstuffed the scarecrow and picked up Dorothy...... Lemme think - sounds like way corps recruitment and the wooden spoon to me.
  8. Was thinking about plays on words - of course - since I am illiterate, plays on words are often useless. However I was considering the number of sphincter muscles in the human body - of which there are several - and half of them are about disposing of waste. So I considered renaming splinter groups into sphincter groups - as a waste disposal mechanism for lying, pedophiliac, sexual predators.
  9. Jeez - I'm kinda feeling bad for the TV
  10. Ahh now there ya go man - Ren and Stimpy - although I believe the original broadcast was "Don't Wizz on the Electric Fence"
  11. My only rule of faith and practice... "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, cigar in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming. WOO HOO!!, what a f$ck$n' ride!!!"
  12. LOL- I love - freaking love - good German food
  13. Good beer can be had in almost any country. A short history lesson for you though on US beer. Pre WWII some of the best beer was brewed in the US - mostly due to the influx of German immigrants post WWI. During WWII coffee and malt were in short supply in the US. Malt was used to make beverages and cereals (anyone remember Postum or Malto-meal?) so the brewers substituted corn sugar instead of malt - and thus was born cheap, lousy, yellow, pi ss y, American beer. They marketed it well and heck - not like there was a choice. Plenty of good micro brews now in the US that make fine beers and ales.
  14. RumRunner


    That was funny WD - thanks for posting it.
  15. One does not preclude the other. Well the key there Oak is that court IS public opinion with the exception of the Supreme Court. Jurors are selected from the public - interviewed, selected and sworn in. However those jurors are the public. While they are expected to be impartial - they are still humans - the public - and hence a so called real trial is nothing more than downsizing and pre-selecting the amount of public who will determine guilt and in some cases recommend sentencing.
  16. Not worth the fight Rascal. WD clearly has never read - or perhaps understood - the congressional ruling of 1975 titled Federal Rules of Evidence. This ruling clearly states the the most common form of evidence is provided by witnesses. It has certain regulation regarding competency to testify etc but it CLEARLY recognizes witnesses as the most common form of evidentiary discovery. While WD is a good writer - he would fail my most basic logic classes. Let him ride his magic carpet - he's having fun - but his posts are, generally, not worth responding to.
  17. Paw - I NEVER intimated that I was disabled by you or a mod. I was disabled for reasons unknown. My LAN was fine, my ISP was fine, my WAN was fine. I could connect to everything just fine. However I got "booted" disconnected from GSC and although I could log back in I could see the forums titles but not get to threads nor post nor view new posts. If you review your logs (not that I want you to waste time on it) you will notice that I generally stay logged in since I have cable INET - you will notice also that yesterday I logged back in several times. Now I happen to know a little about the net - having been on since it was DARPA - I pulled out all of my net tools - no connectivity issues - no issues with other sites. I received a perfectly nice PM from you and a mod - nothing wrong and nothing critical to say. However - for whatever reasons - I was disabled. I am not assigning blame nor picking targets. Can we agree on that? Thanks, RR
  18. Paw - first of all I can corroborate his initial post via personal intervention. Secondly - you might want to edit all posts in doctrinal since they cannot be documented or corroborated generally speaking either. M&A me. I think that level of censorship exceeds ethical boundaries.
  19. Well then you can answer the following two questions. a) What is a Polish dope ring? b) Why was Jesus not Polish?
  20. Congrats man - The best thing that ever happened to me was watching my kids grow up. Enjoy the ride Raf - I suspect you're going to like it.
  21. OK Abi - I gotta post this - hopefully taken only as sick humor. Of COURSE I believe God is female...She opened her mouth and said let there be light and it all went downhill from there.
  22. All of the above grow well in CA - I had an herb garden in San Diego growing all in your list. Careful of the rosemary - it grows like a weed and you need to keep it trimmed or it gets a woody texture. Try sage as well. You can also plant a bay tree in CA - grows well. Keep them in full light - moderately watered - DO NOT PLANT MINT in CA - it will supplant all of your other herbs
  23. Here ya go WS - a nice hit of Osley pink - it'll make all of the other one's posts make sense (well in dreamland anyway) - sorta
  24. Precisely spoken. Anyone ever read their quarterly/annual 10Q/10K reports???? Ever notice that when you subtract liabilities from assets the balance always is zero?
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