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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. RumRunner


    I never posted on that thread P-Mosh - nor on other threads about "the issue"
  2. RumRunner


    I've seen plenty of what P-Mosh is talking about - living in San Diego - also a border city with Tijuana - although I think that the implementation of the Maquiladoras helped out a lot in cross border transactions. P-Mosh I'd be glad to have a phone conversation with you - but I won't post in detail here or the various factions of the amnesty thread will descend on me from both sides.
  3. I rarely like any conservative commentators - then again I don't like the liberal commentators either. That youtube had nothing to do with political ideology - it is a most excellent human interest story. I am not going to post a synopsis - that rubs ME the wrong way almost like asking me to write a book report because you can't stomach the author even though some of their writing may be excellent. And asking me to write a synopsis strikes me as outright lazy. If you can't watch him that is most certainly your choice - but it is worth the watch and it is probably your loss if you don't. No doubt this will get moderated for being some kind of personal attack - however since I didn't call you anything - and said only "rubs ME the wrong way" and "strikes me <===strikes me not an accusation as lazy" I don't few it as a personal attack.
  4. While to make any attempt at a direct comparison would be foolish simply by shear difference of magnitude - this video was somewhat inspirational - at least to me. One woman who stands up to an entire regime, in secret, and is successful. vs So many who caved into vic's debauchery, screaming, intimidation, drunken lies, and very slick con talk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVw1PANUcdg
  5. I give the Loyster the same leeway I give Vic the predator - that would be precisely 0.0 Don't like it? Take away my birthday.
  6. OK I almost cannot believe I am going to agree (to some extent) with WD. If you have the sale of an item then indeed it can be resold with no more royalties to the original author - and the author has relinquished rights to claiming additional royalties. If you copy it and resell it then indeed you have broken the law. If this was not true then you could not buy a used book on Amazon or at the dozens of used bookstores in Kensington Square Boston. WRT to the cultic indoctrination class called PFAL - it was never sold (at least on a regular basis) - it was shipped (as noted by WD) with a serial number and was expected to be returned. Hence if you have a copy, and the PFAL was copyrighted - well you might be on thin ice. Your "collaterals" are a different story. You paid for them - they are your property - you are free to sell them on Ebay or at the local landfill.
  7. Nothing wrong with Facebook or MySpace or for that matter LinkedIn - I use all three. Four rules a) Keep your security settings high b) Do NOT load up applications - Facebook just had a couple of nasty trojans downloading via applications c) Bear in mind that nowadays many HR departments are looking you up on Facebook and MySpace so you don't want those pictures of you posted that show you asleep with your face in the porcelain altar after puking your guts out at that wild party last month. d) READ the EULA (End User License Agreement) Facebook recently came under fire when they changed their EULA to say that they are the EXCLUSIVE owners of your posts in perpetuity even after your account is deleted. They pulled it after some public uproar but they still intend to follow that "business" line of reasoning. So if you join a group called "I like gay whales" there is precisely nothing to keep them from publishing a set of postcards with the pictures of everyone who has joined that group.
  8. That is almost identical to what I have used - however I am lazy and discovered that if you use a blender on LOW <==== LOW then it works every bit as well as hand whisking - I actually just pulse the blender for more control. Using the blender also frees a hand so you have more control when slowly adding the oil. And here here for extra virgin olive oil! BTW you can use the same blender technique for a perfectly adequate Hollandaise sauce - although since the yolks cook slightly with the hot butter you end up with a heck of a clean up job.
  9. Satisfied that I was alone, I quickly------ reached into my pocket for a piece of the dried cheese my family had sent me in a care package. Oh what a care package!! It had dried Russian sausages, different hard cheeses and even some hard rye. I put the cheese in my mouth and savored the flavor, wanting it to last a long time but knowing I had scant minutes to make it to the morning indoctrination. As I chewed I heard hard foot steps from behind and a booming voice that everyone on campus would have recognized demanded, "What are you eating?! Answer me now!" I turned slowly and my expectations of trouble were met immediately...
  10. Well stated and thank you Now I See
  11. Thanks Twinky - I appreciate you using the words "living treasure" - that she is. Funny thought don't you think? She had every excuse to be abusive (under American law) and NEVER was - hmmm if she wasn't abusive what was drunk Vic's excuse?!?!?!
  12. A victim?!?!?! Even if so that was no excuse. I know someone rather well. Never been in TWI but sure was a victim who overcame. I happen to know this person very very well and I also knew the perp very well. This woman was raised by a mother who was a criminal. This woman watched her mother kill a fifth child (newborn infant) in a washtub of boiling water because she didn't want another child. This woman was forcibly raped at the age of twelve because her insane mother wanted to teach her about sex. These were not isolated incidents - they were almost daily occurrences. This woman raised her 3 other siblings herself because the mother never cooked, was out prostituting her self, and had the parental instincts of a crocodile (they often eat their own young). Once through high school this woman got out, got a job, then got a BS in library science. She then went to work part time in a drug store where she met the man who she would later marry. This man had no easy life either. He was one of those GI's left in the Philippines when MacArthur bailed. During a casual conversation she mentioned she wanted to get an MS but it was expensive. He told her he would pay for it if she used her MS to help people.... And she spent all of her life helping people. She put money aside for her 6 grandchildren for college. She spent every Saturday volunteering at a local Catholic charity - a school that was for permanently institutionalized children with sever mental "retardation" (That was the word used back then.) She took a position at a university rising to the position of "chief of technical staff" of a large library system - and constantly brought home student workers for a home cooked meal. She and her husband spent Sundays clipping out pretty pictures - he worked at a hospital for permanently institutionalized people with Down's syndrome - he would go in and try to teach them to read. The "treatment" at the time was to keep them drugged and drooling. This woman and her husband thought they had a better idea - called helping people. She adopted two students whose parents from another country disowned them. The list could go on for a book's length. I have never heard this woman complain about her childhood or use it as an excuse for poor behavior. This woman just turned 80 - is not Christian - has no real religious affiliations - but still volunteers at a local synagogue to help maintain their meager library. She still reads to children. She still helps out neighbors. She is 80 years old. I happen to know the above is true because the woman is my mother and I knew her mother and also watched, as a young child, her mother do horrible things to her youngest daughters grandchildren. I was afraid every time we went to visit the youngest sister - but my mom always brought over new clothes and some home cooked food. She has never committed a crime, never abused anyone, has always been strong but gentle. Even if Vic was a "victim" of some sort it does not excuse his behavior especially since he always touted the ethics and behavior of Christians as somehow better than "all of the rest." Enough ranting...for now...I hope he is spinning in his grave.
  13. Tried all the flavors - didn't matter. I drink the Atkins shakes which are nowhere near as comprehensive as the Myoplex but I can suck them down quickly without feeling like I am sucking on a rats nose until its head caves in. Thanks for the hint though.
  14. I do not know how anyone can deal with the texture of those Myoplex shakes. Granted they contain as much protein as a 6 oz steak but that stuff is just like sucking mucus through a straw - I don't care how cold you make them...
  15. GC - from my sister who has a husband with severe type 2 diabetes... I honestly don't use any cookbooks with regard to diabetes. I usually just convert recipes using mostly Splenda as a sugar substitute. You can go on Splenda's web site and get recipes also. If they want to use it in baking, you need about 1/3 sugar though or your stuff won't rise. Also, you can use apple juice concentrate but there are still plenty of natural sugars in there. One of the biggest things to do though, is replace all carbs with whole grain carbs. We use whole wheat pasta or Ronzoni makes one called Smart Pasta I think. It comes in a purple box but is white pasta. It doesn't raise the glucose levels much. Whole wheat pizza is OK, best we've found is California Pizza Kitchen crust. They even have whole grain white breads too if they aren't into whole wheat. Other "trades" are well known - for instance pickles and hot peppers are no trade - you can eat all you want. I've always eaten well at my sister's place - the food is good, wholesome, tastes great etc etc. No stigmas or weird stuff - just good food that is OK for someone who has to shoot up 5 times a day.
  16. Mayonnaise is fairly easy to make although it only keeps a few days in the fridge. Plenty of recipes on line - just google mayonnaise recipes. I don't make it often because we are just not big mayonnaise eaters here - however home made mayonnaise will guarantee you never buy it in a store again. Yogurt is also easy to make and a yogurt maker is not an expensive proposition. I always make it "plain" and let my children add what they want (usually fruit or honey) when it is served. Making it plain makes for easy additions to recipes - and BTW it won't taste anything like store bought yogurt.
  17. Heh - my stuff went into a landfill 23 years ago... What am I doing with "what we were taught?" Ignoring most of it. It is far far easier to simply be an honest and decent person than to toddle down the road of TWI and it's various uppity little offshoots.
  18. I was never in a splinter group - left and never looked back - BUT... I hope TWI considers me guilty on all counts since I find their disgraceful use of humanity an abomination in itself. With that organization, the more guilty they find me, the more I feel like I made some decent and humane decisions. You can prowl around CBS.com and find old Twilight Zone episodes - find the one titled "Obsolete." You may find it hauntingly familiar in a reverse and perverse sort of sense. edited for the TZ reference
  19. Ah yes that lovely stock market. A wish in one hand, cr@p in the other - one hand will be full at least.
  20. I pulled my 401k and put it into a fixed annuity - a lot more conservative but right now also a lot safer.
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